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View Full Version : Trump 'extremely unhappy' with shutdown deal, keeping options open to build wall

02-12-2019, 07:57 PM
Compromise. A deal that allows for many options when it comes to a wall and/or barrier and/or fencing.


Trump 'extremely unhappy' with shutdown deal, keeping options open to build wall

President Donald Trump said Tuesday that he is "extremely unhappy" with the bipartisan deal lawmakers reached to avert a government shutdown this week that provides money for a southern border fence, but he vowed to build a border wall anyway.

"I am extremely unhappy with what the Democrats have given us," Trump told reporters at the White House. "It's sad. They're doing the country no favors. They're hurting our country very badly. But we certainly don't want to see a shutdown."

Trump added that he is considering all options to fund his proposed border wall. A White House official told NBC News earlier Tuesday that even if Trump signs off on the agreement reached Monday night to keep the government open, other options were on the table to build a more substantial barrier.

Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., chairman of the House Freedom Caucus, tweeted Tuesday that Trump "should take executive action" to secure the border.

Rest - https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-might-consider-other-options-build-wall-even-if-he-n970491

02-12-2019, 08:08 PM
I'm following Rep. Meadows on twitter. I saw that tweet.

The President should be disappointed, more so with the JACKASS RINO's that handed him this... ahem... DEAL... than anyone. That turtle faced SHIT STAIN McConnell is a TOTAL FAILURE, and he was touting this deal on twitter as some sort of BIG WIN for the republicans. How STUPID is this man? He's about a worthless RINO POS. A bought off, gutless, feckless, spineless, ASS CLOWN.

I mean... seriously... WHAT HAPPENS to these people when they get to Washington and they're THERE FOR TOO LONG? Oh gee... let me guess... they're BEHOLDING to the people that OWN THEM. Good Lord I HATE politicians... ALL of them. Democrats worse than republicans, but when push comes to shove... they're AAAAALL a bunch of LOW LIFE SHYSTERS. They don't give a rats ass about the American people, so long as they GET THEIR MONEY, and STAY IN POWER. I would absolutely LOVE to see a SECOND REVOLUTIONARY WAR where the good patriot citizens of America marched on Washington and CLEANED FUCKING HOUSE.