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View Full Version : Trump approval ticks up - similar to Obama, Clinton

03-04-2019, 06:14 PM
His ratings have been fairly steady and increasing as it states - and this is in the face of never ending attacks on the news and negative stories.... This is with the left obstructing him non-stop and his own party now doing a ton to defend him at most times. But he's brought our economy to great places thus far & has brought in a lot of great judges, the SC being a few of them. :)

With everything stacked against him - he's still getting great numbers and showing good reason as to why he may get re-elected.

Gonna be a long 6 years for some, if so!!


Trump approval ticks up - similar to Obama, Clinton

President Donald Trump’s approval rating climbed throughout the month of February to match levels seen by former Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton at similar points in office.

Trump’s approval rating stood at approximately 42.2 percent in FiveThirtyEight’s weighted average and ticked up to 46 percent in the latest NBCNews/Wall Street Journal poll, with a nearly 3-percent margin of error.

The figures align with the approximately 47-percent approval rating seen by Obama on the same day in office and the 44-percent approval rating seen by Clinton. Both Obama and Clinton won re-election to office.

The same poll found that 41 percent of respondents would vote to re-elect Trump to office in 2020. The research was conducted while a slew of Democratic candidates announced they would seek to unseat the president from office setting in motion the year-long sprint to the first primaries of the 2020 election cycle.

The Trump administration has sought to display the 2020 presidential election as a referendum on socialist policies.

Rest - https://dailycaller.com/2019/03/04/trump-approval-up/