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View Full Version : The Senate plans to put forth a bill with Trump’s latest border security proposal

01-20-2019, 12:05 PM
Recurring theme: "They voted for it before." Now it's different. Even if the proposal includes everything the Dems want. Ridiculous.


01-20-2019, 01:28 PM
It'll go nowhere, we already know that. The demtrash are all in for open borders and that's the end of it.

They know that the future of their party depends on keeping the borders open and flooding America with their permanent underclass of democrat voters. They have it set up pretty nice right now. The border virtually is wide open. Catch and release is still in operation, DACA hasn't been shut down, there's still chain migration, there's still the Visa Lottery immigration, and we still have anchor babies. The dems want ALL of that AND the tidal of illegals pouring in at the border. They have sold their SOUL out to them to ensure they stay in power. They lose their illegal aliens, or better termed, UNDOCUMENTED DEMOCRAT VOTERS, and they're future as a party retaining any sort of power is really in question.


01-20-2019, 04:55 PM
Mark Levin, in one of his podcasts, made an excellent point.

Even Kim Jung Un, a mass murdering megalomaniac is willing to negotiate with Trump.

The pretense of the whole Dem refusal to open up the government is so transparent, you can see through them.