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View Full Version : France Builds Trump-Style Wall to Stop Illegals Getting to Britain

01-21-2019, 03:42 PM
Hmmmm..... interesting. But very very smart of them!


France Builds Trump-Style Wall to Stop Illegals Getting to Britain

French authorities have built a ten-foot wall at a Total station in Calais used by migrants who attempt to storm lorries and break into Britain.

The barrier is being erected at a petrol station in the Marcel-Doret area where lorries stop to fill up with fuel before heading to the port and onwards to the United Kingdom. It is set to be finished by mid-February.

Local prefect Fabien Sudry told Nord Littoral that “smuggling networks meet there and take advantage of stations near the port to get migrants in trucks.”

“The situation was rather tense at this station. The police regularly had stones thrown at them,” Mr Sudry said.

A Total spokesman confirmed the barrier was built at the request of the Calais prefecture to “protect customers, staff, and migrants,” the Daily Mail reports, with locals comparing it to the wall that U.S. President Donald Trump wants to build along the southern border of the United States to stop mass illegal migration from Central and South America.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2019/01/21/france-builds-trump-style-wall-stop-illegals-getting-uk/