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03-04-2019, 12:44 PM
Do we have much smaller and less gas consuming vehicles? Yes. Do we have tons of electric vehicles? Yes. Do we have subways? Yes. There are endless options other than claiming "Living in the world as it is" and being a hypocrite. There are very large and tiny vehicles that can accomplish what she demands of others. But nope, she just lies and does the hypocritical thing...


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez defends using cars instead of subway after 'hypocrisy' claims: 'Living in the world as it is'

When the New York Post called Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez a hypocrite for riding in cars over the weekend, the freshman congresswoman made it clear that she found the paper’s logic hilariously flawed. “No one can rival this kind of hard-hitting journalism,” she tweeted on Sunday.

The Post’s front page headline read, “Gas-guzzling car rides expose AOC’s hypocrisy amid Green New Deal pledge.”

The Ocasio-Cortez campaign’s federal filings included more than 1,000 rides with Uber, Lyft, Juno and other car services totaling $29,366, according to the Post. Ocasio-Cortez spokesman Corbin Trent told the Post that “everyone — top to bottom” on the campaign used the New York City subway.

The progressive Democrat’s Green New Deal proposal called for a total overhaul of the nation’s transportation system in order to dramatically cut back on emissions that harm the environment. Her office’s fact sheet on the plan, released last month, says that efforts to combat climate change should include “massively expanding electric vehicle manufacturing, build charging stations everywhere, build out high-speed rail at a scale where air travel stops becoming necessary [and] create affordable public transit available to all, with the goal to replace every combustion-engine vehicle.”

But Ocasio-Cortez explained in a series of tweets that “living in the world as it is” doesn’t mean she isn’t working toward climate change solutions.

Rest - https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/alexandria-ocasio-cortez-defends-using-cars-instead-subway-hypocrisy-claims-living-world-105337702.html

03-04-2019, 12:48 PM
Subway for thee, not for she.

That's always the way it is with politicians. Not unique to AOC that's for sure.

03-04-2019, 01:02 PM
Forever relevant -


03-04-2019, 01:07 PM
Forever relevant -


Not even comparable. We're talking vehicles here, knucklehead, of which come tons and tons and tons of options, and many being of what she supports. Don't act like she has no choice, as that's just how society is. She CHOSE a different route.

03-04-2019, 01:08 PM
Subway for thee, not for she.

That's always the way it is with politicians. Not unique to AOC that's for sure.

Correct, and both sides of course. But the louder one screams about what they want, the more hypocritical they seem when they do differently.

03-04-2019, 01:19 PM
So, we will all be dead in 12 years according to her, and she is ADAMANT about that. So we will be dead, and she's helping to contribute more than most! :laugh:


Like Most Climate Hysterics, Ocasio-Cortez Doesn't Practice What She Preaches

The New York Post published a story yesterday about the campaign for Congress by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez that shows how the author of the Green New Deal refuses to practice what she preaches.

But the woman who boasts of a “razor-sharp BS detector” seems to have trouble sniffing out her own.
Since declaring her candidacy in May 2017, Ocasio-Cortez’s campaign heavily relied on those combustible-engine cars — even though a subway station was just 138 feet from her Elmhurst campaign office.

She listed 1,049 transactions for Uber, Lyft, Juno and other car services, federal filings show. The campaign had 505 Uber expenses alone.

In all, Ocasio-Cortez spent $29,365.70 on those emissions-spewing vehicles, along with car and van rentals — even though her Queens HQ was a one-minute walk to the 7 train.

The campaign shelled out only $8,335.41 on 52 MetroCard transactions.

This is not surprising, as the carbon footprints of most climate hysterics would put the Yeti to shame. But instead of being contrite, begging forgiveness, and promising not to do it again, AOC took to Twitter to brag about her hypocrisy.

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/trending/like-most-climate-hysterics-ocasio-cortez-doesnt-practice-what-she-preaches/

03-04-2019, 03:58 PM
So, we will all be dead in 12 years according to her, and she is ADAMANT about that. So we will be dead, and she's helping to contribute more than most! :laugh:


Like Most Climate Hysterics, Ocasio-Cortez Doesn't Practice What She Preaches

The New York Post published a story yesterday about the campaign for Congress by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez that shows how the author of the Green New Deal refuses to practice what she preaches.

This is not surprising, as the carbon footprints of most climate hysterics would put the Yeti to shame. But instead of being contrite, begging forgiveness, and promising not to do it again, AOC took to Twitter to brag about her hypocrisy.

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/trending/like-most-climate-hysterics-ocasio-cortez-doesnt-practice-what-she-preaches/

But AOC is a better person than us, so she's entitled. STFU Jimmy