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View Full Version : DOJ Expecting Completion of Mueller Report as Early as Next Week

02-20-2019, 04:07 PM
So this can go in quite a few directions. We could have something that was under wraps, and perhaps the president of the USA charged with collusion. I find this doubtful.

We could see this all come to an end, with all the arrests thus far staying as is, but nothing about Trump and collusion, and the Democrats and the media leave with jaws hanging open, and further "anonymous" sourced stories to come forward about how he beat the charges. :rolleyes:


Report: DOJ Expecting Completion of Mueller Report as Early as Next Week

The Justice Department could announce the completion of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report on his investigation into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia during the 2016 presidential election as early as next week, according to report Wednesday.

CNN reports that newly-confirmed attorney general Willian Barr is expected to turn over a summary of the report to Congress soon after its completion. The outlet cautioned that President Donald Trump’s overseas trip to meet with North Korea dictator Kim Jong-un could impact the “precise timing of the announcement.”

Preparations undertaken by Barr and Justice Department officials is the clearest sign yet that the nearly two-year-old investigation is drawing to a close. CNN writes: “The scope and contours of what Barr will send to Congress remain unclear. Also unclear is how long it will take Justice officials to prepare what will be submitted to lawmakers.”

Barr has cited Justice Department regulations that say Mueller’s report should be confidential. They require only that the report explain decisions to pursue or decline prosecutions.

The Justice Department, nor the special counsel’s office would comment to CNN regarding its report.

In a press conference last month, then-Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker said he believed Mueller’s investigation was “close to being completed.”

“Right now the investigation is I think close to being completed,” the Justice Department official told reporters. “I hope we can get the report from Director Mueller as soon as possible.”

Appearing on CNN’s New Day Wednesday morning, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said that Mueller’s report could be “anti-climactic.”

“I think the hope is that the Mueller investigation will clear the air on this issue once and for all. I’m really not sure it will, and the investigation, when completed, could turn out to be quite anti-climactic and not draw a conclusion about that,” he said.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/02/20/report-doj-expecting-completion-of-mueller-report-as-early-as-next-week/

Donald Trump: Timing of Mueller Investigation ‘Up to the Attorney General’

President Donald Trump appeared disinterested Wednesday over a CNN report suggesting that Special Counsel Robert Mueller would release the results of his investigation as soon as next week.

“It’s totally up to the Attorney General,” Trump said, in response to questions from reporters at the White House, referring to the newly sworn-in Attorney General Bob Barr.

“He’s a tremendous man, a tremendous person who really respect this is country and respects the Justice Department so that will be totally up to him,” Trump continued.

CNN reported that the investigation was nearing conclusion, citing “people familiar with the plans.”

Trump leaves for Vietnam next week for a few days of international diplomacy, including a meeting with North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un.

The president commented on the news during a White House meeting with Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz.

The president remarked on Kurtz’s youth during their meeting in which they discussed issues of trade.

“You are a young guy! That’s really good!” Trump said.

Kurtz replied, “But the problem with the age is getting better from day to day.”

“That’s right. Someday you won’t be saying it,” Trump concluded.


02-20-2019, 11:55 PM
The prepping for their next move likely began long ago. I hope the Republicans are smart as well and have a plan for the next move after this report exonerates Trump.


Lieu: If Mueller Report Exonerates Trump, ‘We Move On’ – There Are Other Investigations

On Wednesday’s broadcast of CNN’s “Cuomo Primetime,” Representative Ted Lieu (D-CA) stated that if Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report exonerates President Trump, “we move on.” He added that there are other investigations by Congress, states, and the Southern District of New York.

Lieu said, “Now, if the report comes out and exonerates Donald Trump, we move on. If it doesn’t, if it basically says, hey, we would have indicted Donald Trump for these offenses, but for the fact that there’s a policy memo saying we can’t, then I think Congress has to really look at these issues and decide what to do with whatever offenses the Robert Mueller investigation reveals. Separate from that, the House Judiciary Committee and other committees in Congress will investigate other aspects of potential wrongdoing, such as obstruction of justice, witness tampering, abuse of power.”

He later added, “Regardless of what Robert Mueller’s report shows, there are investigations by the Southern District of New York. There are state attorney general investigations. So, this is going to keep on going to make sure that all of the possible crimes that Donald Trump and his associates may have engaged in will be investigated.”


02-21-2019, 01:15 PM
The next move is for a second S.C. be appointed to investigate the investigators and the mountain of evidence into DEMOCRAT collusion with Russia, and the coup to take down a duly elected president of the United States. This is, the biggest scandal to ever hit Washington in history, and people SERIOUSLY need to go to JAIL, and I mean all the way up to the KENYAN, because I know damn well he KNEW about this and it had his total APPROVAL. Might as well send the US Marshalls to Hawaii while they're at it with a search warrant for this fabled obama BC, and if Hawaii can't produce one, obama is immediately arrested and any Hawaiian official that claimed to have seen it get arrested along with him.

There is so much corruption in Washington it's mind numbing, and 99% of it on the LEFT.

02-21-2019, 01:20 PM
If, as suspected, the report doesn't include any Russian "collusion" Trump needs to have Burr hold a Press Conference where he reads the whole report to the the American people, no redactions.

02-21-2019, 01:54 PM
If, as suspected, the report doesn't include any Russian "collusion" Trump needs to have Burr hold a Press Conference where he reads the whole report to the the American people, no redactions.
ugh that should happen either way

02-21-2019, 03:36 PM
Now it's weeks away, not days....

02-21-2019, 03:52 PM
ugh that should happen either way

Petey I'll go one step further.

If Trump was involved in any criminal conspiracy with the Russians he should be hanged as a traitor in public . If he is not, every single Democrat in Congress who pushed this tripe should be hanged as a traitor.

Especially that pile of dog shit Adam Schiff.