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View Full Version : Knowing nothing of the Aurora shooting, Chelsea Clinton - others call for gun control

02-15-2019, 08:52 PM
It's always about gun control and gun grabbing!


Knowing exactly nothing about the Aurora shooting, Chelsea Clinton and others call for gun control

A gunman opened fire inside a manufacturer in Aurora, Illinois, Friday and before the news was a day old, pundits and famous personalities began calling for collective action on gun violence.


Chelsea Clinton and others on Twitter posted statuses expressing regret and concern for the victims of the shooter, along with calls to action for Americans to “talk about gun violence prevention.”


Democratic Sen. Chris Murphy of Connecticut called for a national emergency declaration over gun violence, referencing President Donald Trump’s national emergency declaration over illegal immigration earlier Thursday. Murphy said the next Democratic president should “institute universal background checks and an assault weapons ban by executive action.”


Rest - https://dailycaller.com/2019/02/15/chelsea-clinton-aurora-gun-control/

02-16-2019, 01:50 AM
These idiots refuse to recognize it is the human, not the damn "gun" that is at fault.!