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View Full Version : Loretta Lynch Tells GOP Lawmakers She “Can’t Recall” Anything...

03-05-2019, 10:17 AM
Oh man, this one is still out there forgetting and lying about things? They're all professional liars and professionals at forgetting things, anonymous sources and all that jazz...

There NEEDS to be an investigation, for REAL. I believe this is where it ALL really started - with these FISA warrants, and I think they would find out that they were all invalid and illegal and based on lies.


Loretta Lynch Contradicts Herself – Tells GOP Lawmakers She “Can’t Recall” Anything Regarding Carter Page FISA Warrants

Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch told GOP lawmakers in a closed-door testimony in December that she couldn’t recall anything about the Carter Page FISA warrant and three subsequent renewals despite the fact that the DOJ has to approve the warrants.

Loretta Lynch “appeared to have amnesia” during her Congressional testimony in December one official told investigative reporter Sara Carter.

It appears Loretta Lynch is suffering from the same kind of selective amnesia Hillary Clinton suffers from which is why she magically cannot recall anything that could incriminate her or her corrupt Justice Department.

Transcripts of Loretta Lynch’s December testimony to the House Judiciary and House Oversight Committees have not been made public yet, however, Sara Carter obtained an excerpt of the hearing.

Recall, then-AG Loretta Lynch met with former President Bill Clinton on the Phoenix airport tarmac in June of 2016 just days before then-FBI Director James Comey usurped the DOJ and announced in a presser that Hillary Clinton was exonerated of any wrong doing in the criminal investigation into her private server.

Loretta Lynch insisted she only discussed “innocuous things” such as golf and grandchildren with Bill Clinton, however during her December testimony to Congress, she evaded questions about the shady tarmac meeting and would not disclose any information on her Department’s approval to allow the FBI to spy on Carter Page.

Congressman Nunes’s 2-page FISA memo revealed that Loretta Lynch’s Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates signed off on one of the Carter Page FISA applications — Rod Rosenstein was the other DOJ official who signed off on a (June 2017) Carter Page FISA renewal.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/03/loretta-lynch-contradicts-herself-tells-gop-lawmakers-she-cant-recall-anything-regarding-carter-page-fisa-warrants/