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01-18-2019, 11:52 AM
I have no doubt whatsoever they knew. I've been saying for a long, long time that I no longer trust these agencies. I've also been waiting for something to come out about the FISA warrants and all of the lying done. What I really want to see, is how they insulate Obama and other higher ups from this. Hillary starts and pays for it - and then passes it off to our "finest agencies" - so they can continue the charade and go after an innocent citizen with bogus information with bogus warrants gained by lies.


Bruce Ohr: FBI, DOJ Knew Dossier was Dirty from the Beginning

Virtually everyone at the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Justice Department involved in the FBI's counterintelligence probe of candidate Donald Trump knew from the beginning that the investigation, dubbed "Crossfire Hurricane," was based on shaky opposition research compiled by a Trump-hating former British spy and funded by Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

Bruce Ohr, the demoted associate attorney general, testified to Congress last August that he repeatedly warned top officials at the FBI and DOJ about Steele’s bias and Fusion GPS’s conflicts of interest, yet this information was kept hidden from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.

And to add insult to injury, instead of investigating the officials who actively participated in the dossier hoax, Special Counsel Robert Mueller hired several of them to be on his team to investigate President Trump.

Steele, a former MI6 operative, was hired by Fusion GPS to find dirt on Trump after he clinched the Republican nomination.

The FBI fired him in the Fall of 2016 for lying, but the FBI and Justice Department officials nevertheless wrote in the FISA application that he was a reliable source.

Ohr kept top officials at both the FBI and Department of Justice apprised of his conversations with Steele both before and after the former British spy was fired as an informant.

On July 5, the very day of then-FBI Director James Comey's press conference on Hillary Clinton’s emails, Steele flew to Rome to meet an old FBI contact, according to reports.

Later that month, he met with Ohr, the Wall Street Journal's Kimberley Strassel reported, based on leaked transcripts confirmed by congressional sources.

Mr. Ohr testified that he sat down with dossier author Christopher Steele on July 30, 2016, and received salacious information the opposition researcher had compiled on Mr. Trump. Mr. Ohr immediately took that to the FBI’s then-Deputy Director Andy McCabe and lawyer Lisa Page. In August he took it to Peter Strzok, the bureau’s lead investigator. In the same month, Mr. Ohr believes, he briefed senior personnel in the Justice Department’s criminal division: Deputy Assistant Attorney General Bruce Swartz, lawyer Zainab Ahmad and fraud unit head Andrew Weissman. The last two now work for special counsel Robert Mueller.

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/trending/bruce-ohr-fbi-doj-knew-dossier-was-dirty-from-the-beginning/

01-18-2019, 12:39 PM
Wasn't used in starting the investigation anyway.

01-18-2019, 12:43 PM
Wasn't used in starting the investigation anyway.

One liner is ignored, from me anyway.

01-18-2019, 12:55 PM
One liner is ignored, from me anyway.

My point is that it's not that important, yet you rail on about it.

01-18-2019, 01:00 PM
My point is that it's not that important, yet you rail on about it.

I kinda consider lying, especially in courts, to judges, in congress.... Yes, I rail on about folks that have lied. Sorry that it bothers you. But rather than a one liner, since you couldn't care for the subject apparently, you do have the option of reading and then moving on.

01-18-2019, 01:10 PM
Knowles: Bruce Ohr's Testimony Is A Game Changer In The Russia Collusion Investigation

Is the DOJ/FBI's case for the Steele dossier beginning to unravel? The Daily Wire's own Michael Knowles took a closer look at the new testimony that alleges the DOJ knew about the Steele dossier before they said they did, which would mean they lied to a federal judge in order to get a FISA warrant to investigate the Trump campaign. What does that mean? Knowles explains on Thursday's episode of "The Michael Knowles Show."

"This is just one of the many things that smell really fishy about this whole Russia investigation," Knowles said.

He broke down the congressional testimony of former Associate Attorney General Bruce Ohr, the fourth-ranking official in the DOJ under Barack Obama. Ohr’s wife previously worked for Fusion GPS, the opposition research firm hired by the Democrats to dig up dirt on Donald Trump, who also compiled the Steele dossier.

"Bruce Ohr goes up to Congress, he testifies that the previous testimony about when the FBI and DOJ knew about that Steele dossier was false," said Knowles. "Previously, we had heard that the DOJ and the FBI did not know about the Steele dossier until September. This matters because they then in October went to get a FISA warrant to surveil Carter Page working for the Trump campaign."

He continued: "Now what we find out from Bruce Ohr, who’s in a real position to know, is that he told the FBI and the DOJ about Christopher Steele, about how Steele was working for the Democrats, about how Christopher Steele 'was desperate that Trump not be elected.' He told them about this in July. So now they know about this in July, they know that this dossier is not only unverified but it’s politically biased, it’s bought and paid for by Democrats and that the guy who put it together has a serious grudge against Donald Trump, does not want him to be elected."

That's when the apparent obfuscation took place. "Nevertheless, the FBI and the DOJ persist for a few months, then they go to get the FISA warrant in October and they basically lie to the federal judge," he said. "They at least misled the federal judge in October of 2016 to get that FISA warrant, and this is a big deal."

Knowles explained that, according to testimony, the DOJ left out the information that the Steele dossier was politically biased and that the "guy who did it has a grudge against Donald Trump, he’s desperate for him not to be elected. Oh, and by the way, it was paid for by Hillary Clinton and the Democrats."

"If you leave that part out, you are misleading the federal judge," Knowles added.

"That’s what Bruce Ohr, fourth-ranking DOJ official, is alleging now, is testifying before the Congress," he said. "This is a game changer. It’s not a game changer in that we already knew that this Russia investigation stunk to high heaven. But now we’re getting it from the horse’s mouth, or at least the fourth-ranking horse’s mouth. Really, really big event, I think probably what it means is you’re gonna see Mueller turn up the heat even more. You’re going to see Democrats rally around Mueller even more. But this whole investigation seems illegitimate."

Rest - https://www.dailywire.com/news/42366/knowles-bruce-ohrs-testimony-game-changer-russia-jacob-airey

01-19-2019, 09:28 AM
Wasn't used in starting the investigation anyway.
Yes it was.