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View Full Version : Although debunked - Rep. Ilhan Omar continues with Covington attacks

01-23-2019, 03:47 PM
The rookies in congress are making asses of themselves.


Rep. Ilhan Omar Spreads Fake News with Attack on Covington Students

Freshman Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) is getting slammed on social media for attacking the Covington Catholic students Tuesday night, even after media outlets admitted to misreporting the viral encounter between the students and the Native American elder.

Omar claimed in a now-deleted tweet Tuesday night that Covington student Nick Sandmann and his friends had taunted black protesters and yelled racist epithets at the men before Native American activist Nathan Phillips approached them, even though video evidence of the encounter showed the black protesters hurling insults at the boys.


In Omar’s version of history, the Covington students said, “It’s not rape if you enjoy it.” While someone did film a person saying that phrase in D.C. that day, the person caught on tape was not a student from Covington Catholic.

She also claimed: “They were taunting five black men before they surrounded Phillips and led racist chants.” All three of these claims are false. Phillips approached the boys, not vice-versa, and before he did so, members of the Black Hebrew Israelites religious sect were verbally harassing the boys and were, in fact, the individuals shouting racial slurs.

Omar received heavy backlash for her tweet, with many calling the Democrat Muslim congresswoman “a liar”:




Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/01/23/ilhan-omar-slammed-social-media-attacking-covington-students/