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View Full Version : The New Mccarthyism -- Liberal Witch Hunts By The Democrat Congress

08-29-2007, 07:55 AM
Now that Alberto Gonzales is gone, who's next?

Karl Rove resigned
Donald Rumsfeld is gone
John Ashcroft also

This Congress is guilty of much worse than Senator Joe McCarthy ever was. They have smeared, and continue to smear, people in the Administration. They continue to come up with charges out of thin air...

I will guarantee that you haven't hear the last of this.

08-29-2007, 07:57 AM
I will guarantee that you haven't hear the last of this.

I think you're right.

Now who else is going to go down?

08-29-2007, 08:16 AM
They have spent their entire term investigating people and have passed zero legistation. I guess thats why their approval rating is hovering around 15%.

08-29-2007, 08:24 AM
The last couple of congresses were completely ignoring the Duty of oversight.

You see oversight is actually a DUTY of the congress the last congress investigated 3 times which is a Record low for congres.

So what you are asking for is no invetigations?

I do remember a little while back a congress that had a penchant for investigating ANYTHING the administrion did but I guess that was OK with you because it was Democratic president.

As for passing no laws you are wrong here they are http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/gourl?URL=%2Fcgi-bin%2Fbdquery%2FL%3Fd110%3A.%2Flist%2Fbd%2Fd110pl. lst%3A1%5B1-80%5D%28Public_Laws%29%7CTOM%3A%2Fbss%2Fd110query. html%7C&submit=VIEW

Note the list is pretty long

08-29-2007, 08:32 AM
The last couple of congresses were completely ignoring the Duty of oversight.

You see oversight is actually a DUTY of the congress the last congress investigated 3 times which is a Record low for congres.

So what you are asking for is no invetigations?

I do remember a little while back a congress that had a penchant for investigating ANYTHING the administrion did but I guess that was OK with you because it was Democratic president.

Last time I checked there was a difference between formal investigations and baseless charges thrown out to the media to be used as fodder in an attempt to destroy someones character.

08-29-2007, 08:43 AM
Can you give ma an example of one of the investigations you ssay is baseless?

08-29-2007, 08:51 AM

]"The 109th Congress vies for the title of the all-time worst Congress," said Thomas Mann, a political analyst at the Brookings Institution [/Band co-author of "The Broken Branch" with Ornstein. Mann's indictment of the 109th includes these charges: "It spent little time in session, it failed to pass budget resolutions and appropriations bills, there was no serious oversight of the disaster in Iraq, there were no major substantive policy achievements, and corrupt members were forced from Congress."

[B]The 109th Congress left undone nine of the 11 annual appropriations bills required to fund government agencies, adopting "continuing resolutions" instead to keep the government running until the 110th Congress can address the funding requirements. Such resolutions are unusual when control of Congress is changing hands.
The 109th Congress also failed to act on a comprehensive immigration reform bill that President Bush and a bipartisan majority of senators supported. It also refused to enact sweeping ethics reforms even after the resignations of House Majority Leader Tom DeLay of Texas and Republican Reps. Randy "Duke" Cunningham of California, Bob Ney of Ohio and Mark Foley of Florida.

Overhauling the Social Security federal pension program to include private investment accounts, which was the president's top domestic priority when the 109th Congress convened in January 2005, never got off the ground.

And the 109th never fully addressed the controversial warrantless domestic wiretapping program that the president secretly approved after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

You see they also left mush Undone and they had a Republican supermajority at the time.

08-29-2007, 09:18 AM
The last couple of congresses were completely ignoring the Duty of oversight.

You see oversight is actually a DUTY of the congress the last congress investigated 3 times which is a Record low for congres.

So what you are asking for is no invetigations?

I do remember a little while back a congress that had a penchant for investigating ANYTHING the administrion did but I guess that was OK with you because it was Democratic president.

As for passing no laws you are wrong here they are http://tinyurl.com/24tv75

Note the list is pretty long
Hey TM... here's a concept for you....


Got that? It's described in a document known as THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES... ever hear of it?

Congress does not have any power to investigate firings of US Attorneys by the DoJ because those attorneys serve at the pleasure of the President

Speakers of the House don't broker peace agreements between Israel and Syria, that is the authority of the Department of State....

They also don't have the right to expect the President to explain every tactical move during the Iraq war... that's because the DoS, DoJ and the DoD report to the Executive Branch, not the Legislative Branch...

We are seeing a Congress that is out of control and, if we let it, usurping powers of the the other two branches of government. That clearly is not something the Founding Fathers wanted... I don't care which party is running Congress.

08-29-2007, 09:24 AM
If the DOJ is behaving contrary to the constitution then they have the right Ney the DUTY to investigate my friend.

You see the persident can fire them as he wants except if they are being fired for something like say OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE!

Then that would be breaking the laws of this country.

Hence the investigation we have now because their is ample evidence this is the case.

08-29-2007, 09:27 AM
If the DOJ is behaving contrary to the constitution then they have the right Ney the DUTY to investigate my friend.

You see the persident can fire them as he wants except if they are being fired for something like say OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE!

Then that would be breaking the laws of this country.

Hence the investigation we have now because their is ample evidence this is the case.
No... the attorneys were fired just because those attorneys serve at the pleasure of the President.

Clinton did the same thing and the AG under him did not have to resign...

I see a double standard here.

Hagbard Celine
08-29-2007, 09:42 AM
What was whitewater? What was the Monica Lewinsky scandal?

Get used to it. Whatever party is in power is going to bully the opposing party. That's how it's always been. That's how it always will be.

08-29-2007, 09:53 AM
No... the attorneys were fired just because those attorneys serve at the pleasure of the President.

Clinton did the same thing and the AG under him did not have to resign...

I see a double standard here.

No Clinton did not do the same thing!

you see they both fired all the attorneys when they came into office.

Bush then fired his OWN appointees for political reasons like investigating Rs OR NOT investigatig Dems.

Lets just go through the individual cases should we?

Lets start with Carol Lamm in San Deigo , she convicted that Scum bag Cunningham for using his office for prostitutes and finacial gain.

She had one of the top records in the country for an attorney.

She was then going after Foggio of the FBI and she got fired.

They then LIED and said she was fired for bad performance and they had to chang their story when it was shown she was top attorney.

Let me go get some more on the other attorneys.

08-29-2007, 09:55 AM
They have spent their entire term investigating people and have passed zero legistation. I guess thats why their approval rating is hovering around 15%.
less than 60 votes in the senate.


08-29-2007, 09:56 AM
No... the attorneys were fired just because those attorneys serve at the pleasure of the President.

Clinton did the same thing and the AG under him did not have to resign...

I see a double standard here.

you need new bifocals, or a glass bellybutton.

08-29-2007, 10:24 AM
Now that Alberto Gonzales is gone, who's next?

Karl Rove resigned
Donald Rumsfeld is gone
John Ashcroft also

This Congress is guilty of much worse than Senator Joe McCarthy ever was. They have smeared, and continue to smear, people in the Administration. They continue to come up with charges out of thin air...

I will guarantee that you haven't hear the last of this.

Did they smear all these people oir did these people smear themselves by putting party before country?

Why do you feel oversight is a bad thing?

You see congess only has a small majority of dems ad if they are not guilty of anything their is no reason to resign becasue they will be vindicated.

08-29-2007, 12:10 PM
less than 60 votes in the senate.


Duh shmuh. It doesnt require 60 votes to pass legislation. Democrats have the majority in both houses and have passed nothing.

08-29-2007, 12:28 PM
Duh shmuh. It doesnt require 60 votes to pass legislation. Democrats have the majority in both houses and have passed nothing.

Why do you persiust in that LIE , I have given you a list of the legislation passed by the 110th congress so far and the list is pretty long.

You do realise that in the senate there is a very slim majority because the Dem congressman wityh the brain hemrage is not back yet right?

Now please take a look at the list of legislation that was past and quit repeting the same LIE over and over.


08-29-2007, 12:49 PM
Why do you persiust in that LIE , I have given you a list of the legislation passed by the 110th congress so far and the list is pretty long.

You do realise that in the senate there is a very slim majority because the Dem congressman wityh the brain hemrage is not back yet right?

Now please take a look at the list of legislation that was past and quit repeting the same LIE over and over.


I stand corrected. Perhaps I should have said meaningful legislation. I somehow cant get really excited about renaming a bunch of post offices and renaming some national recreation area. Hows that immigration bill coming anyway?

08-29-2007, 12:54 PM
You do realise that in the senate there is a very slim majority because the Dem congressman wityh the brain hemrage is not back yet right?

Further if you are going to whine about one of yours with brain hemorrhage at least learn how to spell it.

08-29-2007, 01:28 PM
So now talking fact is whining?

I tell you what why dont you guys quit complaining about every attempt to hold this administraition to the level of oversight that EVERY other administration has to been held to and maybe then you can have a spot of graound to stand on about whining?

08-29-2007, 01:31 PM
I stand corrected. Perhaps I should have said meaningful legislation. I somehow cant get really excited about renaming a bunch of post offices and renaming some national recreation area. Hows that immigration bill coming anyway?

There are 80 bills there and many of the ones you didnt mention deal with things like Healthcare , ethics reform and include work left UNFINISHED by the 109th congress which had a huge majority and could not seem to come to work and Finish their jobs.

08-29-2007, 02:15 PM
Last time I checked there was a difference between formal investigations and baseless charges thrown out to the media to be used as fodder in an attempt to destroy someones character.

Oh there is but I have yet to see you produce any evidence that any of what you claim is happeing in the congress right now.

Could you please state a case where the congress is unfairly investigating anyone right now?