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View Full Version : President Trump Calls on Rep. Ilhan Omar to Resign, Says Her Apology Was ‘Lame’

02-12-2019, 06:46 PM
I agree. Her apology was more like "I apologize because folks want me to" kind of thing.


President Trump Calls on Rep. Ilhan Omar to Resign, Says Her Apology Was ‘Lame’

President Donald Trump has asserted that he believes Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN) should either resign from Congress or at least from the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

The comment from the president comes in response to a controversial tweet from the lawmaker that has been widely regarded as antisemitic. Omar had said that Republican support for Israel is “all about the Benjamins.”


Forward journalist Batya Ungar-Sargon responded to the Tweet by saying: “Would love to know who @IlhanMN thinks is paying American politicians to be pro-Israel, though I think I can guess. Bad form, Congresswoman. That’s the second anti-Semitic trope you’ve tweeted.”

Omar responded to the journalist by saying, “AIPAC!” referring to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.

When asked about her comments on Tuesday, President Trump called for her to resign.

“I think she should either resign from congress or she should certainly resign from the House Foreign Affairs Committee,” President Trump told members of the White House Press Pool, adding that the hateful comments are “deep seeded in her heart.”

President Trump also asserted that her apology was “lame.”

After facing criticism and backlash from both sides of the aisle, Rep. Omar issued an apology that said she apologizes “unequivocally,” but went on to continue to claim that AIPAC is a problem.


As we reported last week, radical Somalia-born leftist wants to defund Immigration and Customs Enforcement — as well as the Department of Homeland Security.

“When Democrats stood our ground last month, we proved that Individual 1 does not have the public support to ram his hateful wall through Congress,” Omar tweeted on Friday. “Let’s stand firm: #Not1Dollar for DHS.”

The Minnesota Congresswoman has previously made excuses for a 2013 terrorist attack, claiming the attack which left 71 people dead and over 200 wounded was “a reaction” to “our involvement in other people’s affairs.”

Additionally, as a Minnesota state representative, Omar asked a judge to show leniency for a group of men who were convicted of trying to join ISIS.

“The best deterrent to fanaticism is a system of compassion,” Omar wrote in a letter to the judge presiding over the case. “We must alter our attitude and approach; if we truly want to effect change, we should refocus our efforts on inclusion and rehabilitation.”

One of the men she had asked for compassion for had told the judge, “I was not going there to pass out medical kits or food. I was going strictly to fight and kill on behalf of the Islamic State.”

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/02/president-trump-calls-on-rep-ilhan-omar-to-resign-says-her-apology-was-lame/

02-12-2019, 06:49 PM
I love our president... :thumb:

02-14-2019, 09:50 PM
I wish that Rep Omar would go on a Hadj to Mecca—- permanently

02-15-2019, 10:46 AM
I agree. Her apology was more like "I apologize because folks want me to" kind of thing.


President Trump Calls on Rep. Ilhan Omar to Resign, Says Her Apology Was ‘Lame’

President Donald Trump has asserted that he believes Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN) should either resign from Congress or at least from the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

The comment from the president comes in response to a controversial tweet from the lawmaker that has been widely regarded as antisemitic. Omar had said that Republican support for Israel is “all about the Benjamins.”


Forward journalist Batya Ungar-Sargon responded to the Tweet by saying: “Would love to know who @IlhanMN thinks is paying American politicians to be pro-Israel, though I think I can guess. Bad form, Congresswoman. That’s the second anti-Semitic trope you’ve tweeted.”

Omar responded to the journalist by saying, “AIPAC!” referring to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.

When asked about her comments on Tuesday, President Trump called for her to resign.

“I think she should either resign from congress or she should certainly resign from the House Foreign Affairs Committee,” President Trump told members of the White House Press Pool, adding that the hateful comments are “deep seeded in her heart.”

President Trump also asserted that her apology was “lame.”

After facing criticism and backlash from both sides of the aisle, Rep. Omar issued an apology that said she apologizes “unequivocally,” but went on to continue to claim that AIPAC is a problem.


As we reported last week, radical Somalia-born leftist wants to defund Immigration and Customs Enforcement — as well as the Department of Homeland Security.

“When Democrats stood our ground last month, we proved that Individual 1 does not have the public support to ram his hateful wall through Congress,” Omar tweeted on Friday. “Let’s stand firm: #Not1Dollar for DHS.”

The Minnesota Congresswoman has previously made excuses for a 2013 terrorist attack, claiming the attack which left 71 people dead and over 200 wounded was “a reaction” to “our involvement in other people’s affairs.”

Additionally, as a Minnesota state representative, Omar asked a judge to show leniency for a group of men who were convicted of trying to join ISIS.

“The best deterrent to fanaticism is a system of compassion,” Omar wrote in a letter to the judge presiding over the case. “We must alter our attitude and approach; if we truly want to effect change, we should refocus our efforts on inclusion and rehabilitation.”

One of the men she had asked for compassion for had told the judge, “I was not going there to pass out medical kits or food. I was going strictly to fight and kill on behalf of the Islamic State.”

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/02/president-trump-calls-on-rep-ilhan-omar-to-resign-says-her-apology-was-lame/

All her other crap aside, are we to believe that she took no money from lobbyists?