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View Full Version : Illinois Shooting Occurred in Gun-Free Zone

02-16-2019, 04:17 PM
They just need to create just more and more of these gun free zones. We need to do so, so that the criminals of all people will refrain from their use at such areas. :rolleyes:


Illinois Shooting Occurred in Gun-Free Zone

The February 15, 2019, shooting at Henry Pratt Company (HPC) occurred even though HPC is a gun-free zone.
Crime Prevention Research Center reported, “This attempted mass public shooting occurred in yet another gun-free zone. 98% of mass public shootings since 1950 have taken place in areas where people can’t defend themselves.”

Georgia Carry also posted a photo of a sign indicating no guns allowed on HPC’s front door to its Instagram account.

The shootings at Lone Star Bar & Grill (November 7, 2018), the Parkland high school (February 14, 2018), Orlando Pulse nightclub (June 12, 2016), San Bernardino (December 2, 2015), Umpqua Community College (October 1, 2015), Lafayette movie theater (July 23, 2015), Sandy Hook Elementary School (December 14, 2012), Fort Hood (April 2, 2014), D.C. Navy Yard (September 16, 2013), Aurora movie theater (July 20, 2012), the Fort Hood (November 5, 2009), and Virginia Tech (April 16, 2007) all occurred in gun-free zones as well.
