View Full Version : SPOT ON Tweet From James Woods...

01-17-2019, 11:36 AM
... and not only that, it's been going on for some time now, and it's blatantly obvious. What I'm sick of is the gutless, feckless republicans sitting around with their heads up their ass allowing it to happen.



01-17-2019, 01:12 PM
Don't forget about adding something about the mexicans, muslims, and the EU... who else are your boodymen again? FBI?

01-17-2019, 01:39 PM
Did someone say something? Hmmm... thought I heard something... guess not.

Abbey Marie
01-17-2019, 02:49 PM
This country is def going down roads that won’t end well.

01-17-2019, 06:15 PM
I've said almost since I started on message boards over 15 years ago, that America is headed for a second civil war. I was poo-pooed and ridiculed, but I believe I was right then, and I believe I'm right now, and now I'm not the only one saying it. There's high profile celebrities saying it now too.

I say that because it's my contention that the only way the radical, NWO leftists, take over America and turn it into a shit hole will be stopped is by force, an armed insurrection. Why else are they in such a big hurry to DISARM Americans? We'll be harmless pawns to be shit on and pushed around just like Europe and the rest of the nations of the earth if we are, and it's the CESS POOL CITIES that are forcing all their PERVERTED and ANTI AMERICAN garbage on the rest of the ENTIRE NATION. Well I don't think middle America is in any mood to accept this, so the direction this nation is headed is not going to END WELL. Electing RADICAL MUSLIMS, MUSLIM SQUAD CARS in NYC, COMMUNIST DUMBASS like AOC... we are DEFINITELY headed down the rabbit hole... FAST.

I can't wait for the CLASH that HAS to be coming between the MUSLIMS and the LEFT that they're electing. I don't know WHY it hasn't happened yet. When the muslims finally start proclaiming that HOMOS are to be THROWN OFF ROVES or just KILLED, I'm real curious to see what the left is going to do about their DARLING MUSLIMS then.