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02-11-2019, 04:37 PM
Yup. Enjoy it, it's been earned.


The Democratic Party Has Become The Party Of Anti-Semitism. Here's Why.

On Sunday, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), an open anti-Semite with a long history of anti-Semitic commentary, jumped back into the Jew-hating waters with a couple of tweets blaming Republican support for Israel on payments by those shekelmaster Hebrews. Here’s what she tweeted:


When called out for her anti-Semitism by Chelsea Clinton, she then suggested that the perception that her anti-Semitic comments were in fact anti-Semitic was merely a right-wing smear:


Omar’s latest Jew-hatred isn’t the beginning of her story. In 2012 she tweeted:



Suffice it to say that Rep. Steve King’s (R-IA) racist comments about white nationalism did not receive this sort of tepidly dismissive media coverage.

Anti-Semitism now thrives inside the Democratic Party. Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) wrote a piece for Louis Farrakhan in 2006; she’s welcome in the party. Linda Sarsour continues to be an ally to the new Democratic Fresh Faces™ as well as more established names like Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) (in November, Sarsour slammed “folks who masquerade as progressives but always choose their allegiance to Israel over their commitment to democracy and free speech”). Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) holds conference calls with vicious British anti-Semite Jeremy Corbyn, to no serious blowback from the Democratic Party. Keith Ellison, now attorney general of Minnesota, was nearly made the head of the Democratic National Committee after engaging in blatant anti-Semitism for years.

How has the Democratic Party morphed into the party of anti-Semitism? By embracing the philosophy of intersectionality on the one hand, and by embracing the myth that anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism are completely separable on the other. The former provides the emotional impetus for nodding at Jew-hatred; the latter provides the intellectual framework for doing so.

The philosophy of intersectionality has othered Jews from the intersectional coalition. Because intersectionality is built on the premise that the prevailing Western system of thought has victimized various groups, and that those groups must band together in order to destroy that system, those who have thrived under the West must be excised from the intersectional agglomeration – being, as they are, representatives of the fact that Western thought is not, in fact, rooted in evil. The Jews are simply too financially, educationally, and politically successful to be seen as anything other than members of the power structure. Thus, slurs against them must be countenanced from more victimized groups. As I wrote back in November:

In areas where Jews are successful, then, anti-Semitism and intersectional theory often merge. Many Jews have white skin; many Jews are highly educated and wealthy; the state of Israel is disproportionately powerful. This means that in the intersectional hierarchy, Jews stand near the top when it comes to privilege. And this means that anti-Semitism is only objectionable when expressed by white supremacists – by members of a group even more privileged than the Jews. When anti-Semitism is expressed by others in the intersectional hierarchy, however, that’s not anti-Semitism at all: it’s just a normal form of intersectional thinking. Thus, Louis Farrakhan’s anti-Semitism or Linda Sarsour’s anti-Semitism or Ilhan Omar’s anti-Semitism isn’t anti-Semitism at all, but the rage of an intersectional underdog taking on a more powerful group. Hence the disproportionate focus of the intersectional thinkers on Israel, the supposed evidence of the hierarchical power of the Jews.

Intersectional theory posits identity groups as the chief factor in determining morality. That sort of thinking has never cut in favor of Jews. And it doesn’t now, either. Pretending that Jews are part of the intersectional hierarchy is simply siding with the intersectional alligator, hoping that it eats the Jews last.

Rest - https://www.dailywire.com/news/43321/democratic-party-has-become-party-anti-semitism-ben-shapiro

02-11-2019, 05:34 PM
This radical little muslim democrat dog turd sounds about like the little Turkish MOONBAT we had spreading her hate and propaganda here awhile back.

I suppose the little Turkish skank could have gotten elected in MINN too. Might as well start calling it Minnesotistan.