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02-01-2007, 08:20 PM
We’ve coined a new phrase - LAFFING AMERICANS

LAFFING is sort of an acronym:

Liberty And Freedom First In Government.

You don’t have to be a Libertarian, a Republican, or a Democrat to be a Laffing American. You just have to have the intellect to understand the “Conservative Principal” of full and unfettered freedom and liberty as defined in the Constitution.

You cannot be a Progressive, a Socialist, or a Communist and be a Laffing American. On the issue of freedom and liberty, you can’t be a moderate either. Being a moderate is like being a cafeteria Catholic or being a little bit pregnant. Moderate, to us, at MOVE-OVER.org, means accepting not being able to display a plaque of the Ten Commandments, in your county courthouse, as a minor inconvenient passing thing.

There is another thing that we have observed about Laffing Americans. The corners of their mouths turn up; maybe like they know how to laugh. Compare Laffer’s countenance to those on the “Left” who seem to, through their scowl, be screeching, yelling, or demanding that the sky is falling, warming, or in need of a government program to survive.

We want Sean, Neal, Rush, Mike, Bill, Mark, Dennis, Michael, Hugh, and all of the other “natural laffing laffers” to get on board with this term.

Write them and tell them to keep Laffing.

Mike Sharq