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02-19-2019, 03:14 PM
Imagine that, a lefty learning and then "coming out" against her own. LOL


CBS' Lara Logan Just Exposed Leftist Media Bias. Again. So Why Do So Many Media Members Ignore The Criticism?

On Monday, former chief foreign affairs correspondent for CBS News Lara Logan dropped a bombshell on the media: she told retired Navy SEAL Mike Ritland that the media are wildly biased to the political Left. “This interview is professional suicide for me,” she stated, after agreeing with Ritland that most major media are “absurdly left-leaning.” She stated:

The media everywhere is mostly liberal, not just in the U.S. But in this country, 85% of journalists are registered Democrats – that’s just a fact. No one is registering Democrat when they’re really a Republican. So, the facts are on the side that you just stated: most journalists are Left, or liberal, or Democrat, or whatever word you wanna give it. How do you know you’re being lied to? How do you know you’re being manipulated? How do you know there’s something not right with the coverage? When they simplify it all and there’s no gray. There’s no gray. It’s all one way. Well, life isn’t like that. If it doesn’t match real life, it’s probably not — there’s something wrong.

Compare Logan’s accurate take on the media with the words of opinion writer Jonathan Capehart of The Washington Post and MSNBC, who described the media’s wild malfeasance on the Jussie Smollett story this way:

Just the circumstances and the way he told the story, and what he said happened to him sort of fit in with a narra -- not a narrative, but a reality for a lot of people in this country since President Trump was inaugurated, that there is an atmosphere of menace and an atmosphere of hate around the country that made it possible for people to either readily believe or want to believe Jussie Smollett.

Capehart’s Freudian slip is actually rather important. He was correct that many in the media granted credibility to Smollett’s hoax because it fit a narrative. But then he corrected himself to state that it wasn’t a narrative at all – it was a “reality for a lot of people in this country.”

Now, this slip is fascinating because it reveals the unfortunate truth about many media members on the political Left: they mistake their narrative for truth. Opinion becomes fact. Those who disagree with a given “fact” – fact which is actually opinion – are then labeled ignorant, or foolish, or malevolent.

Is this an innocent mistake, a matter of mere confirmation bias to which we are all prone? Or is something deeper going on?

Since the 1960s, the radical Left has claimed that most human interactions are governed by power dynamics. Critical theory suggests, for example, that free markets aren’t actually voluntaristic arrangements of individuals engaging in mutually beneficial trade – they’re a reflection of hierarchical arrangements created by the rich. Thus, critical theorists suggest that a regulated market controlled by “the people” – progressives – would properly rejigger economic relationships. Similarly, critical theory suggests that free speech isn’t actually free – it’s a system set up by those who have powerful distribution mechanisms for their speech at the expense of others. Thus, critical theorists suggest, along the lines of Herbert Marcuse, that certain opinions must be silenced in order to even the playing field – “repressive tolerance” must be applied.

Rest - https://www.dailywire.com/news/43679/cbs-lara-logan-just-exposed-leftist-media-bias-ben-shapiro

02-19-2019, 03:49 PM
It's nice to see a lefty ADMIT IT, but she really isn't telling us anything that we don't already know.

I saw on twitter this morning that facefuck was SCRUBBING ANY stories about the little black homo that FAKED his assault.

02-20-2019, 03:21 AM
Why HELLO there...


02-20-2019, 03:23 AM
Why HELLO there...

Now, now... you shouldn't be LUSTING after her... that's not CHRISTIAN like... :laugh:

j/k bro.

02-20-2019, 04:04 AM
Now, now... you shouldn't be LUSTING after her... that's not CHRISTIAN like... :laugh:

j/k bro.

Can one lust after the Mona Lisa? The Eiffel Tower? She's a work of art. Am simply complimenting the Creator.


02-20-2019, 04:21 AM
Can one lust after the Mona Lisa? The Eiffel Tower? She's a work of art. Am simply complimenting the Creator.

I'm just razzin' ya brother... she is good lookin'. Not exactly my taste, but good looking.

I lust after my JOHN DEERE... :laugh: We're buried in snow here in Wisconsin and it's snowing AGAIN. We can't get a break. There seems to be SNOW HIGHWAY for the snow storms and WE'RE ON IT. The storms just KEEP COMING, and the BULLS EYE is on WISCONSIN. It's like the last 3 years that we had almost nothing for snow all got backed up and now they're hitting us all at once now. But it's that time of year where I start getting very restless, obviously, I'm up at 3:30 in the morning still... I'm bored... got the winter blues... it's time for some Spring to show up.