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View Full Version : CNN, Fake News Predict Donald Trump’s Imminent Doom

02-25-2019, 02:55 PM
Yup, they will start early, and often - and outright lie about poll results and such - so they can lead folks into belief and votes.


CNN, Fake News Predict Donald Trump’s Imminent Doom: Media Push Narrative POTUS Will ‘Lose’ in 2020

The fake news industrial complex is at it again: The media predict, by and large just like they did in 2016, that President Donald Trump faces impending doom and has no chance to win re-election in the upcoming presidential election in 2020.

CNN’s Chris Cillizza is predicting President Trump would “lose” the election if it were now.

“If the 2020 election were today, Trump would lose,” the headline of a piece Cillizza wrote over the weekend blares across CNN’s website, with the senior CNN analyst writing that it is a “good thing” for Trump that election day is more than 600 days away.

To make his point that Trump would lose the election if it were today, Cillizza cites approval rating data from Gallup. He quotes this particular passage from a Gallup piece on Trump’s approval ratings:

Although much can change between now and Election Day 2020, a job approval rating of 50% or higher would presumably put Trump in good position to win a state in the presidential election. The 17 states with 50%+ approval ratings account for a combined total of 102 electoral votes. In contrast, the states in which Trump has an approval rating below 40% account for 201 electoral votes.

In order to get to the 270 electoral votes needed to win the presidency, Trump would have to win all but one or two of the states in which his 2018 approval rating was between 41% and 49%.

After giving some more of his own analysis on what Trump needs to do between now and November 2020 to win in these key states, Cillizza then admits all of this analysis he has cobbled together actually means nothing.

“Now. Approval rating is obviously not purely predictive of vote,” Cillizza wrote. “After all, Trump won the 2016 election even though only 38% of voters viewed him favorably, according to exit polling. But if you are Trump, these numbers have to worry you. It suggests he has LOTS of work to do in the next 620 days.”

Interestingly, back when Cillizza worked at the Washington Post in 2016 before he joined CNN’s crack politics team, he wrote a similar piece predicting Trump has no chance at beating then-Democrat nominee Hillary Rodham Clinton. The piece was headlined: “Donald Trump’s chances of winning are approaching zero.”

The piece, published 15 days before Trump smoked Clinton in the electoral college winning 30 and a half states when she could not even muster wins in 20 states–Clinton only won 19 and a half states–predicted that Trump had no chance at beating her.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/02/25/cnn-fake-news-predict-donald-trumps-imminent-doom-media-push-narrative-potus-will-lose-in-2020/