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View Full Version : Nets Turn a Blind Eye to Alleged Campaign Finance Violations by Ocasio-Cortez

03-06-2019, 01:41 PM
SOMETHING happened here, whether she was knowledgeable of it, or how in depth, is yet to be seen. BUT, nonetheless - the mainstream media on the left has outright ignored this story, and it IS a story! But they will cover what Trump eats for lunch. :rolleyes:


Nets Turn a Blind Eye to Alleged Campaign Finance Violations by Ocasio-Cortez

In 24 hours, NONE of the flagship morning and evening news programs for the Big Three broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) saw fit to inform viewers that liberal darling, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) was facing serious accusations of campaign finance violations. If true, those allegations carried possible jail time.

The formal complaint to the Federal Election Commission by the conservative National Legal and Policy Center was filed on Monday with several news organizations reporting on it. But come Tuesday evening, ABC, CBS, and NBC had yet to allow the developments to be shared on their principal morning and evening news programs (ABC’s Good Morning America, World News Tonight; CBS’s This Morning, Evening News; NBC’s Today, Nightly News).

But unlike those liberal networks, Fox News Channel wasn’t doing the Democrat any favors. On Tuesday, Special Report anchor Bret Baier announced: “Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez is also facing severe consequences concerning allegations her chief of staff funneled nearly $1 million in donations into private companies he controlled.”

Rest - https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/nicholas-fondacaro/2019/03/05/nets-turn-blind-eye-alleged-campaign-finance-violations-aoc

03-06-2019, 01:45 PM
"mainstream media" = democrat propaganda wing.

Abbey Marie
03-09-2019, 11:43 AM
No, they’re not biased at all.


03-09-2019, 11:59 AM
Our media, for the most part, is nothing but a tool for brainwashing the masses.

Been working like a charm for them since Day One. They aren't going to give up that power willingly.

03-09-2019, 12:42 PM
Our media, for the most part, is nothing but a tool for brainwashing the masses.

Been working like a charm for them since Day One. They aren't going to give up that power willingly.

03-09-2019, 01:57 PM
https://i.ibb.co/6wgqZGj/wk.jpgWalter Cronkite was/is a PERFECT example of my previous post.

You think he didn't have an agenda. Until he pronounced the Vietnam War unwinnable. Militarily, after Khe Sanh and Tet, the US had all but obliterated NVA armed forces, and thanks to NV itself, it had used most of the VC up during the Tet offensive (purposefully -- NVA wasn't sharing power with anyone).

Point is, one newscaster that everyone believed was gospel decided public opinion for us. John Q, rather than question Walter's version of events, let him alone think for them. It basically caused us to just walk out of the middle of a war.

03-09-2019, 04:29 PM
Walter Cronkite was/is a PERFECT example of my previous post.

You think he didn't have an agenda. Until he pronounced the Vietnam War unwinnable. Militarily, after Khe Sanh and Tet, the US had all but obliterated NVA armed forces, and thanks to NV itself, it had used most of the VC up during the Tet offensive (purposefully -- NVA wasn't sharing power with anyone).

Point is, one newscaster that everyone believed was gospel decided public opinion for us. John Q, rather than question Walter's version of events, let him alone think for them. It basically caused us to just walk out of the middle of a war.
I hear ya, man. But the point I get most from that meme is that decades ago "the news" didn't parade every stinking talking head on the planet out to get their REACTION. There was no such thing as 24/7 news channels. "The news" today is 3 minutes of actually reporting a story, and then followed by 45 minutes of dumbass analysts and commentators to jaw jack their take on what you just heard, as if everyone is too damn STUPID to make up their own MIND. That's why I quit watching the news. I can stomach a little Fox and Friends in the morning and that's about it, and even then the TV spends the vast majority of time on MUTE.

I mean what a job. How would you like to make $250,000.00 a year just sitting on TV giving your OPINION? Pfft... what a freakin' racket. I figure when they pay me to go on their show and give MY opinion, I'll listen to someone else's. Until then, they can cram it.

03-09-2019, 07:46 PM
I hear ya, man. But the point I get most from that meme is that decades ago "the news" didn't parade every stinking talking head on the planet out to get their REACTION. There was no such thing as 24/7 news channels. "The news" today is 3 minutes of actually reporting a story, and then followed by 45 minutes of dumbass analysts and commentators to jaw jack their take on what you just heard, as if everyone is too damn STUPID to make up their own MIND. That's why I quit watching the news. I can stomach a little Fox and Friends in the morning and that's about it, and even then the TV spends the vast majority of time on MUTE.

I mean what a job. How would you like to make $250,000.00 a year just sitting on TV giving your OPINION? Pfft... what a freakin' racket. I figure when they pay me to go on their show and give MY opinion, I'll listen to someone else's. Until then, they can cram it.There was no medium for them to choke the airwaves with chowderheads. Remember, we had the local and network evening news, one - two local newspapers, the WSJ, Time and SI magazines. People relied on Walter and Huntley-Brinkley to give us honest news and the cliff notes. That was a LOT easier to control. In that regard, the info age has been a disaster for network news reporting. They no longer have a monopoly on what you hear.

What they have done, IMO, on the internet is just bury the truth with countless amounts of BS selling their product. Here's a test for you High_Plains_Drifter. WHo's the computer voice bimbo? No Siri. The other one that is pimped far and wide.

Ask her:

Who was Muhammed?

Who was Jesus Christ?

What was the correct name of the Nazi Party?

I saw this somewhere. You'll be surprised at the answers. It IS what asking your phone for answers will get your kids for answers though.

03-09-2019, 08:10 PM
There was no medium for them to choke the airwaves with chowderheads. Remember, we had the local and network evening news, one - two local newspapers, the WSJ, Time and SI magazines. People relied on Walter and Huntley-Brinkley to give us honest news and the cliff notes. That was a LOT easier to control. In that regard, the info age has been a disaster for network news reporting. They no longer have a monopoly on what you hear.

What they have done, IMO, on the internet is just bury the truth with countless amounts of BS selling their product. Here's a test for you @High_Plains_Drifter (http://www.debatepolicy.com/member.php?u=3558). WHo's the computer voice bimbo? No Siri. The other one that is pimped far and wide.

Ask her:

Who was Muhammed?

Who was Jesus Christ?

What was the correct name of the Nazi Party?

I saw this somewhere. You'll be surprised at the answers. It IS what asking your phone for answers will get your kids for answers though.

OK... I have a Galaxy S9 so, it has a google OS, Android...

Here's what I get... voice asking, who was muhammad? "MUHAMMAD WAS THE FOUNDER OF ISLAM." No voice answer, just websites.


Who was Jesus Christ? voice asking again, got a voice answer that from... "according to wikipedia"... and it was pathetic.


Last question, what's the correct name of the Nazi party, again, voice asking google, got "according to wikipedia"... and it said that they changed their name to the Nationalist Socialist Party.

I have no idea who the bimbo is talking... :laugh: But I'm not really surprised that google uses wikitrash for it's "information." What a damn JOKE.

I'll have to say though, I get more good CONSERVATIVE news articles off twitter than anywhere else. I'm following 78 different people, news places, and they come up with stuff that you will NEVER HEAR on TV, ANYWHERE, EVER. I post some of it here, but even though twitter is run by a bunch of liberal ass wipes, they can't stay ahead of the MILLIONS of conservatives on there. The truth about a lot of stuff sneaks past them.

03-09-2019, 09:41 PM
OK... I have a Galaxy S9 so, it has a google OS, Android...

Here's what I get... voice asking, who was muhammad? "MUHAMMAD WAS THE FOUNDER OF ISLAM." No voice answer, just websites.


Who was Jesus Christ? voice asking again, got a voice answer that from... "according to wikipedia"... and it was pathetic.


Last question, what's the correct name of the Nazi party, again, voice asking google, got "according to wikipedia"... and it said that they changed their name to the Nationalist Socialist Party.

I have no idea who the bimbo is talking... :laugh: But I'm not really surprised that google uses wikitrash for it's "information." What a damn JOKE.

I'll have to say though, I get more good CONSERVATIVE news articles off twitter than anywhere else. I'm following 78 different people, news places, and they come up with stuff that you will NEVER HEAR on TV, ANYWHERE, EVER. I post some of it here, but even though twitter is run by a bunch of liberal ass wipes, they can't stay ahead of the MILLIONS of conservatives on there. The truth about a lot of stuff sneaks past them.

Alexa is what I mean. We're constantly being pimped to "Ask Alexa". Sounds creepy to me right there. Anyway ...

Jesus Christ -- fictional character

Muhammed -- founder of Islam, blah, blah, blah.

Nazi's: right wing, fascist Germans

What does NAZI stand for: Computer (Alexa) starts a left-wing circle jerk. Honest.

Point is, numbnuts like my SIL's 15 years old airhead teenager look their answers up on that crap and believe what they hear.