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02-19-2019, 02:13 PM
The Democrats act as if they are all in support of the gays and lbgtq group and whatever other acronym names. But when other countries are KILLING gay folks, tossing them off of buildings, jailing for life... they are SILENT.

So who is it that is bringing action and attention to the issue? Trump of course.

And I wonder how many Islamic countries will adhere to anything like this? Very doubtful.


Trump administration launches global effort to end criminalization of homosexuality

The administration is responding in part to a reported hanging of a young gay man in Iran, Trump’s top geopolitical foe.

BERLIN — The Trump administration is launching a global campaign to end the criminalization of homosexuality in dozens of nations where it's still illegal to be gay, U.S. officials tell NBC News, a bid aimed in part at denouncing Iran over its human rights record.

U.S. Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell, the highest-profile openly gay person in the Trump administration, is leading the effort, which kicks off Tuesday evening in Berlin. The U.S. embassy is flying in LGBT activists from across Europe for a strategy dinner to plan to push for decriminalization in places that still outlaw homosexuality — mostly concentrated in the Middle East, Africa and the Caribbean.

“It is concerning that, in the 21st century, some 70 countries continue to have laws that criminalize LGBTI status or conduct,” said a U.S. official involved in organizing the event.

Although the decriminalization strategy is still being hashed out, officials say it’s likely to include working with global organizations like the United Nations, the European Union and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, as well as other countries whose laws already allow for gay rights. Other U.S. embassies and diplomatic posts throughout Europe, including the U.S. Mission to the E.U., are involved, as is the State Department’s Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor.

Narrowly focused on criminalization, rather than broader LGBT issues like same-sex marriage, the campaign was conceived partly in response to the recent reported execution by hanging of a young gay man in Iran, the Trump administration’s top geopolitical foe.

Rest - https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/national-security/trump-administration-launches-global-effort-end-criminalization-homosexuality-n973081

02-20-2019, 12:11 AM
Oh the two new little radical DEMOCRAT MUSLIM skanks ought to LOVE this.

Now it's going to start coming to a head. This should be interesting how the leftists can still LOVE their MUSLIMS when their MUSLIMS HATE HOMOS. The CLASH that democrats have tried to IGNORE for AGES is coming home to roost.

Get out the popcorn... :popcorn: