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View Full Version : Mom posts open letter about guy on her flight...

02-04-2019, 05:51 PM
AND she has a blog. Yes, she's a blogger on this subject.

While perhaps folks can be a little more understanding of parents traveling with babies and toddlers, it doesn't sound as if this guy did much other than sigh and moan and piss and moan to himself. And she feels the need to write an open letter to the world about this?

Look at the beginning, and how she wondered SO MUCH about this guy upon his first sighing/moaning. Full of herself nitwit, IMO.

Again, I have been there to an extent, I traveled with my son when he was younger like 3 times, and he cried! But we handled it quickly as possible the best we could, and apologized to those around us. I understood folks get pissy about that stuff, so did the best we could. Not an easy situation, but it was me who decided to travel on a plane with a child.


It started with this article (https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/mom-pens-open-letter-passenger-annoyed-flying-toddler-problem-wasnt-us-175215637.html) -

Which brings you to her Facebook post:

To the Gentleman on Flight 1451,

I first noticed you when you sighed loudly as you laid eyes on me and my toddler boarding the plane.

In a momentary lapse of judgement, we sat behind you. It was the nearest set of seats, and I couldn’t wait to put my child and our heavy bags down.

From the over dramatic huffs and puffs you let out as we buckled in, it was clear that you were annoyed by our very presence. - Where it started apparently, where he apparently "huffed and puffed"

At this point, my little girl was laughing and playing, obviously too loud for your liking.

I wondered if you had a bad day, or if this grouchy temperament was your normal behavior.

I wondered if your wife was embarrassed
as she quietly nodded at your frustrations.

I wondered if you had children of your own.

I wondered a lot about you.
Did you wonder about us?

Did you wonder about this mom and little girl who were flying alone? We were so excited to go on an adventure, but I was also very nervous.

This was the first time that I had ever flown with a child, and I was making half of the trip without my husband.

For weeks, I researched tips for flying with kids.
I packed toys and games and books and downloaded movies.

I dosed up my child with Benadryl, but it didn’t work. She only slept 20 minutes on a cross country flight.

I did everything in my power to keep her calm and quiet. I shushed her, and made sure her little feet didn’t kick your seat.

As we took off, her tears started.
The kicking and the screaming tantrums came on fast.

Rest - https://www.facebook.com/momstrosityco/photos/a.536494480120992/631719880598451/?type=3&theater

Abbey Marie
02-04-2019, 06:19 PM
She was looking for someone to bitch about, and found one. What a pansy country we’ve become. Surprised she isn’t suing the guy and the airline for triggering something.

What doesnt ring true? She supposedly had a ton of toys, etc., to distract her kid, yet not one of them worked? But the plastic cup that the “angel” flight attendant gave her just calmed her right down. Uh huh.
Btw, lady, the flight attendant didn’t have to sit right in front of your crying baby for 6 hours.

02-04-2019, 06:31 PM
She was looking for someone to bitch about, and found one. What a pansy country we’ve become. Surprised she isn’t suing the guy and the airline for triggering something.

What doesnt ring true? She supposedly had a ton of toys, etc., to distract her kid, yet not one of them worked? But the plastic cup that the “angel” flight attendant gave her just calmed her right down. Uh huh.
Btw, lady, the flight attendant didn’t have to sit right in front of your crying baby for 6 hours.

According to her own writing - it seemed SHE was quick on the trigger and judged this guys entire life within seconds. And rather than calmly speaking with him, then or after the flight, she waits til now to write something for her blog and reach out to the news for attention. And yup, that's what I call it, as being upset over a guy who "huffed, puffed and sighed" is a non-story.