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View Full Version : Pompeo Rejects ISIS Bride’s Lawsuit: ‘She’s Not Coming Back’

02-24-2019, 02:38 PM
Not even a citizen to begin with? She ain't coming back.


Pompeo Rejects ISIS Bride’s Lawsuit: ‘She’s Not Coming Back’

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Fox News Sunday that Hoda Muthana, the wife of an Islamic State fighter who filed suit to force the U.S. government to accept her and her 18-month-old son as American citizens, does not have a legitimate claim of citizenship and will not be allowed into the United States.

“She’s a non-citizen terrorist; she has no legal basis for a claim of U.S. citizenship,” Pompeo said on Sunday.

“She’s not coming back to the United States to create the risk that someday she’d return to the battlefield and continue to put at risk American people, American kids, American boys and girls that were sent to help defeat ISIS – she put them at risk, she’s not a U.S. citizen, she’s not coming back,” he declared.

“There’s litigation ongoing,” Pompeo acknowledged. “Here’s what I can tell you: We have a strong legal basis for our claim she’s not a citizen, and she’s not coming back.”

Muthana, 24, was born in the United States but her father Ahmed Ali Muthana was a diplomatic representative from Yemen, so the Trump administration argues she did not have birthright citizenship because the 14th Amendment specifically excludes children born to foreign diplomatic personnel on U.S. soil.

Muthana’s lawsuit holds that her father was discharged from diplomatic service before she was born in October 1994 and her mother had permanent residency status at the time of her birth. The administration points to documents that show her father did not officially lose his diplomatic status until 1995, but Muthana’s lawyers say they have a notice from the U.S. mission to the United Nations that states his diplomatic service to Yemen ended in September 1994.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2019/02/24/pompeo-rejects-isis-brides-lawsuit-shes-not-coming-back/

02-24-2019, 05:01 PM
Good Start!

Now weed out the rest of them.

02-25-2019, 12:39 PM
If I were Trump I'd target and kill her as an enemy combatant before some court rules in her favor.