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View Full Version : Barrelling Past Pelosi: Trump Plans to Give State of the Union Next Week

01-22-2019, 01:12 PM
Good, as I thought he should do, and make America fully aware of all deals being presented.


Barrelling Past Pelosi: Trump Plans to Give State of the Union Next Week

Last week House Speaker Nancy Pelosi suggested President Donald Trump shouldn't give the annual State of the Union Address on Tuesday, January 29. After inviting him to do so, Pelosi falsely stated the Secret Service couldn't adequately provide the necessary security due to the government shutdown.

Rest - https://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2019/01/22/sois-the-state-of-the-union-happening-next-week-n2539408

01-23-2019, 01:37 PM
There is no security issue. There is no reason to cancel this address other than for political reasons. Americans are deserving of an update, as per the constitution.


Trump dares Pelosi to formally cancel the state of the union


Pelosi wrote Trump last week discouraging him from delivering a State of the Union address to Congress on Jan. 29, claiming that security readiness was affected because protection personnel were not receiving their paychecks.

Pelosi, however, was rebuked by Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, who said that the department was fully prepared to provide security if necessary.

Rest - https://dailycaller.com/2019/01/23/trump-letter-pelosi-cancel-state-of-the-union-address/

01-23-2019, 02:53 PM
And here we go with another petty showdown. If they have the ability to stop this in the house - then he should just do a live and solo discussion from the WH in my opinion, and update America.


Showdown: Pelosi says House will block Trump’s State of the Union until government is open

Democrats will block President Donald Trump from giving his State of the Union in the House chamber until the partial government shutdown ends, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Wednesday.

In a letter to Trump, Pelosi escalated a standoff over the annual address hours after the president said he would give the speech in the House chamber next week as planned. Earlier this month, Pelosi urged him to reschedule the remarks or deliver them elsewhere during a partial government shutdown.

Pelosi wrote that the Democratic-held House would not pass the resolution needed to approve the joint session of Congress where he would deliver the address. She said lawmakers “will not consider a concurrent resolution authorizing the President’s State of the Union address in the House Chamber until government has opened.”

“Again, I look forward to welcoming you to the House on a mutually agreeable date for this address when government has been opened,” Pelosi wrote. Speaking to reporters Wednesday afternoon, Trump said he would respond to the House speaker’s letter in a timely manner.

Rest - https://www.cnbc.com/2019/01/23/trump-tells-pelosi-he-will-give-state-of-the-union-during-government-shutdown.html

01-23-2019, 03:57 PM
And now Nacy one ups Trump...


Pelosi officially cancels the state of the union

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi officially will not allow President Donald Trump to deliver his State of the Union address to Congress on January 29, she said in a letter Wednesday afternoon.


“I am writing to inform you that the House of Representatives will not consider a concurrent resolution authorizing the president’s State of the Union address in the House Chamber until the government has been reopened,” Pelosi declared.

Pelosi’s letter came hours after Trump dared the Speaker to follow through on her suggestion that the address be put off. The House speaker at the time suggested that the address could not be held because of security concerns from the government shutdown’s effect on protection personnel.

Pelosi, however, was rebuked by Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, who said that the department was fully prepared to provide security if necessary.

Rest - https://dailycaller.com/2019/01/23/pelosi-cancels-state-of-union/

01-23-2019, 04:56 PM
We're governed by squabbling children.

Abbey Marie
01-23-2019, 05:49 PM
The pettiness from Nancy over the SOTU is stunning.

01-23-2019, 07:41 PM
He should make it simple. Give it from the Oval Office, and DIS-invite Nancy. Do not allow her into the White House Grounds. She wants to be SPEAKER. She can sit in her magic chair behind...NOBODY, SPEAKING. After all. She doesn't pay any attention anyway. Her BOTOX treatments have caused severe "DAIN BRAMMAGE" from drinking DNC cesspool water that fills the Washington Swamp.



01-23-2019, 08:20 PM
We're governed by squabbling children.


01-23-2019, 09:48 PM
We're governed by squabbling children.

Some day, when you finally graduate from Pre-school. You'll remember very well, the squabbling children in your class. Thanks though. Spoken like the experienced child you remain to be here. Bet your favorite squabbling child is Ocasio Cortez. Got 40 trillion in your piggy bank?

01-24-2019, 07:57 PM
Trump should never have cancelled Pelosi's trip to Afghanistan last week, even though it was fun to see Pelosi fuming. Trump should have let her go to Afghanistan, and just halfway through her flight send a copy of her itinerary to the Taliban. :salute: