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View Full Version : Ralph Northam - Racist?

02-04-2019, 02:23 PM
So way back in college days he had posted a picture in "blackface". At first apologized, but then stated it wasn't himself in the picture, refuses to resign. Personally, I don't think he should anyway, democrat or not. I'm tired of the piling on for old "crimes".

With that said, a lot of democrats are calling for his resignation, while others support him. And some that support him, immediately point at Trump, and claimed that we have no moral ground and therefore can't make judgment on this guy. Whatever. That's the retarded pundits, and they want to continue bashing Trump and Co, so change the subject time. :)

Bush did it. Obama this or that. ... it's always the blame game or moving goal posts or changing subjects or ignoring them. :rolleyes:
