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View Full Version : Trump’s Chances to Win in 2020 Improve with Every News Cycle

02-22-2019, 09:36 AM
Trump’s Chances to Win in 2020 Improve with Every News Cycle

If the presidential election were held today?

Donald Trump would win again, by defeating Democrats on the same battlegrounds that secured for him the Oval Office in 2016. Lots of people believe that. Many others think Trump’s reelection chances are 50/50 at best. Democrats and Never-Trump holdouts hoping and praying that he’s already toast have convinced themselves that there is no way in hell a majority of voters in key states will elect him to a second term.

But one factor in the debate is undeniable. Trump’s chances have gotten a lot better recently. His State of the Union address was magnificent. Rasmussen has his approval rating hovering around 50 percent. What promises he has not yet fulfilled or policy goals he has not yet achieved he is earnestly trying to fulfill and achieve, against opposition that would have withered most garden-variety politicos—you know, the people Trump defeated.

He’s working hard and succeeding in many areas. But significant credit for Trump’s improved outlook can be placed directly at the feet of and on the plate of the extremist left, that is, the Democratic Party. The stories being driven relentlessly home by conservative media—the unconscionable treatment of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, the Covington Catholics, the embarrassment of the Green New Deal, Virginia’s governmental minstrel show with sex abuse on the side, and late-breaking Deep State coup d' etat revelations from former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe—are grafting onto 2020 Democratic hopefuls the onus of cognitively dissonant un-American insanity.

The big story of the last week centered around the pathetic Jussie Smollett, which, while being a repulsive item, represents a net positive for the Trumpservative cause. Every time the left and its media propagandists get within striking distance of a salient message that might resonate with the populace, some malcontent crawls out of the woodwork and gives pause to fence-sitting independents and wavering Republicans who may be pondering a change in course. The vandals who defaced the iconic statue of the homecoming WWII sailor exuberantly sweeping a wartime nurse off her feet are only the latest exhibits in the case against the social justice-incensed, identity politics-obsessed blame-America-first transformers.

The supply of irresponsible and reprehensible leftist actions and positions is inexhaustible; there will be some new egregious offense in the news next week.

Smollett will soon be consigned to the status of disreputable asterisk and vanish into the oblivion of leftist mercy bookings, his fifteen minutes of ignominy and politico/media/celebrity enablement only having served to strengthen a growing perception of the true nature of leftist designs, bias, bigotry, and hate.

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/election/trumps-chances-to-win-in-2020-improve-with-every-news-cycle/