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View Full Version : The Latest From the little Radical WI CUCK Gov...

03-04-2019, 01:28 PM
Now he's going to give illegal aliens ID cards and DL's... to make our roads and community SAFER and help Wisconsin's economy and families.


What an absolute line of HORSE SHIT. How, EXACTLY, does this make our ROADS and COMMUNITY SAFER, and help our states ECONOMY and FAMILIES?

I knew this was coming from this ferret faced little radical democrat POS. He'll be coming for Wisconsinites GUNS before he's done too. I hope those that vote D just BECAUSE are HAPPY NOW, and I know people like that. I know they own a lot of GUNS too. I just can't FATHOM how they square voting FOR someone that wants to THEIR GUNS when they own a shit load of them. THEY can't explain it either. When asked they just kinda look at the floor and MUMBLE.

I would like to move out of this state, but selling all my possessions for pennies on the dollar and starting over somewhere else is just out of the question, and where do you go? Seems this shit is happening everywhere. Might as well stay and fight and make the best of it. Hopefully our state's republicans can somehow block this. We do still control our state's senate. The CUCK EVERS IS getting REAMED on twitter though.