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View Full Version : Question for Drummond

Abbey Marie
01-15-2019, 02:38 PM
Hello Drummond
I know you’re not in London, but have you ever heard of any private tours of Westminster Abbey when it is otherwise closed to the public? Like at night after hours?
Hopefully I haven’t asked this before...

01-15-2019, 03:06 PM
Hello @Drummond (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=2287)
I know you’re not in London, but have you ever heard of any private tours of Westminster Abbey when it is otherwise closed to the public? Like at night after hours?
Hopefully I haven’t asked this before...

Hi Abbey.

I'm not in London, no, but I'm an ex-Londoner ... so I know the city reasonably well (to the extent that a city as large as London can be known ... there are parts of it I never visited).

So far as I know, the answer to your question is 'no'. There are various tours of Westminster Abbey, but these are official tours, during normal hours. If the Abbey is closed to the public, then it is. I've not heard of exceptions being made.

Sorry if this isn't the answer you wanted.

Tours are available through various agencies. One such example:


See also:


Abbey Marie
01-15-2019, 05:08 PM
Thanks. I’ve done a self-tour, but it got very crowded. I’d get so much more out of a quiet tour by a very knowledgeable person. Sigh.

01-15-2019, 06:32 PM
Thanks. I’ve done a self-tour, but it got very crowded. I’d get so much more out of a quiet tour by a very knowledgeable person. Sigh.

It may just be a matter of the proper selectivity in choosing what tour you go on. Some will be geared more for 'mass appeal' than others, I'm thinking ....