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02-05-2019, 11:53 AM
Sure. And that's why almost every beach in the world has them both topless. :rolleyes:

FACT is, women and men are different and have different bodies. To claim hypocrisy because Janet Jackson pulled out her boobies and was condemned - and Adam Levine took his shirt off while his band was playing, and he was not.

Not the same. Weenies.

There IS NO DEBATE. Just weenie liberal snowflakes looking for something, anything to complain and whine about.


Adam Levine's shirtless Super Bowl halftime performance sparks double standard debate 15 years after Janet Jackson's performance

Super Bowl halftime performers, Maroon 5, Travis Scott and Big Boi, set the Internet ablaze on Sunday night.

While their performances garnered mixed reactions, one move by the lead singer of Maroon 5, Adam Levine, prompted a discussion on the double standards between male and female artists in the entertainment industry.

Levine took his shirt off during the band's set, while performing their hit single "Moves Like Jagger."

Many viewers took to social media platforms to question why Levine was not criticized for going topless, while artist Janet Jackson was criticized for her “wardrobe malfunction” during the 2004 halftime show.

Rest - https://www.yahoo.com/gma/adam-levines-shirtless-super-bowl-halftime-performance-sparks-173703385--abc-news-celebrities.html

02-05-2019, 01:55 PM
I was having a discussion with someone last week who was trying to convince me that there is a difference between male hair and female hair, from which it followed that women should have their hair covered when men do not need to do so.

Atleast in our society we’ve moved on from hair, though we’re still stumbling over nipples.

02-05-2019, 02:51 PM
If women want to go topless, I couldn't care less, because the majority of them don't have anything I'd want to look at anyway. Same with men, most people should cover up what they have out of kindness to those around them, because it's not attractive.

Justin Timberlake ripped off a piece of Janet Jackson's costume that was designed to come off. It was held on with velcro. Every time I hear "wardrobe malfunction" I think of how stupid you have to be to believe that. You have to be an absolute dolt. She had a pasty covering her nipple, so had that piece of her costume not been designed to come off when Timberlake intentionally ripped it off, then she wouldn't have been wearing a nipple cover. Had that not been planned, she'd have had a bare hooter pop out, not one with the nipple covered.

02-05-2019, 04:42 PM
Let's take a VOTE here from all members.

Tell us WHO among All of Humanity....has a FATHER who has BREASTFED "You!"

If you answer any way other than NONE. You need to contact Nancy Pelosi, and ask her to support you because YOU ARE JUST AS CRAZY AS SHE IS.

unless...of course....You deny there is any difference???



02-05-2019, 08:59 PM
Let's take a VOTE here from all members.

Tell us WHO among All of Humanity....has a FATHER who has BREASTFED "You!"

If you answer any way other than NONE. You need to contact Nancy Pelosi, and ask her to support you because YOU ARE JUST AS CRAZY AS SHE IS.

unless...of course....You deny there is any difference???



hey how did you get a photo of me?

seriously, it's dumb nipples are treated differently. mostly because men can't help but get sex rage when they see em.

02-06-2019, 12:01 AM
Disgusting topic.

No thrill or interest in this.

It is another topic best left behind closed doors.

02-06-2019, 10:45 AM
Disgusting topic.

No thrill or interest in this.

It is another topic best left behind closed doors.

nipples are disgusting? are you ashamed of your god given body?

02-07-2019, 12:02 PM
nipples are disgusting? are you ashamed of your god given body?

Substituting the word 'ashamed' for 'disgusted' ... what we see from you, here, Pete, is an apparent need to subvert; and in a disgusting way.

This is typical of the Left. Good, decent, actually NORMAL standards and perceptions ... you have to twist and corrupt them, and make - if you can - the twisted version accepted as the 'normal' one.

Your photo depicts a total perversion of the normal 'mother/baby' biological bond, changing an entirely normal feeding function into a perversion of it.

So tell me, in your own estimation (I know what mine is !!) - ARE you Lefties a bunch of perverts ? :puke::puke::puke:

02-07-2019, 01:48 PM
Substituting the word 'ashamed' for 'disgusted' ... what we see from you, here, Pete, is an apparent need to subvert; and in a disgusting way.

This is typical of the Left. Good, decent, actually NORMAL standards and perceptions ... you have to twist and corrupt them, and make - if you can - the twisted version accepted as the 'normal' one.

Your photo depicts a total perversion of the normal 'mother/baby' biological bond, changing an entirely normal feeding function into a perversion of it.

So tell me, in your own estimation (I know what mine is !!) - ARE you Lefties a bunch of perverts ? :puke::puke::puke:

My photo? What on earth are you rambling about? I think you are confused on my position.

02-07-2019, 03:00 PM
I can understand when some folks see them as the same, when they have no experience with women's breasts. Ain't no different than promoting someone's wife to take off their tops and share with the other men in the area. I'm sure those folks in support now will be the first to have their women do so. :rolleyes:

02-07-2019, 04:21 PM
I can understand when some folks see them as the same, when they have no experience with women's breasts. Ain't no different than promoting someone's wife to take off their tops and share with the other men in the area. I'm sure those folks in support now will be the first to have their women do so. :rolleyes:

we're talking nipples, and biologically women's and men's nipples are the same. with enough specific hormone, men can lactate too. So why men can show nipple and women not, is just more oppression of women. It's a societal hangup, not rooted in biology.

02-07-2019, 09:01 PM
we're talking nipples, and biologically women's and men's nipples are the same. with enough specific hormone, men can lactate too. So why men can show nipple and women not, is just more oppression of women. It's a societal hangup, not rooted in biology.Mores and values are what makes societies. A lack thereof is what destroys societies. Already know where you stand on that.

Calling it a "soceital hangup" is nothing but intellectual dishonesty on your part. Typical leftwingnut smear game, applying some negative slant to the actual truth.

In other words, shut the fuck up. You don't qualify to so much as comment on the topic.

02-07-2019, 10:10 PM
Mores and values are what makes societies. A lack thereof is what destroys societies. Already know where you stand on that.

Calling it a "soceital hangup" is nothing but intellectual dishonesty on your part. Typical leftwingnut smear game, applying some negative slant to the actual truth.

In other words, shut the fuck up. You don't qualify to so much as comment on the topic.

All of petey's talk about nipples explains his lack of mental ability to reason, or stop hating so much. After reading his explanations...He must have been Breast Fed by a Man. No other excuses are needed. As for dishonesty...he's being honest. He likes men's nipples.

02-07-2019, 11:47 PM
Mores and values are what makes societies. A lack thereof is what destroys societies. Already know where you stand on that.

Calling it a "soceital hangup" is nothing but intellectual dishonesty on your part. Typical leftwingnut smear game, applying some negative slant to the actual truth.

In other words, shut the fuck up. You don't qualify to so much as comment on the topic.

uh what? what does morals and values have to do with body parts? grow up. it's just flesh and blood.

02-08-2019, 12:09 AM
uh what? what does morals and values have to do with body parts? grow up. it's just flesh and blood.

A question like that, coming from someone who obviously has no moral character, or values worth talking about?? Hypocrites-R-you!

02-08-2019, 12:30 PM
In NY State it is legal for a woman to go topless anywhere a Man can be topless...

Been the law since 1997


TV Networks are different and subject to broadcasting regulations...

Naked breasts arent allowed on free TV or many basic Cable Channels..

02-09-2019, 08:24 PM
uh what? what does morals and values have to do with body parts? grow up. it's just flesh and blood."Duh What? " about explains you and your response.

DO note YOU used the term "societal hangup". Societies are built on set standards. Other than THAT obvious elephant in the room, it's the answer to your own question. But then, you already know that. You're just being a dick. As usual. I'm already bored again with you and your patent dishonesty. :sleep:

02-09-2019, 09:05 PM
Societies are built on set standards.

Standards change.

02-09-2019, 09:51 PM
Standards change.Societies that have abandoned their reason for being have disappeared. And yes, you and your ilk go right along with everyone and thing else.

Destroying one's reason for being is stupid, and suicidal.

02-10-2019, 12:11 AM
Standards change.


Just to appease the ignorant leftist masses? No care about the majority that see
decadence and downfall of the decent side of society.

Let your Euro beaches allow it.

Myself, I do not care much about the sight of a topless woman in the surf.
That is one reason I always had a huge beach towel with me when I was
on a lifeguard stand.....help them cover up.

A weak limp dick like you would slaver over the sight, pounding your pud.

02-10-2019, 12:34 AM
I am sorry... but Bare Boobs will not cause the downfall of AMERICAN society...


02-10-2019, 04:20 AM
Societies that have abandoned their reason for being have disappeared. And yes, you and your ilk go right along with everyone and thing else.

Destroying one's reason for being is stupid, and suicidal.

A womans nipple is enough to “destroy one’s reason” of a society?


’Why do society’s change’ is a very big why to ask, and too multifaceted for me to approach with and do justice - so I will simply put it to you that regardless of the ‘why’ the fact is they do, and I’m sure with a pause for thought you can think of countless changes American societal standards have been through.

A weak limp dick like you would slaver over the sight, pounding your pud.

There is an inference here that my intent is due to the sexualisation of women - when it’s quite the opposite, I think they reason many shun the idea of a woman’s chest being exposed is because *they* sexualise it.

02-10-2019, 07:44 AM

02-10-2019, 10:51 AM
"Duh What? " about explains you and your response.

DO note YOU used the term "societal hangup". Societies are built on set standards. Other than THAT obvious elephant in the room, it's the answer to your own question. But then, you already know that. You're just being a dick. As usual. I'm already bored again with you and your patent dishonesty. :sleep:

yeah and they evolve, do we still have the same standards as set in the 18th century?

02-11-2019, 09:16 AM
Figures our two board little leftist cucks would be arguing for all society to EVOLVE into Sodom and Gomorrah, and we all know what happened there.

Anything the godless, immoral leftist garbage touches turns to shit. They ruin everything. They want a world without boundaries, of any type, but a world without boundaries can't exist. Look at all the piles of shit and rivers of piss and mountains of needles from junkies in San Franqueerco with miles and miles of homeless and tent cities... there's your no boundaries leftist UTOPIA.

People like little pencil necked fag and pedo cuck pete should opposed at ever turn. Whatever either of these two fucking little liberal piss ants say, do the opposite.

02-11-2019, 10:08 AM
Figures our two board little leftist cucks would be arguing for all society to EVOLVE into Sodom and Gomorrah, and we all know what happened there.

Anything the godless, immoral leftist garbage touches turns to shit. They ruin everything. They want a world without boundaries, of any type, but a world without boundaries can't exist. Look at all the piles of shit and rivers of piss and mountains of needles from junkies in San Franqueerco with miles and miles of homeless and tent cities... there's your no boundaries leftist UTOPIA.

People like little pencil necked fag and pedo cuck pete should opposed at ever turn. Whatever either of these two fucking little liberal piss ants say, do the opposite.

The difference between fearing an open nipple and an open head of hair is not so great, it appears you have more in common with islam than you think.

02-11-2019, 12:02 PM
hey how did you get a photo of me?

seriously, it's dumb nipples are treated differently. mostly because men can't help but get sex rage when they see em.

Answering you at post #9 ... it's clear from your answer, as given above, that you were taking a form of ownership of that photo. What was shown in it didn't bother you at all. You just saw it as something having no more significance than an excuse for humour.

I have no doubt that its origins stem from some deliberate expression of Leftie-inspired perversion, which is why you can engage in an acceptance of it, when more decent persons could not.

I trust this answers your question.

So, now, answer mine. WHY are you in any frame of mind not to see this as perversion ? Why would you prefer others to be more accepting of it ?

02-11-2019, 12:04 PM
The difference between fearing an open nipple and an open head of hair is not so great, it appears you have more in common with islam than you think.
I ain't about the NIPPLE, you dishonest little rat fuck. It's about what's UNDER the nipple, and there's a WORLD of difference there, PEDO BOY.

And now you're trying to use ISLAM as an INSULT? I thought all you leftists LOVED the muslims and islam. Guess I may as well take that as a COMPLIMENT then. Either that or you're being a little hypocrite ass fuck.

Ya know... I used to think you leftists just pretended to be STUPID, but I'm pretty sure by now that you ARE that STUPID. I don't think you have the intellect to know that the MORONIC SHIT you spew, people are going to read it and think you must be retarded... I don't think you're smart enough to know that. It's either that or are just a habitual LIAR, and you don't care if people know you're a LIAR either. Course in your case, it's probably BOTH.

02-11-2019, 12:10 PM
Standards change.

Standards do change. Yes. But frequently they get worse.

Such a direction of change can very often be traced back to a Left-wing subversion of a previous standard.

I'm reminded of the saying 'If it's not broken, don't fix it'. However .. those of the Left delight in such 'fixes', regardless. Why ? To force society to match their vision of it, and, individual sensibilities (because, to them, the individual doesn't matter) be damned.

02-11-2019, 12:21 PM
Standards do change. Yes. But frequently they get worse.

Such a direction of change can very often be traced back to a Left-wing subversion of a previous standard.

I'm reminded of the saying 'If it's not broken, don't fix it'. However .. those of the Left delight in such 'fixes', regardless. Why ? To force society to match their vision of it, and, individual sensibilities (because, to them, the individual doesn't matter) be damned.
Exactly brother Drummond. Change just for the sake of change is no guarantee that the change is going to be BETTER. But one thing societies the world over CAN be guaranteed, that when it comes to MORALS, any change the LEFT proposes you can bet will be further down the TOILET, because if it was left up to them, there'd be NO boundaries, NOTHING, just do whatever you want to do, walk around naked in public, women fucking dogs in a public park, an old man corn holing a little boy on a city sidewalk, if you can imagine it, they'd allow it, and if they tell you they wouldn't, they're LYING. They said they were against pedos, but now they're pushing hard to normalize that. I posted an article myself about a little boy dressed up like a flaming faggot tranny and neither of the two little leftist cucks here condemned it. In fact they supported it. They support the homos and the pedos. So they're always pushing for acceptance of MORE PERVERSION, and they won't quit until EVERYTHING is accepted, PERIOD. They also know the best way to get there is little steps, a little bit at a time. That's been their agenda and standard operating procedure for decades now.

02-11-2019, 12:24 PM
Here's a good example of where the leftists MORALS are... in the TOILET... right along side SATAN...


02-11-2019, 01:04 PM
Noir - can you please post some topless shots of your girlfriend for us, or perhaps send some to us guys in private? I'll thank ya in advance for that one!!

And Pete - you married? GF? Can you take some pics for us guys and share please? :beer:

02-11-2019, 01:06 PM
Noir - can you please post some topless shots of your girlfriend for us, or perhaps send some to us guys in private? I'll thank ya in advance for that one!!

And Pete - you married? GF? Can you take some pics for us guys and share please? :beer:
Aaaaahh... pretty sure Noir doesn't even like girls... J/S... :rolleyes:

02-11-2019, 01:11 PM
BOOBS....They're what's for Breakfast...


02-11-2019, 01:15 PM
The above ain't bad - but this is a political board, so I'm hoping we don't get into a "tit" for tat with pictures about the anatomy of either sex!

And I do think there's a big difference between natural breast feeding, and a woman seductively dressing, or undressing, and kinda showing them off.

A good subject for debate, I just don't think pictures beyond the style above, to make a point, are what we got going on here.

And Fwiw, the above is not offensive to me and neither is breast feeding.

But I still would NOT want my wife showing hers off for other men to enjoy, nor do I want my children going out in public and just seeing women in various states of undress - and DEFINITELY 100% DO NOT WANT TO SEE A PAIR OF MENS EGGS WHILE I AM OUT EATING A MEAL.

02-11-2019, 01:28 PM
Noir - can you please post some topless shots of your girlfriend for us, or perhaps send some to us guys in private? I'll thank ya in advance for that one!!

I will happily link you to her blog where she posts nude pictures when she feels like it - though you may not remember that you asked me for this before, and you then declined the link when you considered that your wife would not be happy with you looking for her pictures.

02-11-2019, 01:30 PM
Standards do change. Yes. But frequently they get worse.

Such a direction of change can very often be traced back to a Left-wing subversion of a previous standard.

I'm reminded of the saying 'If it's not broken, don't fix it'. However .. those of the Left delight in such 'fixes', regardless. Why ? To force society to match their vision of it, and, individual sensibilities (because, to them, the individual doesn't matter) be damned.

I'm not forcing anyone to expose themselves against their will etc, i'm for people having the freedom to be an individual. It is the side which demands women dress a certain way etc that doesn't care for the individual.

02-11-2019, 01:33 PM
Here is a point... How many of you would feel disgusted if a woman takes out her breast in a public place to feed her child??


How many of you guys here have looked at a pretty girl on the street because she had a sexy set of breasts??

All of you guys have looked.... EVERY last one of you has.. myself included...

difference is.... I admit it ...I see nothing wrong with it... Hell...Wiccan Liberal points out nice ones for me to look at!! "What do you think of hers???"

Every last one of you has sexualized a woman's breasts at one point or another...

yet here you all are defending victorian moralities that went out of fashion back in the 1960's.

You can't look at them and lust after them one day and turn around proclaiming the immodesty of it the next...

That is called hypocrisy...

A set of boobs isn't going to attack any of you and do the devils work...

But god knows some of you could use it....

and you Jimmy.... How many big boobie threads did I make for you??? HUH??

Boobs don't define morality... only people can...but don't impose your morality on others or think yours is better.... it isn't...

Abbey Marie
02-11-2019, 01:34 PM
The above ain't bad - but this is a political board, so I'm hoping we don't get into a "tit" for tat with pictures about the anatomy of either sex!

And I do think there's a big difference between natural breast feeding, and a woman seductively dressing, or undressing, and kinda showing them off.

A good subject for debate, I just don't think pictures beyond the style above, to make a point, are what we got going on here.

And Fwiw, the above is not offensive to me and neither is breast feeding.

But I still would NOT want my wife showing hers off for other men to enjoy, nor do I want my children going out in public and just seeing women in various states of undress - and DEFINITELY 100% DO NOT WANT TO SEE A PAIR OF MENS EGGS WHILE I AM OUT EATING A MEAL.

Yup, I figure this is where someone will eventually take it, and is not what I want either. There are a ton of other places to flaunt your pics; wives, girlfriends, or otherwise, if that is what floats your boat.

02-11-2019, 01:43 PM
I will happily link you to her blog where she posts nude pictures when she feels like it - though you may not remember that you asked me for this before, and you then declined the link when you considered that your wife would not be happy with you looking for her pictures.

I'd rather that you just happily share them here, or happily pass them along for the guys here!

I'll let anyone know in advance though - ain't happening from my wife. She's certainly got more than her own share of imperfections... but she's too conservative AND classy to just be sharing nudies of herself with the entire world. Luckily for our marriage, we are both in agreement about that aspect.

I don't think there is something wrong with breasts or nipples as some are quick to reply with, quite the opposite in fact!! But I still wouldn't have dated nor have married a woman that felt freely being nude for the world, to each their own though. But even more strongly - I feel that no one else in this world should be forced into an environment where they wouldn't otherwise see a pair of mans balls dangling around. And yes, I recall our debate, and you had no problem with sets of balls hanging off of chairs all around the room while you sat down to enjoy a meal. :(

I just can't do it. Call me whatever names you like, or you and Pete are free to make up things I don't "like" or whatever. I just personally don't want myself nude anywhere outside the home. Oh no no no. Just take my word there on that one. And similarly with my wife. I don't want her doing similarly outside the home. That's for us in private to enjoy one another. All I need is a couple of guys a table away, balls dangling 8 inches off their chairs, drooling as they lean over their chairs to look at my wife in the nude/topless. Maybe it's just another reason why I am called conservative. :dunno:

And it was just a question, really, about your girlfriend. I don't want the link, definitely not posted on the board, and while you can share with whomever you like on the board, please leave me out. Not because I'm better than anyone else, I just don't want my wife to ever be like that, so I wouldn't want to push/nag and see or get pictures in return in that manner.

A big difference, but example... Some men don't mind when their significant others work in nudie bars - or even when they are escorts of some sort and are selling sex for money. These guys don't mind that anyone in the world is seeing their lovers in the nude - or that in some cases their lover has had sex with many many men that you'll just never know. I couldn't imagine.

02-11-2019, 01:48 PM

From back in 2015.... lamenting the Steelers losing......

02-11-2019, 01:49 PM
Here is a point... How many of you would feel disgusted if a woman takes out her breast in a public place to feed her child??


How many of you guys here have looked at a pretty girl on the street because she had a sexy set of breasts??

All of you guys have looked.... EVERY last one of you has.. myself included...

difference is.... I admit it ...I see nothing wrong with it... Hell...Wiccan Liberal points out nice ones for me to look at!! "What do you think of hers???"

Every last one of you has sexualized a woman's breasts at one point or another...

yet here you all are defending victorian moralities that went out of fashion back in the 1960's.

You can't look at them and lust after them one day and turn around proclaiming the immodesty of it the next...

That is called hypocrisy...

A set of boobs isn't going to attack any of you and do the devils work...

But god knows some of you could use it....

and you Jimmy.... How many big boobie threads did I make for you??? HUH??

Boobs don't define morality... only people can...but don't impose your morality on others or think yours is better.... it isn't...

Goofing around and asking my wife to share her personal parts with the world are 2 different things. Sure, if I see a nice set on the sidewalk I'll take a good look. But in no way at all does that equate to me being willing to share my wife - or expect her to do so just because I peeked. No need for caps, just ask, I'm always honest.

Again, I simply won't share my wife with anyone in any manner. I don't want women being naked all over when I'm out with a 5 year old child for example. Not everywhere, we're not a nude society. Those folks are more than free to go to the many places that allow nudity openly. And in reverse, I do not ever want to see a pair of mans balls in front of me while dining, or doing anything for that manner.

Right away folks want to equate them to dangerous, or make it sound that this is how folks like myself feel because of my position. I know they're not attacking nor anything with the devil. I LOVE them in the appropriate settings! But openly freely wherever and whenever? Not my position. And I definitely don't want my wife just showing hers off to anyone just for the hell of it. I enjoy the fact that we share certain things with ourselves in private. Showing off her boobs at the pizza parlor, while the little girls in the next table over wonder why my balls are swinging left and right.... not my cup of tea.

02-11-2019, 01:55 PM
Yup, I figure this is where someone will eventually take it, and is not what I want either. There are a ton of other places to flaunt your pics, wives, girlfriends, or otherwise, if that is what floats your boat.

The homes being the most obvious. But then there are nudie bars for both sexes, clubs, beaches... plenty and plenty of places to share.

But I understand that others are much more open freely and sexually. That's cool, I don't take issue with them, would still be friends and all that jazz. Nothing negative, just simply not my cup of tea. And like back to the article - a band leader like Adam Levine taking his top off to show off his tattoos - and a woman whipping her top off. Just different to me. Again, call me conservative and old fashioned, I won't take it as an insult.

But some get angry when you don't see it the same, as if we SHOULD purposely share ourselves and/or others, or something is wrong with us. Nope, I just feel differently personally. I think everyone knows I like boobies!! But it's all about the setting of course, and who you are with, reasons and what not.

02-11-2019, 01:56 PM

From back in 2015.... lamenting the Steelers losing......

And? Because you post boobs related things, that should change my stance on how I feel about them in all subjects, and how I feel about every instance of seeing them in public, and how I feel about or if my wife shared her privates?

I don't think so. So save your energy. I already know there are probably 1,000 threads about boobies in some fashion on this board!!

02-11-2019, 02:08 PM
we're talking nipples, and biologically women's and men's nipples are the same. with enough specific hormone, men can lactate too. So why men can show nipple and women not, is just more oppression of women. It's a societal hangup, not rooted in biology.

Absolutely 100% Correct... Men and women have the same nipple parts... they are biologically 100% the same... give a man estrogen and he will grow breasts... and possibly with other hormones even lactate..

so is it because women have better packaging?

I have seen naked man boobs that really shouldnt be on display on the beach...

should they be put away as well???

02-11-2019, 02:14 PM
Absolutely 100% Correct... Men and women have the same nipple parts... they are biologically 100% the same... give a man estrogen and he will grow breasts... and possibly with other hormones even lactate..

so is it because women have better packaging?

I have seen naked man boobs that really shouldnt be on display on the beach...

should they be put away as well???

Should mens hairy balls hang freely too? Or because they're different...?

And I have seen women's boobs with hair on them! But I don't care in private, nor in appropriate places. I just don't want to go out for a meal with the family, and then suddenly have nudity appear for my children unexpectedly. Nor do I feel it's appropriate for my wife to share with the world.

I have NO ISSUE with others in their relationships, that's their business and I will respect that. But I would hope they wouldn't pull things out at a family restaurant while with me... but in their own privacy, have at it. Same as nudie beaches, bars and other appropriate places. Have at it!! But there should be places in society where it's not forced upon everyone, folks that do not care to have their children see such things daily.

In other words, to each their own in a relationship - but in shared space we all must live together.

02-11-2019, 02:16 PM
I feel that no one else in this world should be forced into an environment where they wouldn't otherwise see a pair of mans balls dangling around.

Lets take the aspect of the 'world' out of the equation, and focus on home - Whenever your son was growing up did you and your wife intentionally hide your nude bodies from him?

02-11-2019, 02:20 PM
Lets take the aspect of the 'world' out of the equation, and focus on home - Whenever your son was growing up did you and your wife intentionally hide your nude bodies from him?

Absolutely, YES.

I think the woman was a little more open, but definitely went out of her/our way. I can say for a FACT that the young lad never saw my yam bags!!! Even at home, I cover up with a towel in between dressing.

My wife will go topless if I am in the room while she gets dressed, but never with the kid after he was a baby, no.

02-11-2019, 02:23 PM
Absolutely, YES.

I think the woman was a little more open, but definitely went out of her/our way. I can say for a FACT that the young lad never saw my yam bags!!! Even at home, I cover up with a towel in between dressing.

My wife will go topless if I am in the room while she gets dressed, but never with the kid after he was a baby, no.

Given this was intentional - What was the motivation?

Abbey Marie
02-11-2019, 02:32 PM
Re: the question about men at the beach with saggy boobs, yes! They should put them away so we don't have to look at them. Same goes for the missing-link-level hairy backs.
I often see men jogging on the sidewalk without shirts, and I will tell my husband, that guy really should wear a shirt, lol.

As for the topic at hand, I can't believe I even have to say this, but if all nipples, as some have put it, are the same, then why aren't men drooling over other men's boobs? Or not-drooling over women's? It seems some folks are in denial.

I think this topic has already received way more coverage (pun intended) than it merits. Must be a slow news week, lol.

02-11-2019, 02:59 PM
Absolutely 100% Correct... Men and women have the same nipple parts... they are biologically 100% the same... give a man estrogen and he will grow breasts... and possibly with other hormones even lactate..

so is it because women have better packaging?

I have seen naked man boobs that really shouldnt be on display on the beach...

should they be put away as well???

Of course fat man boobs shouldnt be seen in public.

02-11-2019, 03:17 PM
Should mens hairy balls hang freely too? Or because they're different...?

And I have seen women's boobs with hair on them! But I don't care in private, nor in appropriate places. I just don't want to go out for a meal with the family, and then suddenly have nudity appear for my children unexpectedly. Nor do I feel it's appropriate for my wife to share with the world.

I have NO ISSUE with others in their relationships, that's their business and I will respect that. But I would hope they wouldn't pull things out at a family restaurant while with me... but in their own privacy, have at it. Same as nudie beaches, bars and other appropriate places. Have at it!! But there should be places in society where it's not forced upon everyone, folks that do not care to have their children see such things daily.

In other words, to each their own in a relationship - but in shared space we all must live together.

breasts are not sex organs.....

you cant compare breasts and genitals... it is an argument of equivalence that falls short.

02-11-2019, 03:33 PM
breasts are not sex organs.....

you cant compare breasts and genitals... it is an argument of equivalence that falls short.

No, it's the continuance of something when you weren't here. "Natural" is natural. And for example, it's Noir who thinks the equivalence, and that hairy balls are just Aok in the eatery. But if one thinks that the boobs are ok because they are natural, well then, the other parts of the body are also natural.

02-11-2019, 03:42 PM
Given this was intentional - What was the motivation?

Nothing spurred and nothing motivated it. I guess just the way I was raised, perhaps? I honestly can't say. But my Dad didn't walk around the home naked either, nor my Mom. Personally, I think some things should be left private and for couples, and not to be shared with everyone. And out in public, I see it a different way as well, and a classy thing. I simply don't want my children and family to have sex organs or balls or whatever you want to call various parts of the body - to be something they have no choice but to see.

I was raised to believe that couples and folks that got married, would then share themselves with one another, and something not to be shared with the world. And if someone did, they went to the nudity designated places.

No different than why movies have different ratings, and if nudity is involved, that raises the rating. Why? I guess a lot of folks in society are like me, and would want to know such things are in movies before they take the family to see it, the children to see it. I'd sure hate to bring a 5 year old girl to see a movie she fell in love with over the preview, only to get there and see the movie loaded with boobs and balls. Not something appropriate IMO for a 5 year old girl. Well, IMO, for a lot more than just that girl, but was using her as an example.

And also a reason that society doesn't care much for "whores" - or women who openly have sex with anyone and everyone. Some women and men are fully cool with that. And I would respect their decision if that's what they want to do in private. But I would say most folks wouldn't want to be in a relationship or get married to a woman known as a "whore" and who goes around freely sharing her body in various manners.

02-11-2019, 03:42 PM
Re: the question about men at the beach with saggy boobs, yes! They should put them away so we don't have to look at them. Same goes for the missing-link-level hairy backs.
I often see men jogging on the sidewalk without shirts, and I will tell my husband, he really should wear a shirt, lol.

As for the topic at hand, I can't believe I even have to say this, but if all nipples, as some have put it, are the same, then why aren't men drooling over other men's boobs? Or not-drooling over women's? It seems some folks are in denial.

I think this topic has already received way more coverage (pun intended) than it merits. Must be a slow news week, lol.

Who says that those seeing all of them as the same - don't like them all and see them as the same! :laugh: :beer:

02-11-2019, 03:43 PM
I will happily link you to her blog where she posts nude pictures when she feels like it - though you may not remember that you asked me for this before, and you then declined the link when you considered that your wife would not be happy with you looking for her pictures.
So in other words, your alleged female friend is a trashy little exhibitionist slut.

02-11-2019, 03:49 PM
breasts are not sex organs.....

you cant compare breasts and genitals... it is an argument of equivalence that falls short.
No they're not SEX ORGANS, but don't try and tell men that the sight of a great pair DOESN'T turn men ON, and even pervert women, because that argument won't hold any water either. Men can't get enough of them, and they're an undeniable part of SEXUAL contact.

Abbey Marie
02-11-2019, 04:28 PM
Who says that those seeing all of them as the same - don't like them all and see them as the same! :laugh: :beer:

Well, hell, maybe they do! :laugh2:

Abbey Marie
02-11-2019, 05:12 PM
No they're not SEX ORGANS, but don't try and tell men that the sight of a great pair DOESN'T turn men ON, and even pervert women, because that argument won't hold any water either. Men can't get enough of them, and they're an undeniable part of SEXUAL contact.

Yup. As a further point, how do grown men feel about seeing their own Mom’s boobs? How about Granny’s? No prob?

02-11-2019, 05:23 PM
Ya know... something that hasn't been mentioned, the MUSLIMS will have a holy SHIT FIT if women are allowed to walk around topless. They won't be able to control themselves, in more ways than one. What will the little radical muslim bitch from MINN think? What will she do? Leave the democrat party? Want to declare SHARIA LAW in Minnesota? Can't tell me that the sight of half naked women won't send muslim men into orbit.

Abbey Marie
02-11-2019, 05:33 PM
Ya know... something that hasn't been mentioned, the MUSLIMS will have a holy SHIT FIT if women are allowed to walk around topless. They won't be able to control themselves, in more ways than one. What will the little radical muslim bitch from MINN think? What will she do? Leave the democrat party? Want to declare SHARIA LAW in Minnesota? Can't tell me that the sight of half naked women won't send muslim men into orbit.

Yup, the “big tent” party has some very opposite factions. Like all the Dems who are Jews, vs the increasing number of Muslim Dems. Gays vs Muslims. The list goes on.

02-11-2019, 06:23 PM
No they're not SEX ORGANS, but don't try and tell men that the sight of a great pair DOESN'T turn men ON, and even pervert women, because that argument won't hold any water either. Men can't get enough of them, and they're an undeniable part of SEXUAL contact.

so society has taken a part of the female body that isnt a sex organ and sexualized it. As far as i know women enjoy touching man nipples during sexual contact and some men like it as well...

so should all men be covered as well at the beach because a woman has sexualized his nipples??

its the same thing.

I hate to say it... but several folks here are sounding like a bunch of muslim clerics...

A woman must be covered but a man doesnt have to be!! A woman must dress modestly!!! A man can dress as he likes!! a woman shouldnt accentuate her body to attract attention!! A man has no such restriction... A woman should be covered at all times!! a Man can take off his shirt and wear shorts and muscle shirts....

If boobs cause this much distress maybe we should just put women in Burqas ... Hide them.. desexualize them, only let them go out with their husbands!

Noir is right... compared to Europe we are way behind the times.. we are stuck in this false Victorian era morality.

But cover your women...!!!! Or she will be branded a trashy little exhibishionistic slut!!

it is the fact that we allow sexual expression and sexual identity that makes us better than almost every other country in the world...

AND I WILL MAKE SURE TO TELL WICCAN LIBERAL that she is still viewed here as a perverted freak...

I really thought in the 3 years I was gone that we had progressed beyond that...

Obviously I once again misjudged...


02-11-2019, 06:36 PM
AND I WILL MAKE SURE TO TELL WICCAN LIBERAL that she is still viewed here as a perverted freak...

You did this several times in the past. You take comments in a fluid thread, and then turn around and use them as if someone was making personal comments about your wife. No one is speaking about your wife.

Just like I could assume that you and Noir would find it unacceptable how my wife treats herself and myself, and perhaps even my son, within my home. Some may assume that you guys think she is somehow a prude and defective somehow. And that maybe our views are dumb, or blah blah blah....

I think it should be fair to say - that unless someone directs comments about a specific someone, that they aren't in fact speaking of that specific someone then.

02-11-2019, 06:38 PM
Ya know... something that hasn't been mentioned, the MUSLIMS will have a holy SHIT FIT if women are allowed to walk around topless. They won't be able to control themselves, in more ways than one. What will the little radical muslim bitch from MINN think? What will she do? Leave the democrat party? Want to declare SHARIA LAW in Minnesota? Can't tell me that the sight of half naked women won't send muslim men into orbit.

According to Sharia Law's. Any woman who shows ANY skin, can be punished severely.

If that is what the World Wants. You can do it without me. I admire, and appreciate REAL WOMEN who do not lower themselves to levels with language, dress, and loss of human courtesy in respect for Who They Are...FIRST.

In other words. I'm old enough to remember when Women, Girls, and Females were respected by Men for being the Gentle, Loveable, Kind Human Beings who avoided lowering themselves to STREET WORKING status...just to impress men who were just as Low.

Just my opinion, as I remember my Mother, Wife, Sister, Daughter's-in-law, and Granddaughter. All of whom, grew up as REAL LADIES.

Abbey Marie
02-11-2019, 06:42 PM
You did this several times in the past. You take comments in a fluid thread, and then turn around and use them as if someone was making personal comments about your wife. No one is speaking about your wife.

Just like I could assume that you and Noir would find it unacceptable how my wife treats herself and myself, and perhaps even my son, within my home. Some may assume that you guys think she is somehow a prude and defective somehow. And that maybe our views are dumb, or blah blah blah....

I think it should be fair to say - that unless someone directs comments about a specific someone, that they aren't in fact speaking of that specific someone then.

Good point. I think we were just told that we are pretty much just like Muslim clerics. And definitely backwards prudes. Now if we disagree with women parading around the streets topless, we are personally insulting Wiccan Liberal. Quite the exaggeration of views expressed here.

I think this goofy topic has run it’s course.

02-11-2019, 06:48 PM
so society has taken a part of the female body that isnt a sex organ and sexualized it. As far as i know women enjoy touching man nipples during sexual contact and some men like it as well...

so should all men be covered as well at the beach because a woman has sexualized his nipples??

its the same thing.

I hate to say it... but several folks here are sounding like a bunch of muslim clerics...

A woman must be covered but a man doesnt have to be!! A woman must dress modestly!!! A man can dress as he likes!! a woman shouldnt accentuate her body to attract attention!! A man has no such restriction... A woman should be covered at all times!! a Man can take off his shirt and wear shorts and muscle shirts....

If boobs cause this much distress maybe we should just put women in Burqas ... Hide them.. desexualize them, only let them go out with their husbands!

Noir is right... compared to Europe we are way behind the times.. we are stuck in this false Victorian era morality.

But cover your women...!!!! Or she will be branded a trashy little exhibishionistic slut!!

it is the fact that we allow sexual expression and sexual identity that makes us better than almost every other country in the world...

AND I WILL MAKE SURE TO TELL WICCAN LIBERAL that she is still viewed here as a perverted freak...

I really thought in the 3 years I was gone that we had progressed beyond that...

Obviously I once again misjudged...

Yeah... now you're just off the deep end, bloviating hyperbole like a nut case, and I said nothing even remotely like what your unhinged post suggests.

Do men have TITS? NO. Simple as that. Yes we both have NIPPLES, but MEN, DON'T, HAVE, TITS. Do YOU have a pair of 38D's? Do YOU wear a BRA? You need help if you do.

What part about that DON'T YOU GET? And have they been sexualized? Well, YES, yes they have, and by women as much as MEN. Some women love to show off their CLEAVAGE, and they know men LOOK, and they must LIKE it or they WOULDN'T DO IT, and they also know that men are LUSTING after them and want to... do their THING with them, and you KNOW what I mean.

Now you can post another huge post about how men and women are the SAME, but you're really not credible. You're blowing right past the obvious. Maybe you think it's all fine and dandy for women to walk around topless but I don't, for OBVIOUS reasons.

Abbey Marie
02-11-2019, 06:55 PM
If men’s and women’s breasts are the same, why do male to female transsexuals get full-sized breast implants? And female to male cut them off? What difference should it make? Hmm.

02-12-2019, 05:10 AM
Nothing spurred and nothing motivated it. I guess just the way I was raised, perhaps? I honestly can't say. But my Dad didn't walk around the home naked either, nor my Mom. Personally, I think some things should be left private and for couples, and not to be shared with everyone. And out in public, I see it a different way as well, and a classy thing. I simply don't want my children and family to have sex organs or balls or whatever you want to call various parts of the body - to be something they have no choice but to see.

So societal standards and laws should be a certain way because you think it’s how you think it should be because you were raised that way, maybe? To the extent that in your own home you have intentionally hiding your body from your son because that should be “private and for couples”?

Yup. As a further point, how do grown men feel about seeing their own Mom’s boobs? How about Granny’s? No prob?

You think this should be a problem?

If men’s and women’s breasts are the same, why do male-female transsexuals get full-sized breast implants? And female-male cut them off? What difference should it make? Hmm.

Personal preference in appearance.

02-12-2019, 05:22 AM
Americans, in particular, freak out about boobs for the same reason kids go nuts with alcohol when they hit 21.

Boobs aren't a big deal to me. I've seen plenty and will see more. I hope.

After 10 years of letting women be topless in public, women being topless in public won't matter to the vast majority of people for the same way 10 years after we use unlimited speed on certain parts of freeways in the USA would no longer be a big deal.

I drive over 100mph every. single. day. that I drive on a freeway. Nobody cares. Nobody chases me. Nobody even looks twice.

When women's breast are free to be shown day in and day out, people will stop caring. People will stop looking twice.

02-12-2019, 09:06 AM
So societal standards and laws should be a certain way because you think it’s how you think it should be because you were raised that way, maybe? To the extent that in your own home you have intentionally hiding your body from your son because that should be “private and for couples”?

You think this should be a problem?

Personal preference in appearance.

So this, and so that, and so you think....

Ummm NO, What is SO is what I SAID.

I highly doubt that the long overwhelming majority of people in America prefer privacy for such things - I highly doubt that happened because of my parents.

I think it's more like a collective decision by society over all of time.


And you write like an idiot "hiding in my own home". It's called going in the bathroom, and turning that little handle called a lock. At least here in America, almost all bathroom doors have a lock on them. And I don't walk around the ENTIRE house in the nude, that would just be weird. So really nothing at all to "hide", other than ensuring the kid understands privacy and understands locked doors and knocking and such.


Just because you have no issue with seeing your grandmother boobs, that your Mom should be open as your girlfriend, and that all of those you know should 'free the nipple' as some say - doesn't mean everyone else needs to be the same.

Not caring about anyone within a love life or family, whether or not that go nude anywhere, I find kinda gross. Going ANYWHERE and thinking it's Aok to drop a pair of hairy balls in front of children - well that's just wrong, and I think should be an offense in where one should be arrested. Some things simply don't get forced on children, whether others weirdly believe in it or not.

02-12-2019, 10:29 AM
Americans, in particular, freak out about boobs for the same reason kids go nuts with alcohol when they hit 21.

Boobs aren't a big deal to me. I've seen plenty and will see more. I hope.

After 10 years of letting women be topless in public, women being topless in public won't matter to the vast majority of people for the same way 10 years after we use unlimited speed on certain parts of freeways in the USA would no longer be a big deal.

I drive over 100mph every. single. day. that I drive on a freeway. Nobody cares. Nobody chases me. Nobody even looks twice.

When women's breast are free to be shown day in and day out, people will stop caring. People will stop looking twice.
That's just desensitising, and teaching immorality and debauchery. What's next after women going topless, women going full nude? And yes, there's ALWAYS a NEXT.

Look at what decades of explicit, high definition, bloody violent video games has gotten us... mass school shootings. Is that a good thing? Just because you can desensitise people of something doesn't mean it's a good thing.

Not surprising either how the liberal European based people are arguing compared to the American. It would appear the euro think is rubbing off on you, pard.

02-12-2019, 11:19 AM
There hasn't been a next in europe for maybe 100 years. Nudity equating with sexual activity is a couple-hundred-year old puritan thing. Nobody has to care about seeing tits. People decide to care. It's probably MORE conservative viewpoint - to hold to how people behaved before they learned to feel shame over essentially nothing. I've had this viewpoint about the silliness of american nudity (and traffic speed) laws since way back in the 1900s...after my first tour here. I've maintained this viewpoint while studying theology; while studying church operations; while studying doctrine; while working as a pastor. Thankfully and hopefully I've passed those views on to my kids.

02-12-2019, 05:41 PM
There hasn't been a next in europe for maybe 100 years. Nudity equating with sexual activity is a couple-hundred-year old puritan thing. Nobody has to care about seeing tits. People decide to care. It's probably MORE conservative viewpoint - to hold to how people behaved before they learned to feel shame over essentially nothing. I've had this viewpoint about the silliness of american nudity (and traffic speed) laws since way back in the 1900s...after my first tour here. I've maintained this viewpoint while studying theology; while studying church operations; while studying doctrine; while working as a pastor. Thankfully and hopefully I've passed those views on to my kids.
Are you KIDDING, brother Darin... there hasn't been a NEXT in Europe?

Europe is a leftist TOILET. The muslims have invaded and there's crime and RAPE going on that the cops don't even BOTHER with, but if someone tweets a little something in OPPOSITION, they're ARRESTED. The political correctness and liberal doctrine is RUINING Europe, it's losing it's identity, and it is ALL because of LIBERAL, LEFTIST, CRIPPLING political correctness. Just throw out the morals, throw out the LOGIC, throw out anything even REMOTELY NATIONALIST or PATRIOTIC, and there ya go, an entire CONTINENT twirling down the TOILET.





02-12-2019, 06:26 PM
http://jokideo.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/425827_348153965206408_261108877244251_1177049_170 9886486_n.jpg



On the other hand.... As a happily married man who lives with a wonderful woman. We have lived by the promise...."YOU CAN LOOK AS LONG AS YOU DON'T TOUCH!"

No wonder I need glasses???????:laugh:

02-13-2019, 02:28 AM
Are you KIDDING, brother Darin... there hasn't been a NEXT in Europe?

Yep. In fact it's much more tame here than last time. Last time I saw boobies on every-day commercials. I saw boobies on billboards. Lately the softcore porn has been cut quite a bit - generally a couple channels turned into cinemax after 10pm from what I recall. Now I never hear about that. Plus, there are more churches around - and people can allocate their taxes go directly to their church.

Europe is a leftist TOILET. The muslims have invaded and there's crime and RAPE going on that the cops don't even BOTHER with, but if someone tweets a little something in OPPOSITION, they're ARRESTED. The political correctness and liberal doctrine is RUINING Europe, it's losing it's identity, and it is ALL because of LIBERAL, LEFTIST, CRIPPLING political correctness. Just throw out the morals, throw out the LOGIC, throw out anything even REMOTELY NATIONALIST or PATRIOTIC, and there ya go, an entire CONTINENT twirling down the TOILET.





I thought we were talking about boobies?

Choose courage over fear. Its okay to be scared. Its not okay to put up a boundary because you're scared. Everyone's afraid of things they don't understand. Fear is a brick wall stopping us from truth.

02-13-2019, 06:01 AM
There hasn't been a next in europe for maybe 100 years. Nudity equating with sexual activity is a couple-hundred-year old puritan thing. Nobody has to care about seeing tits. People decide to care. It's probably MORE conservative viewpoint - to hold to how people behaved before they learned to feel shame over essentially nothing. I've had this viewpoint about the silliness of american nudity (and traffic speed) laws since way back in the 1900s...after my first tour here. I've maintained this viewpoint while studying theology; while studying church operations; while studying doctrine; while working as a pastor. Thankfully and hopefully I've passed those views on to my kids.

Spot on.

02-13-2019, 06:42 AM
Interesting reading on how nudity became taboo in modern society:

"New research from the University of Warwick reveals that Queens and prostitutes bared their breasts in the media of the1600s to titillate the public, and that the exposure of a single breast in portraits and prints was common in portrayals of court ladies.

he paper “Revealing Mary” analyses 17th (century) woodcuts used to illustrate over 10,000 ballads. These were the cheapest, most popular and politically charged media of the day.

McShane Jones reveals that breasts - including the breasts of the Queen herself - were commonly depicted on ballad sheets to illustrate the text. Depictions of Queen Mary II of England, wife of William of Orange, frequently show her baring her breasts. In several woodcuts (1689-1694) the ‘modest and virtuous’ Mary is represented as openly baring her breasts.

Woodcuts were deliberately chosen to target buyers and to complement the context of the ballad. Just as today's magazines often depict scantily clad women on their covers, pictures of buxom women displaying their boobs on ballads were a selling point for a male audience, and a female one, if the pictures described the latest fashions.
Diarist Samuel Pepys' collection of nearly 2000 song sheets contains more busty ballads than any other contemporary collection, and it's not hard to imagine that there was a certain preference in his ballad buying.
Images of big-breasted women similar to celebrity tabloid pin-ups have appeared in popular media for centuries. However, the woodcuts could be used to depict innocence as well as immorality. For example the same picture of a fashionably big-breasted woman in the 1650s was used in a number of different ballads to illustrate an innocent, a tempted and a fallen maiden.
Historian Angela McShane Jones from the University of Warwick said: “In the 1600s it was fairly commonplace for women to bare their breasts in public. The fashions were initiated by court members and Queens, then replicated by ordinary women, and common prostitutes. 17th century fashion, rather than demeaning women, could be empowering. The extremely low cut dresses were designed to encourage men to look but not to touch. They empowered some women to use their sexuality.”


So from that perspective, traditional views on breasts-in-public shade towards "no big deal".