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View Full Version : Trump: 'Presidential Harassment!' All 'So They Can Institute Socialism'

03-05-2019, 02:47 PM
Now, I'm not going to sit here and state that their intent is all about instituting socialism. But I DO know that one of their goals is to get rid of Trump, to completely disrupt Trump and the right.

Seriously, when is enough enough? They have already had the senate intelligence committee go all over everything and Trump and Russia. Soon to be released will be the Mueller report. If there was Russian collusion or anything severely damaging, we would have heard about it already. Mueller investigated nearly everyone out there.

And just when it is nearing an end, and of course Trump and folks coming out of things unscathed, now the left wants to try and continue things AGAIN, and this time just going with different angles and more BS. Apparently, I guess they think if they investigate "bad things", that it will sound/appear bad and maybe harm his campaign?

IMO, if anything, it's starting to and actually beyond making them look pathetic.


Trump: 'Presidential Harassment!' All 'So They Can Institute Socialism'

(CNSNews.com) - President Donald Trump, furious about the never-ending, ever-widening investigations into all aspects of his life, took to Twitter on Monday and again on Tuesday, blasting Democrats for what he called "Presidential Harassment!"

On Tuesday morning, following intensive media coverage of the Democrats' expanded Trump investigation, the president tweeted that Democrats have "gone stone cold CRAZY," and he said they are the ones obstructing justice:

-- The greatest overreach in the history of our Country. The Dems are obstructing justice and will not get anything done. A big, fat, fishing expedition desperately in search of a crime, when in fact the real crime is what the Dems are doing, and have done!

-- Now that they realize the only Collusion with Russia was done by Crooked Hillary Clinton & the Democrats, Nadler, Schiff and the Dem heads of the Committees have gone stone cold CRAZY. 81 letter sent to innocent people to harass them. They won’t get ANYTHING done for our Country!

On Monday, Trump quoted his friend Sean Hannity in one of his tweets: "We the people will now be subjected to the biggest display of modern day McCarthyism....which is the widest fishing net expedition....every aspect of the presidents life....all in order to get power back so they can institute Socialism.” Seanhannity


In another tweet, Trump quoted Fox News's Tucker Carlson, who opened his Monday night show with a critique of the media:

“The American Media has changed forever. News organizations that seemed like a big deal are now extinct. Those that remain have now degraded themselves beyond recognition, like the New Yorker -- or they’ve been purchased by Jeff Bezos to conduct unregistered lobbying for Amazon, like the Washington Post. It’s hard to remember that not so long ago America had prestige media outlets, but not anymore.” @TuckerCarlson.

Trump added his own spin: "The Fake News Media is the true Enemy of the People!" he tweeted.

And in other tweets on Monday, Trump quoted two other people who spoke about the Democrat led investigations on television:

-- “There is no Collusion. All of these investigations are in search of a crime. Democrats have no evidence to impeach President Trump. Ridiculous!” @DevinNunes @FoxNews

-- “Now that the Dems are going to try & switch from Collusion to some other reason, it makes them continue to look like sore losers who didn’t accept the WILL OF THE PEOPLE in the last election - they will do anything to get rid of the President.” @. "It will never work!"Trump added.


Trump spoke on the same day the House Judiciary Committee issued document requests to a whopping 81 people and organizations as part of its investigation into alleged subversion of "the rule of law."
