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02-15-2019, 12:03 PM
Trump has done ALL he could have done, that I have asked for anyway. Every promise kept and the wall promise kept. No longer his fault if it fails - or if the liberals want our country to fail.


Trump declares national emergency to build a wall

In a rambling, teleprompter-free diatribe, President Trump announced that he was declaring a national emergency in order to build a wall at the southern border.

Speaking in the White House Rose Garden Friday morning, after a long digression in which he touched on trade policy with China, the war on ISIS and other subjects, Trump announced he would take executive action to divert federal money to declare a national emergency for “virtual invasion purposes.” In doing so, he brought up many of the discredited arguments he has been relying on over the last several months. He said drugs coming across the southern border don’t come through official ports of entry (not true), that El Paso, Texas, was dangerous before the construction of a wall (not true) and that women are being trafficked across the unguarded portions of the border (no evidence exists of this). Trump also disputed studies that have found undocumented immigrants commit crimes at a lower rate than native-born citizens.

An emergency declaration would allow Trump to divert funds appropriated for other purposes to build the wall. Trump has said he would shift the money from “far less important” government programs, including the Department of Defense. A Pentagon official told the New York Times that one likely scenario would be to divert up to $2.5 billion in counternarcotics funds to the Army Corps of Engineers.

This is a departure from Trump’s original campaign promise that Mexico would pay for the wall. The administration did not get funding for a wall passed during the first two years of its term, when Republicans had control of both the Senate and the House, leading to a record 35-day government shutdown that also did not yield the funding Trump wanted.

Congress passed a continuing resolution Thursday to fund the government and avert a second shutdown, and Trump has agreed to sign it, but he made no mention of it in his remarks.

Rest - https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-declares-national-emergency-to-build-a-wall-162757209.html

Trump announces he's signing border bill and declaring national emergency to get wall funding

President Donald Trump capped months of political drama Friday, announcing he's signing a bill to fund the government, avoiding another government shutdown, while also taking the extraordinary action of declaring a national emergency to secure additional funding for his proposed border wall that congressional Democrats refused to give him.

"I am going to be signing a national emergency," Trump said.

The president explained his highly controversial move in a Rose Garden announcement, saying "We're going to confront the national security crisis on our southern border and we're going to do it one way or the other."

He said he was taking "critical actions" but "not because it was a campaign promise."

"We're talking about an invasion of our country with drugs, with human traffickers, with all types of criminals and gangs," he explained.

"I don't have to do it for the election, I've already done a wall for the election, 2020," the president said in a sometimes rambling justification for his actions, blaming Democrats.

"And the only reason we're up here talking about this is because of the election, because they want to try and win an election which it looks like they're not going to be able to do, and this is one of the ways where they think they can possibly win -- is by obstruction and a lot of other nonsense -- and I think that I just want to get it done faster that's all," he said.

As he spoke, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders tweeted out a photo of the president signing the emergency declaration.

Rest - https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trump-sign-border-bill-declare-national-emergency-wall/story?id=61088949

Congress OKs Border Deal; Trump Will Sign, Declare Emergency

WASHINGTON (AP) — Congress lopsidedly approved a border security compromise Thursday that would avert a second painful government shutdown, but a new confrontation was ignited — this time over President Donald Trump's plan to bypass lawmakers and declare a national emergency to siphon billions from other federal coffers for his wall on the Mexican boundary.

Money in the bill for border barriers, about $1.4 billion, is far below the $5.7 billion Trump insisted he needed and would finance just a quarter of the 200-plus miles he wanted. The White House said he'd sign the legislation but act unilaterally to get more, prompting condemnations from Democrats and threats of lawsuits from states and others who might lose federal money or said Trump was abusing his authority.

The uproar over Trump's next move cast an uncertain shadow over what had been a rare display of bipartisanship to address the grinding battle between the White House and lawmakers over border security.

The Senate passed the legislation 83-16, with both parties solidly aboard. The House followed with a 300-128 tally, with Trump's signature planned Friday. Trump will speak Friday morning in the Rose Garden about border security, the White House said.

Trump is expected to announce that he will be spending roughly $8 billion on border barriers — combining the money approved by Congress with funding he plans to repurpose through executive actions, including a national emergency, said a White House official who was not authorized to speak publicly. The money is expected to come from funds targeted for military construction and counterdrug efforts.

Rest - https://hosted.ap.org/article/34dde5f8a2404e039d6fe819136e92f5/border-security-brawl-seems-near-serene-resolution

02-15-2019, 12:08 PM
Yup... he's only ONE MAN, and unfortunately the poor bastard is fighting not only an entire party that HATES America and WANTS the country FLOODED with illegal aliens... for VOTES... but even his own party has been an abject FAILURE and practically WORTHLESS.

If securing our border, building a wall and overhauling our broken immigration laws was SOLELY up to the president, he'd have DONE IT BY NOW.

I still hold President Trump in the highest regard.

02-15-2019, 12:09 PM
And hopefully it will end up at the new SC.


Trump: We’ll ‘Possibly Get a Bad Ruling’ on Emergency Declaration, ‘Hopefully’ We’ll Win at SCOTUS

During his speech announcing a national emergency declaration on Friday, President Trump stated that there will “possibly” be a “bad ruling” against his emergency declaration in the 9th Circuit, and “hopefully” the declaration will win in front of the Supreme Court.

Trump said, “[W]e will have a national emergency. And we will then be sued, and they will sue us in the 9th Circuit, even though it shouldn’t be there. And we will possibly get a bad ruling, and then we’ll get another bad ruling. And then we’ll end up in the Supreme Court, and hopefully, we’ll get a fair shake, and we’ll win in the Supreme Court, just like the ban.”


02-15-2019, 12:13 PM
Ya never know what that little OBAMACARE SAVIOR and ABORTION LOVER, Roberts, is going to do. He's a disgrace.

02-15-2019, 12:42 PM
Trump expects the 9th to block - so do I! LOL


President Trump Says He Expects the 9th Circuit Court to Block His National Emergency Declaration

President Donald Trump said on Friday that he is expecting the Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit to block his emergency declaration to build the wall — but that he will take it to the Supreme Court where he believes that he will win.

While the president was open about expecting to be sued for the National Emergency, he said that he believes the declaration will “get a fair shake” in the Supreme Court.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/02/watch-president-trump-says-he-expects-the-9th-circuit-court-to-block-his-national-emergency-declaration/

02-15-2019, 01:43 PM
Trump declares border national emergency to bipartisan skepticism


Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump on Friday declared a national emergency to unlock billions of dollars in federal funds to build a wall on the southern border, bypassing Congress after lawmakers refused to meet his multi-billion dollar request for border wall funds.

For weeks, the President and his top officials had argued that there is a "crisis" on the southern border. Democrats pushed against that argument, saying there's no security crisis but rather a humanitarian one.

According to federal data, Customs and Border Protection apprehended nearly 400,000 people along the Southwest border in fiscal year 2018, an increase from 2017 but a decrease from 2016. Many of those apprehended were claiming asylum.

Trump on Friday reiterated his claims of an "invasion" of drugs and undocumented immigrants at the southern border, but offered little factual or statistical evidence to back up his claim that a national emergency exists.

Rest - https://www.cnn.com/2019/02/15/politics/donald-trump-border-national-emergency-immigration/index.html

02-15-2019, 01:45 PM
Donald Trump Announces State of Emergency at the Border

President Donald Trump declared a state of emergency Friday to address the border crisis, allowing him to move outside of Congress to build border barriers.

“We’re going to confront the national security crisis on our border,” Trump announced in the Rose Garden. “And we are going to do it one way or the other. We have to do it.”

Trump previewed the legal fight to declare the emergency, citing previous presidents using the designation.

“I’m going to be signing a national emergency, and it’s been signed many times before. … there’s rarely been a problem,” he said. “They sign it, and nobody cares.”

He said that the decision was “very simple” and would help stop the crisis at the border.

Trump expressed his frustration with Congress, who refused to address his demand for $5.6 billion in funding for physical barriers.

He said that Democrats and local politicians who said that walls did not work were telling “lies,” again pointing to the physical barriers in El Paso that successfully protect Americans on the other side from traffickers, criminals, and illegal immigrants.

“Nancy knows it. Chuck knows it. It’s a lie. It’s a very big con game,” Trump said. “You don’t have to be very smart to know.”

The state of emergency declaration allows the president to shift existing funds within the government to the border.

The president spoke without a teleprompter during the announcement in the free-flowing event and took questions from reporters about the border fight.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/02/15/donald-trump-announces-state-emergency-border/

02-15-2019, 02:52 PM

02-15-2019, 03:11 PM
In my lifetime, I have never seen a president who actually kept all of his promises and worked so hard to do it.

It is refreshing to see one who does.

Consider, too, all the crap he’s had to deal with in addition to doing his job, it is nothing short of remarkable.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

02-15-2019, 03:16 PM
In my lifetime, I have never seen a president who actually kept all of his promises and worked so hard to do it.

It is refreshing to see one who does.

Consider, too, all the crap he’s had to deal with in addition to doing his job, it is nothing short of remarkable.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I just posted a thread about Ann Coulter, and believe it or not, was thinking the same. Unfortunately, it took a lot of wrangling and some compromise, and even then it wasn't enough, so he had to take a drastic route... maybe she wrote before that? Dunno.

But yeah, I THINK he's covered every last promise that "I" wanted. Maybe not all of course, but I am MORE than cool with what he's covered - and he's only 2 years in!

02-15-2019, 03:20 PM
Trump's declaring a national emergency to build the wall - here's what you need to know

President Donald Trump is declaring a national emergency at the U.S. southern border to begin construction on his proposed wall in addition to accepting congressionally negotiated compromise funding, he announced during a Friday morning press conference in the Rose Garden.

Trump will accept the $1.375 billion in funding appropriated by Congress in addition to the $600 million available to him as a result of asset forfeiture, appropriate funding under his authority to interdict drug corridors and use military construction funds available to him under his authority as commander-in-chief.

Acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney told reporters Friday that the declaration was necessary because Congress is “incapable” of appropriating the amount of money needed in the administration’s eyes to build the 234-mile-long border wall.

White House officials familiar with the deal say all together, Trump will have $8 billion at his disposal, though they said they could not guarantee all 234 miles could be built because of statutory restrictions on the amount of funding available.

The announcement ends a nearly two-month-long saga involving the longest lapse of federal funding in U.S. history, a high stakes showdown with a newly controlled Democratic Congress and the use of every executive action effort available to fulfill Trump’s signature campaign promise.

Trump’s speech included an emotional appeal, asking mothers and wives of people slain by illegal immigrants to hold up photos of their deceased family members to the assembled reporters.

Rest - https://dailycaller.com/2019/02/15/trump-national-emergency-wall/

02-15-2019, 03:42 PM
Pollak: The Border Wall Deal — With the National Emergency — Is a Win for Trump

President Donald Trump seems to have scored a significant political win with the announcement Thursday that he will sign Congress’s deal on border security — while at the same time declaring a national emergency to build the portion of the “wall” that the deal would not fund.

If all goes as planned — and that is still a big “if” — Trump will have fulfilled his promise to build a physical barrier on the U.S.-Mexico border, without trading away amnesty.

There are strenuous objections to the bill Trump is about to sign. One is that the amount of money, $1.4 billion, is not only less than what is needed to secure the border, but less than Trump would have received from Democrats before the partial federal government shutdown last December. Indeed, the president of the National Border Patrol Council told Breitbart News Tonight that Congress had ignored what the experts said was the minimum needed.

All of that is true — and it only strengthens the case for a national emergency declaration. Arguably, it would have been harder to sell a national emergency declaration to the public had it not become clear over time that Congress simply would not provide funding to secure the border — even when advised by experts to do so.

Moreover, Pelosi and the Democrats have now agreed to fund at least some physical barrier on the border. It is no longer “immoral.”

Pelosi also told reporters Thursday that Trump would set a precedent for future unilateral actions — on guns, for example. The idea that Pelosi — who supported Barack Obama’s unconstitutional actions on immigration — cares about the separation of powers is a joke.

But the risk she describes has been reduced because not only are Trump’s actions lawful — as a gun ban would not be — but because there is also no longer any principled objection to a wall.

Border hawks are more worried about provisions in the bill, such as Section 224(a), that could create a loophole for future illegal aliens to enter the country and avoid deportation.

As my colleague John Binder warned Thursday, the section could “prevent federal immigration officials from deporting anyone who has close contact with [unaccompanied illegal alien minors] who are readily resettled throughout the U.S. with so-called ‘sponsors.’”

That is a real risk. But it will decrease over time, as the wall — or fence — is built. And if the Trump administration succeeds in defending its new policy on asylum — requiring applicants to stay outside the country until their claims are processed — there will be less risk of illegal aliens, whether children or otherwise, using ports of entry to slip over the border and disappear into the interior. It is a big loophole — but it is one that can be closed, gradually.

What is most important is what is not in the border wall deal: any form of legal status whatsoever for illegal aliens already in the United States. That includes the so-called “Dreamers,” the illegal aliens brought to the country as minors, 800,000 of whom have been protected under Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). There is no “path to citizenship.” Democrats missed a historic opportunity to trade a border wall for amnesty.

Now Pelosi and her party have lost all of their leverage on immigration reform. Their only hope is to win both the presidency and the Congress in 2020, and pass amnesty then — which may have been their calculation all along.

In the meantime, they have alienated many of the Republicans who might have worked with them, notably Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), who supports the president’s “border deal plus national emergency” approach.

Trump has also given his supporters new reasons to come to the polls in 2020. If they want the wall to continue to be built, and if they want to prevent amnesty, they are going to have to make sure he is re-elected.

And if he wins, Democrats will have no cards to play. By the time immigration reform comes before Congress again, the wall will be in place, and any amnesty to which the politicians agree will be the last.

Which is as it should be. Trump wins.


02-15-2019, 04:06 PM

Congress OKs Border Deal; Trump Will Sign, Declare Emergency

WASHINGTON (AP) — Congress lopsidedly approved a border security compromise Thursday that would avert a second painful government shutdown, but a new confrontation was ignited — this time over President Donald Trump's plan to bypass lawmakers and declare a national emergency to siphon billions from other federal coffers for his wall on the Mexican boundary.

Money in the bill for border barriers, about $1.4 billion, is far below the $5.7 billion Trump insisted he needed and would finance just a quarter of the 200-plus miles he wanted. The White House said he'd sign the legislation but act unilaterally to get more, prompting condemnations from Democrats and threats of lawsuits from states and others who might lose federal money or said Trump was abusing his authority.

Rest - https://hosted.ap.org/article/34dde5f8a2404e039d6fe819136e92f5/border-security-brawl-seems-near-serene-resolution

02-15-2019, 06:25 PM
How the US military could build Trump’s border wall

Washington (AFP) – President Donald Trump has declared a national emergency to address what he called an “invasion” of drugs, gangs, human traffickers and undocumented migrants over the US border with Mexico.

The declaration means Trump can sidestep Congress to access federal funds from elsewhere to help pay for construction of a border wall.

With the Pentagon by far the biggest source of cash, here is a look at how the US military could help build Trump’s wall.

– How much? –

Trump’s declaration of a national emergency means he can now draw on Pentagon funds that have already been approved by Congress for 2019.

He had wanted Congress to authorize $5.7 billion for a wall along parts of the border, but lawmakers provided just $1.375 billion for barriers, and specifically not a solid concrete wall.

The White House said Trump will access $6.1 billion from two Pentagon sources: $3.6 billion from a military construction fund, and $2.5 billion from Defense Department counter-drug activity funds.

Even though Trump’s emergency declaration has been anticipated for weeks, the Pentagon was not able immediately to provide details on which programs or projects would lose out as the money is repurposed for Trump.

Currently, most of the construction funds are already earmarked for military housing, base improvements and various other projects.

The Defense Department could also scrap or scale-back planned projects, though such a move would spark the ire of US lawmakers who lobbied for the projects and whose districts would be impacted.

As a candidate, Trump repeatedly vowed that Mexico would pay for a wall.

– Who would build it? –

The Pentagon already has some 4,000 active-duty troops stationed along the border, deployed under a controversial order Trump gave last year ahead of midterm elections.

Additionally, about 2,100 National Guardsmen are supporting border operations.

The troops’ role has primarily been to erect miles of concertina-wire fencing along popular crossing points, though the soldiers are not necessarily experts at building more permanent walls.

Such a task could fall into the hands of the Army Corps of Engineers, which has decades of experience working large-scale projects.

The Pentagon could flow additional troops to the border to help, or the work could be farmed out to private contractors.

– Under what authority? –

The National Emergencies Act allows the president to declare a national emergency, providing a specific reason for it.

That then allows the mobilization of hundreds of dormant emergency powers under other laws, and gives access to Pentagon funds.

National emergency powers can also permit the White House to declare martial law, suspend civil liberties, expand the military, seize property and restrict trade, communications and financial transactions — though Trump did not suggest any of that would happen under his declaration.

– Legal challenges –

The national emergency declaration is sure to be challenged in the courts and by Democratic lawmakers.

Also expect lawsuits from landowners on the border at risk of having their property seized by the government, and from environmental organizations furious that Trump wants to build a wall across environmentally sensitive areas.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, the Democratic leaders in Congress, immediately denounced Trump’s plan as a “power grab” by a president who had “gone outside the bounds of the law” to fund his 2016 campaign pledge to build the wall.


02-15-2019, 08:45 PM
DHS Sec. Nielsen Applauds National Emergency Declaration: 'This Is a Crisis - Pure and Simple'

“This is a crisis – pure and simple – and we need to respond accordingly,” Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen M. Nielsen said Friday in a statement praising President Donald Trump declaring a national emergency at the U.S. southern border.

“I applaud the President’s decision to declare a national emergency. This is a crisis—pure and simple—and we need to respond accordingly. We cannot standby as our border security is further compromised and our immigration laws are exploited. Now is the time to act and to uphold our fundamental responsibility to our citizens and our nation to safeguard U.S. territory.”

Sec. Nielsen said that Congress has repeatedly failed – including in its current budget bill – to provide DHS with the funding and resources it needs to solve the border crisis, so she also supports Trump’s decision to “unlock additional funding for physical barriers” from the budgets of the Treasury and Defense departments:

“The legislation doesn’t provide everything we need, and it gets nowhere close to completely solving the serious humanitarian and security crisis at our southern border. Time and again, Congress has failed to fully fund DHS to confront this situation and to handle the influx of aliens, drugs, and other illicit traffic into our country. That is why I strongly support the President’s decision to unlock additional funding for physical barriers, including resources from the Department of Treasury and the Department of Defense.”


02-16-2019, 01:58 AM
What Circuit Court has jurisdiction over D.C.?

Certainly not the 9th, which is 3400 miles away.

It would be the 4th, or the Federal Court of Appeals:


02-16-2019, 07:40 AM
I got this from the Warrant Officer MAFIA on Facebook (my son is a CW3):

Stole this from a friend. I think it’s very well written

My friend, fellow WO (R), and brother in arms Nathan Dukellis and his wife post this earlier today. I merely copied and pasted it to my wall. It is a Must Read. Cheers to you Nathan and Yvette Dukellis.

Probably none of you, but my Politically nerdy friends will read this post... It’s long, but I’m tired of getting 1/10th of the news from 30 different channels....

So after doing some research.... Is the President’s ability to declare a National Emergency and “reprogram” defense budget funds unconstitutional?

I did my own research into the legality of what’s going on with our government.... This is what I came up with...

First a “Basic History Lesson”: Congress passes laws, President’s either veto or sign them into law, and the Supreme Court validates the legality under the U.S. Constitution of those laws. (Separate but equal: Legislative, Executive, and Judicial)

Congress failed to pass immigration reform under President Obama, he signed an executive order called DACA or the Dreamers Act.... He stated when he announced it that it is a short term solution and Congress needed to fix the laws....

President Trump trying to force Congress to do their jobs rescinded DACA... This made him racist... But it was really Congress who continues to not do what they are supposed to do.

Congress is supposed to appropriate funds to support organizations and laws already on the books... they haven’t been, so there was another government shutdown.

This affected many Americans, but was not entirely Trumps fault, we need to be honest with ourselves the Republican and Democrats who have been in Congress for 20 or 30 years are the problem, not President Trump.

Ok... Let’s take out the political jargon and bias and look at the facts specifically about the Presidents actions today declaring a National Emergency.

Let’s look at the facts.... I love U.S. Government and History so just the facts...

Congress has given a president the power to declare a national emergency by 50 U.S.C. 1621 and 50 U.S.C. 1622. A declaration of an emergency allows the President to reprogram funds in the military budget. See 33 U.S. Code § 2293 “Reprogramming during national emergencies.”

Democrats in Congress may argue that they have power under 50 U.S.C. §1622 which allows the Congress to over-turn a president’s declaration of an emergency, if both the Senate and the House each pass a resolution terminating the President’s declaration of an emergency, than the emergency status terminates under 50 U.S.C. §1622.

Here is the catch to that. Republicans control the Senate.

But let us just say they did get the Senate to vote in favor of overturning the National Emergency....

the Congressional veto process described above has been ruled unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court, in INS v. Chadha, 462 U.S. 919 (1983), finding a legislative veto of Executive Branch action unconstitutional.

Congress passed many laws which specifically enabled Congress to veto regulations or actions under that law. The U.S. Supreme Court found a legislative veto violates the structure or architecture of the Constitutional system.

In the case of rather famous Constitutional landmark case — Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer, 343 U.S. 579 (1952),

The Supreme Court explicitly ruled that President Dwight D. Eisenhower did not have the power to temporarily nationalize the U.S. steel industry to avert a strike for national defense. However, Youngstown was not that simple. Youngstown analyzed the inherent powers of Commander in Chief as modified by Congressional agreement by statute.

The Supreme Court said that the President’s powers are at their greatest (zenith) when he acts not only by his inherent powers as President but also by the agreement of a statute passed by Congress. In Youngstown, Eisenhower did not have any statute supporting his action and the Court reasoned that he was actually acting in conflict with relevant statutes.

So back to today.... President Trump has a statute passed by Congress, the Secure Fence Act of 2006. Even though fence is in the title of the bill... the law doesn’t specifically say fence, but about any kind of barrier customized to the particular terrain in each location to the extent necessary to “the prevention of all unlawful entries into the United States, including entries by terrorists, other unlawful aliens, instruments of terrorism, narcotics, and other contraband.”

Then Secure Fence Act of 2006 states “whatever it takes”

Congress has already enacted and President George W. Bush signed into law, the Secure Fence Act of 2006. It is already the law of the land that a border wall shall be built along the United States’ Southern border.

Neither Congress nor any private plaintiff can challenge the official determination that a border wall or barrier shall built. That is the law.

That is the official determination of both the U.S. Congress and the Commander in Chief.

There has been no legislation to change this law. Congress has just failed to appropriate the funds to complete what was authorized in 2006.

Then Senator Hillary Clinton (D-NY), then Senator Barack Obama (D-IL), and still Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) voted for this law.

The Secure Fence Act of 2006 was never implemented (other than a few miles) because Congress did not appropriate the funds to pay for it. There are two steps: Authorization (completed by passing in Congress and Signed by President Bush) and Appropriation of funds (well we all know how this is working out).

Next the challenge in court option. To bring a lawsuit, one must show that they are tangibly harmed, personally, not just in disagreement with a policy.

So if President Trump uses some of the $700 billion in the defense bill to build a border wall... How is anyone (American Citizen) harmed?

Contrary to popular belief, the U.S. Supreme Court has clearly ruled that taxpayers do not have standing to challenge government spending, revenue, or action merely because they are taxpayers. See, Daimlerchrysler Corp. v. Cuno, 126 S.Ct. 1854, 164 L.Ed.2d 589, 547 U.S. 332 (2006). So the Left cannot block Trump’s plans by suing as taxpayers.

Members of Congress do not have standing either. Certainly individual Members of Congress do not. See Raines v. Byrd, 521 U.S. 811 (1997).

What about eminent domain?

That one is tricky... From my reading I don’t see a defense to taking land through eminent domain.... How much compensation will be owed for taking an easement from private land owners could take years to fight out in court.

But the actual right to use the land cannot be contested. The government can take an easement immediately and then fight later over how much money should be paid to the landowner. The Supreme Court has already set precedent Kelo v. City of New London, Connecticut, 545 U.S. 469, 125 S. Ct. 2655; 162 L. Ed. 2d 439 (2005). (Kelo ruled that it is not even necessary to show a “public purpose” for eminent domain)

Federal courts have established very strong precedents ruling that almost no one has standing to challenge anything that the government wants to do — unless the government action directly harms the plaintiff personally and individually.

My conclusion, the President is within his rights to declare the National Emergency, and Congress is to blame for not appropriating funds for a law they already passed in 2006.

02-16-2019, 02:48 PM
Now I know that Rand Paul is against this, but that goes without saying in some instances for him, which he is a constant on.


Conservative Lawmakers Praise The President’s Decision To Declare A National Emergency

Top conservatives are praising the president’s decision to declare a National Emergency at the southern border.

Representative Mark Meadows tweeted Friday, saying he is seeing speculation Congress could override a presidential veto with GOP votes. However, he said that will not happen, because the votes aren’t there.


Meadows also said there is broad Republican and American support for the president to take legal action to protect families.

Meanwhile Representative Jim Jordan also chimed in by simply tweeting out “of course it’s a national emergency.” He then listed reasons why, which included caravans and angel families losing loved ones.

The lawmaker also asked what will it take for the left to acknowledge the crisis at the border.



02-17-2019, 06:35 PM
I'm sick of these little activist judges BLOCKING presidential powers.

What I'd like to see is, for the president to IGNORE these shyster leftist judges and just go about his business, until they can PROVE in the SC that THEY have the power to OVER RIDE the president when the ONUS is on THEM to PROVE they're RIGHT.