View Full Version : Trump Vows To Sign College Free Speech Executive Order

03-02-2019, 07:56 PM
About time SOMEBODY does something, ANYTHING, about the BRAIN WASHING young people are getting in schools today, since it appears Betsy DeVos is MIA. The leftist are churning out MORON kids with INSANE anti America crap in their heads. All political activism should be BANNED in schools. If kids want to be politically active, it should be done OUTSIDE the school, and NO teacher should EVER be spewing their leftist garbage in a classroom, EVER. Same goes for conservatives, goes both ways. Keep that crap OUT of the schools.


Trump vows to sign college free speech executive order

President Donald Trump vowed Saturday to sign an executive order requiring colleges and universities to "support free speech" in order to be eligible for federal research dollars.

"If they want our dollars, and we give it to them by the billions, they've got to allow people like Hayden and many other great young people and old people to speak," Trump said in part of his two-hour long speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference in National Harbor, Maryland.

The President did not offer any more details on the order.

Trump was referring to Hayden Williams, a conservative activist who recently made headlines after he was allegedly punched in the face at the University of California Berkeley earlier this week. The President brought Williams out as he made the announcement.

"Ladies and gentlemen, he took a hard punch in the face for all of us," Trump said.

More: https://www.kxly.com/news/politics/national-politics/trump-vows-to-sign-college-free-speech-executive-order/1047318790

03-02-2019, 09:11 PM
What's wrong here is that the President has to sign an EO stating what is already stated the US Constitution. Should be a given, one would think:rolleyes:

03-02-2019, 09:44 PM
What's wrong here is that the President has to sign an EO stating what is already stated the US Constitution. Should be a given, one would think:rolleyes:

Considering how liberally, low, and anti-Constitutional many of the colleges, and universities have become...ignoring the FIRST AMENDMENT for All, and only FOR THE FEW ELITES who do not want FREE SPEECH to include anyone with different idea's.

So..it's a reminder to all those schools. Either you do what is RIGHT, or the Govt. will Rightfully Take Away All Of Your Federal Assistance. PERIOD.

Some will call it Blackmail, Extortion, or Racist...but The Constitution Outweighs their Opinions.

03-03-2019, 07:47 PM
What's wrong here is that the President has to sign an EO stating what is already stated the US Constitution. Should be a given, one would think:rolleyes:

I agree...it has come to this level of intervention which really stinks.

Considering how liberally, low, and anti-Constitutional many of the colleges, and universities have become...ignoring the FIRST AMENDMENT for All, and only FOR THE FEW ELITES who do not want FREE SPEECH to include anyone with different idea's.

So..it's a reminder to all those schools. Either you do what is RIGHT, or the Govt. will Rightfully Take Away All Of Your Federal Assistance. PERIOD.

Some will call it Blackmail, Extortion, or Racist...but The Constitution Outweighs their Opinions.

My only question on the matter is if it would apply to Private Schools as well. I would think it should, but
might be a tough legal nut to crack.

03-04-2019, 08:13 AM
I agree...it has come to this level of intervention which really stinks.

My only question on the matter is if it would apply to Private Schools as well. I would think it should, but
might be a tough legal nut to crack.Wasn't it in "Animal House" where the dean puts the fraternity on "double-secret probation"? That's what always comes to mind when I see redundancy and or stating the obvious.

Look at this "list" Ocasio-Cortez flapping her gums threatened Dems with. Okay Captain Obvious. What's the point? Both sides have that "list" and everyone knows it. There's no secret. All that threat was good for was some cheap PR and for some punk-ass no-nothing to attempt reaffirming to herself this "power" she thinks her big mouth has gained her. Since most of the left's PR-whoring statements are for the benefit of the right, what does she or anyone else think it matters to the right if she has some secret little list of people who don't cooperate in lockstep within the Dumbocrat party? How many people in the Dumbocrat party DON't know they are put on the "list" of collaborators and traitors?

Another case. We have laws. They are laws we are supposed to obey and are supposed to be enforced. Illegal immigration shouldn't have to be an issue given that key word "illegal" states exactly what it is and the law provides remedies for it already. Yet here we are in this major-ass, Nation-dividing debate on how to legally handle illegal aliens. So why do we need some extra law that says the same thing the original law states?

Seems to me if the left doesn't like the law, it doesn't matter how you layer it up. They are going to ignore it.

My college kid wants "free speech"? Better get my opinion down then because as long as I'm footing the bill, you have the "Right" to say what I tell you or I cut off the gravy train. You can be stupid on your own time and off MY nickel. Want to call that censorship? I call it the price of doing business. Paying for you to embarrass yourslef, me and/or the rest of the family is not on MY "list". Go start your career at McDonald's and figure it out.

03-04-2019, 09:13 AM
Our only hope may be the Zombie Apocalypse. :(

03-04-2019, 09:19 AM
Our only hope may be the Zombie Apocalypse. :(

Getting it over with once and for all....Leftist / Liberals (Zombies)....There are many that walk our streets....


03-04-2019, 09:30 AM
What's wrong here is that the President has to sign an EO stating what is already stated the US Constitution. Should be a given, one would think:rolleyes:

I would argue that giving federal tax dollars to colleges and universities is NOWHERE in the COTUS and that in fact doing so is why the cost of college is so high in the first place.

03-04-2019, 10:35 AM
I would argue that giving federal tax dollars to colleges and universities is NOWHERE in the COTUS and that in fact doing so is why the cost of college is so high in the first place.I was an adult before I knew tax $ went to fund colleges. I always thought it was a pay to play deal. College is not compulsory so the government shouldn't be paying for it with our money.

Everything is a gimmick to get someone else's money. Government money is the best because it's guaranteed. Well, until Congress whittles away at it when no one's looking.

03-04-2019, 10:36 AM
Our only hope may be the Zombie Apocalypse. :(After listening to a Ocasio-Cortez soundbyte, the zombies in a fit of desperation and despair chopped off their own damn heads.

03-04-2019, 01:37 PM
One of the best things I have read recently!

SO many schools take away the rights from the right. Almost never the other way around. Take Berkeley as the perfect model. And now hopefully much of it can be put to an end.

Want any money in any fashion at all from the government? Well, then the shit ends today.

It's going to take much more than this though to get the leftist leaning crap out of the schools, at least as it stands for them indoctrinating the kids.


Pollak: Trump’s Executive Order on Campus Free Speech Should Target Overhead Costs

President Donald Trump told the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) on Saturday that he would soon issue an executive order protecting free speech on campus, withholding federal grants to schools that fail to comply.

It is not clear what the executive order would entail, though Robby Soave of the libertarian website Reason.com reported that “the plan is to penalize universities that do not protect free speech by taking away their federal grants.”

Soave noted two principled objections to the executive order. First, it may not work, because the problem is “cultural”:

[T]here are some far-left activist students who view speech with which they disagree as a form of violence, and they insist on shutting down controversial speakers on self-defense grounds. It is this tiny illiberal minority making life difficult: When they threaten violence against conservative speakers, they force university administrations to spend more money on security—costs that are sometimes passed along to other students.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/03/04/pollak-trumps-executive-order-on-campus-free-speech-should-target-overhead-costs/

03-04-2019, 05:35 PM
Think about it... WHY do you think democrats want to make COLLEGES FREE?


03-04-2019, 06:19 PM
[T]here are some far-left activist students who view speech with which they disagree as a form of violence,


03-04-2019, 07:16 PM
An EO like this is not unprecedented.

When GW Bush signed into law the creation of a National Response Plan (NRP) in the
wake of 9/11:

Numerous U.S. Code of Federal Regulations quotes in this link:


Simply stated the NRP stipulates that all levels of government - local, county, parish, state - must submit a localized Plan
going up the chain of government to FEMA and DHS, or have requests for federal grant monies be refused.

New Orleans, that parish, and the state of Louisiana found out the hard way in the wake of Katrina. None had submitted
a Disaster Preparedness Plan.

So this EO by Pres Trump does have a lot more teeth in it than meets the eye.