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View Full Version : AOC Declares Herself 'The Boss'

02-25-2019, 04:04 PM
We're all dead in 12 years. We shouldn't have children because of global warming. The green new deal is the only way or the highway. Unless you have a better idea - then she's the boss!


AOC Declares Herself 'The Boss' Thanks To Climate Change. This Is Wrong, Stupid, And Dangerous.

On Sunday, Fresh Face Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) explained to a cheering crowd that she was now the “boss” of the Democratic Party. In her typically brilliant, woman-of-the-people patois, reminiscent of great minds such as the “cash me ousside, how bout dat” girl, Ocasio-Cortez championed her own Green New Deal proposal – a proposal, you’ll recall, that called for an end to air travel, the destruction or retrofitting of all buildings in America, the demise of all farting cows, and similarly constructive and realistic suggestions. She stated:

Like I just introduced the Green New Deal two weeks ago, and it's creating all of this conversation. Why? Because no one else has even tried. Because no one else has even tried. So people are like, 'Oh it's unrealistic. Oh it's vague. Oh it doesn't address this little minute thing,'" she added. "And I'm like, 'You try. You do it. Cuz you're not. Cuz you're not. So, until you do it, I'm the boss.' How about that?

The sheer intellectual firepower is nearly overwhelming.


But AOC’s self-coronation is certainly telling. To Democrats, in fact, it should be reminiscent of the accusations they routinely make about President Trump regarding the southern border: exaggeration of a national threat as an excuse for centralization of power. Now, to be fair to Trump, hundreds of thousands of people do cross our southern border each year illegally, and his arrogation of power for purposes of building a border wall is hardly on the order of the ambitions of the Green New Deal. But the principle is the same: Democrats are very much against manufacturing crises in order to gain power, unless they’re claiming that the end of the world is nigh, and that AOC ought to be our policy leader.

Rest - https://www.dailywire.com/news/43922/aoc-declares-herself-boss-thanks-climate-change-ben-shapiro

Yeah, those are about the words I've been looking for. Not only the attention whore, but also the egomaniac trying to take over!

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Is A Power-Tripping Egomaniac

It is probably redundant and unnecessary to observe that power corrupts. This is one of the fundamental truths of life that no one denies. But it can still be instructive to witness the process in real time. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has been in office for less than three months and this comparatively small amount of power, just recently acquired, has sent her into a galactic ego trip.

A few days ago, Cortez declared that she is the first Democrat to "even try" and pass environmentalist legislation, which, she says, makes her "the boss." Shortly after this embarrassing display of childish arrogance, she questioned whether it is moral to have kids: "Our planet is going to hit disaster if we don't turn this ship around and so it's basically like, there's a scientific consensus that the lives of children are going to be very difficult. And it does lead, I think, young people to have a legitimate question, you know, 'Is it okay to still have children?'"

She got into office in January, it's not yet March, but she's already giving us lectures on the morality of human reproduction.

We shouldn't be surprised, of course, coming from one of the authors of the Green New Deal. Despite not knowing the branches of government, she believes she is equipped to fundamentally transform our economy and reshape our society. She wants to control how we travel, what we eat, and what sort of buildings we live in. She has even told us how much money we are allowed to make. There does not appear to be any aspect of our lives that AOC thinks falls outside of her purview. If she had her way, she would tear everything down and recreate it in her own image. I'm not sure I've ever seen an American politician develop a god complex so quickly. She even delivers End Times prophesies.

AOC the prophet, the revolutionary, the engineer, the architect, the moral philosopher, the dietician, the cow euthanizer. Her perception of herself is limited only by her ego, which itself appears to be limitless. It is extremely fortunate that Cortez's practical legislative power does not come anywhere close to her perceived power. She has more influence on Instagram than she has in Congress, where members of her own party are embarrassed by her. But she is valuable as a case study. This is what happens when a person raised in an egocentric society, indoctrinated into the religion of self, unmoored from the humbling influence of Judeo-Christian values, starved for attention, addicted to social media, then goes on to achieve a measure of actual political power. Such a person, it seems, will be power-drunk within minutes because they weren't exactly sober going in.


02-25-2019, 04:31 PM
AOC is two eggs short of a full dozen.

What an egotistical loon!

02-25-2019, 07:39 PM
I declared myself Emperor of the Universe.... I am speculating that her declaration will end u having about the same impact....

02-25-2019, 08:51 PM
There are people cheering her :smoke:

02-25-2019, 10:10 PM
There are people cheering her :smoke:
Yep, they are, but secretly most democrats are scared of her, even though they're hearing from their rich electoral contributors that one of them needs to shut her the hell up, but I hope they don't. These ignorant, self righteous, entitled, NUT JOB punk democrats are turning people off in droves. The further left they go, and they are going REALLY far left to the point of completely ABSURD, as in get rid of all the planes, no more gas or oil, rebuild every building in America and oh yeah, KILL ALL THE COWS, that WHACK JOB stuff is turning normal Americans off. There was just a new poll that shows America is FAR more CONSERVATIVE than liberal, and the more democrat dumbasses like AOC spout off their unltra ignorant crap, the better it is for Trump and republicans in 2020. Leftist love to tell conservatives that America is changing, and that all the patriotic conservatives are DYING OFF and such nonsense, it's all BULL SHIT. America is NOT majority LIBERAL. Liberals might believe that, but it's BULL SHIT.

02-25-2019, 10:48 PM
Yep, they are, but secretly most democrats are scared of her, even though they're hearing from their electoral contributors that one of them needs to shut her the hell up, but I hope they don't. These ignorant, self righteous, entitled, NUT JOB punk democrats are turning people off in droves. The further left they go, and they are going REALLY far left to the point of completely ABSURD, as in get rid of all the planes, no more gas or oil, rebuild every building in America and oh yeah, KILL ALL THE COWS, that WHACK JOB stuff is turning normal Americans off. There was just a new poll that shows America is FAR more CONSERVATIVE than liberal, and the more democrat dumbasses like AOC spout off their unltra ignorant crap, the better it is for Trump and republicans in 2020. Leftist love to tell conservatives that America is changing, and that all the patriotic conservatives are DYING OFF and such nonsense, it's all BULL SHIT. America is NOT majority LIBERAL. Liberals might believe that, but it's BULL SHIT.

Typical, Uninformed, Liberals. They are only cheering because they are AFRAID...NOT TO!
They don't have the courage, or the intelligence to do anything else. And, most of all. They are cheering because they don't want to be called RACISTS by their Phony Friends.

02-25-2019, 11:27 PM

Black Diamond
02-26-2019, 12:10 AM
The media will continue to give aoc the microphone. For now that's good for us. For now.

02-27-2019, 07:43 PM

02-27-2019, 08:41 PM
Wonder how long before the Dems tell her to shut up ...

02-27-2019, 09:58 PM
Wonder how long before the Dems tell her to shut up ...
They're afraid of her. She's Wonder Woman.

02-27-2019, 10:23 PM

02-28-2019, 12:04 AM
Wonder how long before the Dems tell her to shut up ...

Others in the Dem party told to her to tone down.

Even a liberal like Oprah told her to shut up and learn her job.

That says a lot because I cannot stand Oprah.

02-28-2019, 12:18 PM
Nancy Pelosi will chop this bitch's head off soon enough.

03-02-2019, 08:51 AM
Nancy Pelosi will chop this bitch's head off soon enough.
We probably won't hear about it though. Nanc will tell her propaganda wing to shut the hell up about it and keep it on the down low.

But yeah, she'll just suddenly get a lot less coverage.