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View Full Version : HEEERRRE We Go AGAIN With The CHILD HOMO PORN...

01-14-2019, 11:02 PM
I remember LONG AGO saying that accepting homosexuality was a bad idea, that it was a slippery slope to worse things, and I was insulted as a HOMOPHOBE and called every other dumbass buzz word name LIBERALS could think up to insult me with, and that I was crazy for thinking that homosexuality would lead to ANYTHING else... well... I knew I was right then, and now here's the proof I was right... homosexuality IS a mental illness, it IS PERVERTED, and it IS leading to WORSE THINGS... and you can thank DEMOCRATS... get that... DEMOCRATS... like PETE... for the HOMO MAFIA and all the MILITANT BADGERING and outright BULLYING and FORCING people to accept such DISGUSTING trash, and yes, HOMOS are JUST as DISGUSTING as this shit is... it's AAAALLL pervert trash... AAAAAALLL of it, and they won't be happy until a grown man can be SUCKED OFF by a LITTLE BOY in PUBLIC... mark my words, it's coming, unless people get damn sick and tired of this evil, perverted garbage and stand up to the LGBTQXISMHVYNDEC... WHATEVER the fuck, crowd... they all make me wanna vomit...



01-15-2019, 12:15 AM
I agree with your outrage. This kind of mindset is not born to a person. It is a choice made and
then acted upon. To have a parent expose a child to this goes way beyond a common, well known moral
level. This should be viewed as a crime.

To exploit children in this manner deserves a severe beating at the least, if not loss of custody
and spending a decade at least behind bars.

I rarely call out anyone, but Pete and Tailfins seem that this is fine behavior on the part of adults.
I totally disagree with that mindset.

01-15-2019, 12:26 AM
I agree with your outrage. This kind of mindset is not born to a person. It is a choice made and
then acted upon. To have a parent expose a child to this goes way beyond a common, well known moral
level. This should be viewed as a crime.

To exploit children in this manner deserves a severe beating at the least, if not loss of custody
and spending a decade at least behind bars.

I rarely call out anyone, but Pete and Tailfins seem that this is fine behavior on the part of adults.
I totally disagree with that mindset.
Can you imagine what would have happened had it been a little 10 year old GIRL standing next to a NAKED MAN? Well, I must just be MISSING something here, but WHERE'S THE DIFFERENCE?

Oh wait... I guess I AM missing the difference, this involves FAGGOT MEN, so NO ONE is supposed to SAY anything about THAT. We've all been CONDITIONED to ACCEPT whatever the HOMO MEN DO.

Good Lord... I need to take a shower and read some Bible.

01-18-2019, 08:53 PM
Here is the problem I see with the radical gay leadership

1. Oftentimes, they seem to push their lifestyle in our faces. And they expect us to be Ok with that

2. Oftentimes, they assault other people’s right to free speech, to religion, and of association. And they expect us to be OK with that

3. Oftentimes, they harbor people who are predators and expect us NOT to do anything about it. And they expect us to be OK with that

4. They seem to think that they are the center of the world, that only they have been oppressed, and that there is nothing more important than their issues. Most would call that narcissism but they will tell us that they are raising awareness

The rest of us have bigger problems to worry about, ie, raising a family, supporting a family, taking care of our elderly parents.... and just keeping one step ahead of the bill collector and the tax man. Frankly, we don’t care what you do in the privacy of your homes but don’t make the rest of us unwilling spectators to the sordid details.

Now if you please just take your evening gowns and wigs and leave the rest of us and our kids in peace

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