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View Full Version : Obama: The World Would Be A Better Place If We Had 'A Million Baracks And Michelles'

03-05-2019, 06:47 PM
Oh brother, JUST GO AWAY already! Now he thinks he is getting closer and closer to being our "forever leader". What a piece of shit.


Obama: The World Would Be A Better Place If We Had 'A Million Baracks And Michelles'

"Hope is attainable 'if we can train a million Baracks and Michelles who are running around thinking they can change the world."

In former President Barack Obama's view, the world would be a much better place if he and his wife were the prototypes for a million leaders across the globe.

Giving a speech at Winnipeg's Bell MTS Place arena on Monday, Mr. Obama outlined "plans to create a 'university for social change' that will serve as a hub for young people in the U.S. and around the world who are skeptical of the 'old institutions,'" according to The Washington Examiner.

"If we train them — if we give them skills, support, financing, media training, spotlights, then they're the ones that are going to carry forward the solutions that we so desperately need," Obama told the audience.

"If we could form a network of those young leaders, not just in the United States, but around the world, then we got something," the continued. Hope is attainable "if we can train a million Baracks and Michelles who are running around thinking they can change the world," he added.

The 44th president’s narcissistic remarks are not out of the ordinary. Obama was often nailed by critics for constantly talking about himself and blaming others for his failings.

Rest - https://www.dailywire.com/news/44254/obama-world-would-be-better-if-we-had-million-amanda-prestigiacomo

03-05-2019, 07:03 PM
This guy is deluded. Narcissistic is a perfect description for him.

I did not vote for him because of his own words used in his runs,
but allowed him 100 days to prove himself a leader.

It took less than a month for him to show himself a divider.
His world 'apology tour' disgusted the shit out of me.

03-06-2019, 09:29 AM
Hands down THE worst President we've had. How we survived 4 years of Bush II followed by 8 years of Obama is a testament to how great this country really is.

Seriously though EVERY single bit of division in this country right now can be blamed on Obama. Even if you believe Trump is the "great divider" you must acknowledge that Trump is a direct result of the division Obama created in this country.

Abbey Marie
03-06-2019, 10:11 AM
Dear lord what a narcissist!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
03-06-2019, 10:22 AM
A million of that kind of shit would doom this nation if they had any measurable level of power.
We would need a couple million gallons of roach spray to fumigate the entire capitol, IMHO.-Tyr

03-06-2019, 11:01 AM
Dear lord what a narcissist!

And the left hammers Trump for HIS ego LOL

03-06-2019, 11:54 AM
Hands down THE worst President we've had. How we survived 4 years of Bush II followed by 8 years of Obama is a testament to how great this country really is.

Seriously though EVERY single bit of division in this country right now can be blamed on Obama. Even if you believe Trump is the "great divider" you must acknowledge that Trump is a direct result of the division Obama created in this country.

8 years of GWB.

03-06-2019, 11:56 AM
Obama: The World Would Be A Better Place If We Had 'A Million Baracks And Michelles'

We already have that.

They're in Nigeria, scamming naive suckers with bogus emails.

03-06-2019, 02:10 PM
We already have that.

They're in Nigeria, scamming naive suckers with bogus emails.:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::eek::eek:

03-06-2019, 03:42 PM
I just got through to the Sean Hannity show. My comment was, that the democrats are enjoying a total BLITZKRIEG on President Trump right now with little to no fight back at all. They have no reason to stop what they're doing. What needs to happen is for Trump to go on the offense, with or without the republicans support, and SEND THE US MARSHALLS TO HAWAII and stage a Roger Stone style RAID on the CLERK OF COURTS to FIND this FABLED obama birth certificate, and when NONE is found, see how FAST the demtrash circles the wagons around obama, because that would not only PROVE his presidency was a FRAUD, and he'd be facing FEDERAL PRISON, AND EVERYTHING he signed would and should be NULL AND VOID, INCLUDING his DACA. The dems would be so busy circling the wagons around the kenyan shit stain, they wouldn't have time to continue going after PRESIDENT TRUMP. By God I'd do it. I see NO fight back going on. The republican party, for the most part, is MIA. Certainly if not President Trump, the AG has the power to send the US Marshalls to Hawaii. GO ON THE OFFENSE. The democrats and their CORRUPTION is a TARGET RICH environment, and obama being a FRAUD is #1. Not only would it put the dems on DEFENSE, but it would SHUT OBAMA UP.

03-06-2019, 03:44 PM
I read this again and shake my head. The audacity to think that perfect images of them running around will somehow make this world a better place. :rolleyes:

03-06-2019, 03:54 PM
I read this again and shake my head. The audacity to think that perfect images of them running around will somehow make this world a better place. :rolleyes:
Barack INSANE Obama would have flooded America with MILLIONS of muslims had he been able to. We'd look a lot like EUROPE right now had he been successful.

In no shape, way or form would that be BETTER. He's a black stain on the pages of history of America, and will be forever.

03-06-2019, 08:55 PM
Oh brother, JUST GO AWAY already! Now he thinks he is getting closer and closer to being our "forever leader". What a piece of shit.


Obama: The World Would Be A Better Place If We Had 'A Million Baracks And Michelles'

"Hope is attainable 'if we can train a million Baracks and Michelles who are running around thinking they can change the world."

In former President Barack Obama's view, the world would be a much better place if he and his wife were the prototypes for a million leaders across the globe.

Giving a speech at Winnipeg's Bell MTS Place arena on Monday, Mr. Obama outlined "plans to create a 'university for social change' that will serve as a hub for young people in the U.S. and around the world who are skeptical of the 'old institutions,'" according to The Washington Examiner.

"If we train them — if we give them skills, support, financing, media training, spotlights, then they're the ones that are going to carry forward the solutions that we so desperately need," Obama told the audience.

"If we could form a network of those young leaders, not just in the United States, but around the world, then we got something," the continued. Hope is attainable "if we can train a million Baracks and Michelles who are running around thinking they can change the world," he added.

The 44th president’s narcissistic remarks are not out of the ordinary. Obama was often nailed by critics for constantly talking about himself and blaming others for his failings.

Rest - https://www.dailywire.com/news/44254/obama-world-would-be-better-if-we-had-million-amanda-prestigiacomoBrainwashing hand-picked students, huh?

03-06-2019, 09:31 PM
The world would be a better place if we rounded up the Baracks and Michelle O’s and sent them on an expedition to Mars.

But, then, the Martians have enough problems of their own

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