View Full Version : 10 years AGO TODAY: Dem Rep. Ilhan Omar Marries Her Biological Brother from Somalia

02-13-2019, 08:52 PM
So she takes her oath on the Quran.

And as I had posted once before, she apparently has married her brother in the past, to help him with immigration issues?


TEN YEARS AGO TODAY: Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar Marries Her Biological Brother from Somalia

Ten years ago today…

Democrat Ilhan Omar married her biological brother.


Via Jack Posobiec.

(video at site)

Ilhan Omar won a historic victory over 44-year incumbent DFL Rep. Phyllis Kahn.

Ilhan Omar built a vast coalition of East African voters to defeat the incumbent in Minneapolis.

The liberal media forgot to mention Ilhan was married to her brother.

Power Line reported:

A reader has written us to point out that the Somali website Somalispot posted information last week suggesting Omar’s involvement in marriage and immigration fraud. The post notes that Omar married Ahmed Hirsi in 2002. Hirsi is the father of Omar’s three children. Omar is depicted with Hirsi and their children on Omar’s campaign website here.

The post further notes that Omar married her brother Ahmed Nur Said Elmi in 2009, implying that the latter marriage assisted his entry into the United States. Her brother was a British citizen. “As soon as Ilhan Omar married him,” the post continues, “he started university at her [a]lma mater North Dakota State University where he graduated in 2012. Shortly thereafter, he moved to Minneapolis where he was living in a public housing complex and was later evicted. He then returned to the United Kingdom where he now lives.”

Ilhan Omar was elected to be a State Representative for District 60B November 8, 2016 and took her oath on the Quran.

In 2017, several months after Omar’s marriage history briefly created a national news item, Omar quietly petitioned family court for a default divorce, claiming she could not locate Elmi.


02-14-2019, 08:07 AM
It's hard to find the words to describe this muslim skank. The words I do have are too harsh for online. But if I lived in Minnesota, I'd move.

But this is what the democrat party has become.

Trump gets elected and he's PRO AMERICA, and they HATE him. This filthy little muslim bitch gets elected who HATES America, AND JEWS, and they LOVE her. If that doesn't tell you who the democrat party is, NOTHING will. They are so RADICAL and FAR LEFT, someone like JFK wouldn't even recognize the party. They are out to DESTROY America, and as they go further and further to the left, I can't see it ending well. I see an article V Convention of States coming, I see states seceding, and some sort of second civil war all coming.

The democrats WANT America FLOODED with illegal aliens and refugees. It's their permanent underclass of voters to keep them in power. The problem is, that's destroying America. America is losing it's identity. These illegal invaders and parasites are coming from third world shit holes, and that's EXACTLY what they will turn America into. America will FAIL, and it will ALL be because of the democrat party's RADICAL agenda, HATE for America, and sick need for power.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
02-14-2019, 04:10 PM
It's hard to find the words to describe this muslim skank. The words I do have are too harsh for online. But if I lived in Minnesota, I'd move.

But this is what the democrat party has become.

Trump gets elected and he's PRO AMERICA, and they HATE him. This filthy little muslim bitch gets elected who HATES America, AND JEWS, and they LOVE her. If that doesn't tell you who the democrat party is, NOTHING will. They are so RADICAL and FAR LEFT, someone like JFK wouldn't even recognize the party. They are out to DESTROY America, and as they go further and further to the left, I can't see it ending well. I see an article V Convention of States of coming, I see states seceding, and some sort of second civil war all coming.

The democrats WANT America FLOODED with illegal aliens and refugees. It's their permanent underclass of voters to keep them in power. The problem is, that's destroying America. America is losing it's identity. These illegal invaders and parasites are coming from third world shit holes, and that's EXACTLY what they will turn America into. America will FAIL, and it will ALL be because of the democrat party's RADICAL agenda, HATE for America, and sick need for power.

Dead on the money correct. That filthy piece of shit is celebrated and put into power by ffing morons-- otherwise known as dem voters!
She is a muslim through and through and muslims oppose every freedom we as citizens have.
Muslims hate our Constitution which makes them a perfect fit in the traitorous dem party!
This skank engaged in fraud to help her muzzy piece of shit brother yet she holds public office.
Remember the piece of shit obama got financial aid the same way, by being enrolled in college on a foreign student status..
And later he claimed citizenship , which any sane person knows was fraud too....
That in this country the dems get away with this is clear evidence this nation will fall. IMHO.
Remember the greatest empire that ever existed (Roman Empire) fell primarily due to decay from within!
And we have that decay in full bloom--obama being elected twice proves that . And now the corrupt, lying and criminal
things the stinky dem party gets away with proves it in spades, IMHO.--Tyr

02-14-2019, 04:55 PM
Happy Anniversary.