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View Full Version : Speaking Truth To Power, The Virtue Signaling Edition

02-06-2019, 03:50 PM
I admit, there is a great guilty pleasure in grabbing the popcorn and watching the left eat its' own. The author, however, does make a solid point that we all would do well to remember:

When Is Hating Hate More Hateful Than Hate?

This week’s scoundrel of the century is Virginia governor Ralph Northam, who faces growing calls to resign ever since the website “Big League Politics” broke the story (https://bigleaguepolitics.com/yearbook-ralph-northam-in-blackface-photo/), where, as they put it, “Northam and a friend were photographed together—one in blackface, one in Klan robes.”
In 1984. As college students. And for this, the “Virginia capitol is thrown into chaos (https://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/04/us/politics/northam-photo.html).” God help Virginia if a real crisis ever descends on that city.

This isn’t to defend Ralph Northam. He is, after all, a member of the Democratic wing of the establishment uniparty. Even worse than their Republican counterparts, these Democrats rely on race-baiting, gender pandering, and other divisive, prurient distractions to obfuscate the fact that they actively collaborate with globalist billionaires to destroy America’s traditions, its economy, its culture, its heritage, and its people. The Republican establishment wing of the uniparty, by contrast, just wants to sell America to the Chinese, in the name of “free trade,” and overwhelm America with millions of destitute, unassimilable immigrants, in the name of “free movement of peoples.” A pox on both wings.
Everyone (https://www.axios.com/full-list-calls-for-ralph-northam-resignation-8eb77302-f340-4faa-8887-24432984a7fd.html) wants Northam to go. But is this really the way to make America Great Again? By adopting the fascistic, zero-tolerance, pandering hypersensitivity and retribution obsessed tactics that define America’s extreme Left? Is anyone actually “healed” by this?
