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View Full Version : More And More Young Men Sound FEMY...

02-20-2019, 03:19 AM
I mean, this deal they say that each generation of males has LESS testosterone than their father, aaaahh, yeah, I like to watch youtube videos for a change and it seems that most ALL the videos done by YOUNG MALES, the majority of them all seem to sound like little FAIRIES. Is it just me or what? It's like when a young man is growing up and his voice changes to a lower tone because he hits puberty. Well... it's like the males today don't.

I decided to find videos about Wisconsin so I'm not dreaming anymore about MOVING, and this video popped up, and again, the dude in the video is like a little FAIRY BOY... it seems PREVALENT in MANY videos with young MALES. No wonder they're all so worried about TOXIC MASCULINITY. It's NOT COMMON among YOUNG MEN anymore, and when it IS, they think it's TOXIC...

... look and listen to this little fairy boy, and he's COMMON... he doesn't even has masculine features...


Abbey Marie
02-20-2019, 01:21 PM
You know, even as a young girl, I liked the tougher actors, not the pretty boys. Jack Palance was a fave, lol. There has to be a middle ground between overly-aggressive men, and guys like this. Oh wait, I’m married to one, and this board is full of them.
I try not to hate on Millenials (my daughter is one), but they do seem pretty screwed up in general.

Btw, that building is GORGEOUS.

02-10-2020, 06:58 PM
You know, even as a young girl, I liked the tougher actors, not the pretty boys. Jack Palance was a fave, lol. There has to be a middle ground between overly-aggressive men, and guys like this. Oh wait, I’m married to one, and this board is full of them.
I try not to hate on Millenials (my daughter is one), but they do seem pretty screwed up in general.

Btw, that building is GORGEOUS.

It's a real thing happening...

You're Not The Man Your Father Was


Why modern men are losing their testosterone
