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View Full Version : Washington Post rips green new deal: 'We can't afford bad ideas'

02-25-2019, 12:56 PM
Seems that other than the cuckoo socialist 'tards, most are thankfully against. But we know how things can flow, and with more and more joining the ideas of Bernie and Cortez, things can go from bad to worse quickly with nitwits like them in charge.


Washington Post rips green new deal: 'We can't afford bad ideas'

The Washington Post editorial board came out against the Green New Deal resolution championed by Democratic New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her allies.

“Good intentions aren’t enough. We can’t afford bad ideas,” the editorial board wrote in its Green New Deal takedown posted Sunday.

While the editorial board agreed with the broad energy goals of the Green New Deal, the Post leveled criticism against the resolution’s 10-year timeline and inclusion of totally unrelated welfare demands.

“They should not muddle this aspiration with other social policy, such as creating a federal jobs guarantee, no matter how desirable that policy might be,” the editorial board wrote.

The Post also called the Green New Deal’s goal of reaching “net-zero” greenhouse gas emissions within 10 years “impossible” and criticized the resolution’s “promise to invest in known fiascos such as high-speed rail.”

Ocasio-Cortez joined with Democratic Massachusetts Sen. Ed Markey to introduce Green New Deal resolutions in early February, which not only included aggressive energy goals, but also a slew of welfare and “social justice” goals.

“These expensive aspirations, no matter how laudable, would do nothing to arrest greenhouse-gas emissions,” the editorial board wrote. “As ostensible parts of a Green New Deal, they divert money and attention from the primary mission: rapidly eliminating emissions between now and midcentury.”

Rest - https://dailycaller.com/2019/02/25/washington-post-green-new-deal/

02-25-2019, 02:31 PM
How convenient.

AOC shutters Amazon NY deal and then the Washington Post trashes her socialist climate bullshit plan.

Abbey Marie
02-25-2019, 03:30 PM
Again, let China go first.

02-25-2019, 03:36 PM
Again, let China go first.

Let China at least match us before we start worrying about us being the problem.

Abbey Marie
02-25-2019, 04:43 PM
Let China at least match us before we start worrying about us being the problem.

Yes, that’s my point.