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View Full Version : LOL! CNN Preps Viewers for Likelihood Mueller Report Won’t Provide...

02-20-2019, 11:17 PM
In other words, as I said earlier, they are ALREADY planning on excuses on as to how they can complain this was a coverup of sorts, and that Trump is perhaps still guilty, and without all of the answers....


LOL! CNN Preps Viewers for Likelihood Mueller Report Won’t Provide ‘All of the Answers We Want’

It must have been a devastating day for CNN on Wednesday as their crime and justice team reported that the Mueller report could be turned over to Attorney General Bill Barr as early as next week, signaling an end to a story that the Jeffrey Zucker-led network has obsessed over for years. In turn, it’ll place the onus on frequent CNN guest and Congressman Adam Schiff (D-CA) to keep the ball rolling.

Appearing alongside colleagues Laura Jarrett and Evan Perez on CNN Right Now, crime and justice reporter Shimon Prokupecz must have drawn the short straw to be the bearer of bad news to Russia-obsessed liberals and anti-Trump Republicans just five minutes into the show.

Prokupecz noted that “we haven't seen the grand jury — the Mueller grand jury...since Roger Stone was indicted, so that's about a month ago” plus “other signs” but then dropped the key point that, well, things might not be the slam dunk that people might have hoped for (click “expand”):

PROKUPECZ: We've seen other signs that things may be wrapping up at Mueller's office and that is the most important thing, that after all this time, you know, we're all going to want answers and people will want to know what exactly went on here and I think everyone's been cautioning us that we may not get all of the answers we want, that this report may not contain the answers that people are looking for necessarily and the other thing I want to point out is that there are parts of this investigation that are still going to live well beyond Mueller.

BRIANNA KEILAR: Sure. There's a bunch — there’s almost, in a way, like spin-off series, right? And one of the indications, you guys are saying this is the clearest indication yet, but if you're following this day in and day out as you are, you've been seeing other things, boxes of documents that have been going off to other prosecutors who will be looking off — looking at some of these spin-off cases.

Rest - https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/curtis-houck/2019/02/20/lol-cnn-preps-viewers-likelihood-mueller-report-wont-provide-all