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View Full Version : AOC nails sad state of campaign fiance laws

02-07-2019, 06:37 PM
Whatever you think of her, she cuts the BS here in this video

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-08-2019, 07:11 AM
Whatever you think of her, she cuts the BS here in this video
Are you T- totally daft?
All that she is condemning is exactly her party and how it established that in its 40+ year control of Congress-
damn man- do try to learn some damn history.
Hell. you make me embarrassed for you you are so clueless and brainwashed.
You post this as if it is an indictment solely on the Conservatives and the REPUBLICAN PARTY.
Idgit, I am constantly amazed at just how damn stupid you truly are!!!

Who didnt know the political system is corrupt?
Who didnt know rich people have so many things tilted in their favor?
Who didnt know that Capitalism is not a perfect system..
Who doesnt know that Capitalism is the best system ever devised by man to date.
That is right , you ffing Dems/Libs/Socialists/Communists/ Marxists/Millennials and other assorted varieties of dumb-ass morons, uneducated , history illiterate mad-raving ffing MORONS. .. . ---Tyr

02-08-2019, 07:59 AM
And in her new Green Wet Dream deal, we have to control COW FARTS, get RID OF AIRPLANES, and if you're UNWILLING TO WORK, that's OK, you'll STILL GET PAID.

The only thing that ULTRA ass clown of a RETARD "NAILS" is how to make a GIN FIZZ.

She's dumber than a sack of HORSE PISS.

02-08-2019, 09:37 AM
Having you campaign funded by corporations —- bad

Like Apple funded AIC’s campaign

Labor unions such as the CCWA and SEIU also were among her top donors..... and of course they wanted nothing in return. Isn’t she in favor of increasing union membership as part if her Green New Deal?

Who are The Justice Democrats? They too are among her biggest donors

Selendy&Gay — a legal firm also contributed to Ms AOCs campaign

Biggest campaign donor —- COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY —- now I see why she want government paid tuition for everyone

Does anyone believe that any of her campaign donors did not due so to get something in return?


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02-09-2019, 10:04 AM
Things that make you go, hmmm
