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View Full Version : Omar - Anti-Israel or Anti-Semitic?

03-07-2019, 02:02 PM
And from an unlikely source.

But the dems went from preparing to denounce her, then just in general, and now many are even defending her words. :rolleyes:


I’ve Faced the Charge of Dual Loyalty

It was anti-Semitic then, and it’s anti-Semitic now.

Rahm Emanuel
44th mayor of Chicago

I’m all for new voices in the U.S. Congress. But lately, some of those new voices have been voicing some very old canards.

I’m talking about Representative Ilhan Omar, one of the newly elected Democrats who populate the 116th Congress. Omar has attracted much news coverage, and the condemnation of most of her fellow Democrats, for promoting some ugly tropes about Jews.

First, when questioning long-standing congressional support for Israel, she blamed the campaign money provided by pro-Israel supporters. “It’s all about the Benjamins, baby,” she tweeted.

After apologizing for that comment and acknowledging her need to be “educated,” she followed with another tweet, questioning the “allegiance” of supporters of Israel, intimating that we place the concerns of Israel above those of the country that we call home.

No one is questioning the right of members of Congress and others to criticize Israeli policies. But Omar is crossing a line that should not be crossed in political discourse. Her remarks are not anti-Israel; they are anti-Semitic.

Whether consciously or not, Representative Omar is repeating some of the ugliest stereotypes about Jews—tropes that have been unleashed by anti-Semites throughout history. She is casting Jewish Americans as the other, suggesting a dual loyalty that calls our devotion to America into question.

Maybe I’m sensitive to this charge of dual allegiance because it’s been wielded against me in some of my political campaigns. I’ve been accused of actually being a citizen of Israel. (That’s not true, although my father was an Israeli immigrant to the United States.) In 2002, well before Donald Trump and other “birthers” questioned Barack Obama’s citizenship, I had to produce my U.S. birth certificate in my first run for Congress to disprove false assertions about my background and loyalties.

Rest - https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2019/03/ilhan-omars-dual-loyalty-charge-was-anti-semitic/584314/

03-07-2019, 02:04 PM
An example of defending her, and this isn't from some newbie.


Democrat James Clyburn Utters Most INSANE Defense Yet Of Ilhan Omar

Democrats have been falling over themselves to try and defend Rep. Ilhan Omar’s (D-MN) anti-Semitism, but House Minority Whip James Clyburn (D-SC) might have just taken the cake.

Clyburn, in an interview with the Hill’s Mike Ellis, basically told descendants of Holocaust survivors and those who were put in Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s Japanese internment camps to “check their privilege” (h/t Seth Mandel).

The Hill described Clyburn’s comments thusly:

Clyburn came to Omar’s defense Wednesday, lamenting that many of the media reports surrounding the recent controversy have omitted mentioning that Omar, who was born in Somalia, had to flee the country to escape violence and spent four years in a Kenyan refugee camp before coming to the United States.

Her experience, Clyburn argued, is much more empirical — and powerful — than that of people who are generations removed from the Holocaust, Japanese internment camps during World War II and the other violent episodes that have marked history.

Rest - https://www.dailywire.com/news/44351/democrat-james-clyburn-utters-most-insane-defense-ashe-schow

03-07-2019, 04:40 PM
The mask has come off the democrat party. They're no longer afraid to show you who they are, so if you still support this radical party of race baiters, antisemitism, perverts and America haters, then that's exactly what you are also.

If somehow we could time travel JFK from prior to getting the bullet in the head to now, he wouldn't recognize the democrat party. It's hardly recognizable from 10 years ago. The kenyan started it all with his "FUNDAMENTAL TRANSFORMATION." They hate how America was founded, they hate our history, they hate what this nation is to the core. America is evil to the new democrat party, and we must be punished, we must PAY, and that's why some democrats are just coming out in full support of the little muslim witch. We know muslims HATE JEWS, it's some of the most common knowledge on the planet. She's a muslim, she hates jews, and some democrats have no problem with that.

You have to be out of your MIND if that's the bunch of radical nut cases you support.

03-07-2019, 08:51 PM
Rep Omar could fly an airliner full of passengers into the Empire State Building and Nancy Pelosi would say that she didn’t mean it, she just needs flying lessons.

Speaker Pelosi is demonstrating her lack of leadership by allowing this.

The Democratic Party, thanks to Rep Omar, AOC, and Tlaib, has become the new Nazi Party

Rep Ilhan Omar should be stripped of her committee memberships, then articles of impeachment should be drawn up. Her type doesn’t deserve a 2nd chance.

03-08-2019, 09:19 PM
To answer the original question. Representative Omar is anti-American.

When she assumed office, she was required to swear an oath to support AND DEFEND the US Constitution

She clearly is doing neither. Instead she is sympathetic to our enemies. Impeachment would be a good remedy. Once impeached and found guilty, she no longer could hold office.

AOC, Omar, and Tlaib are the bitter harvest if the Democrat Party’s love affair with identity politics. Unless they change, we can expect more like these idiots in the future.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

03-09-2019, 07:51 AM
Rep Omar could fly an airliner full of passengers into the Empire State Building and Nancy Pelosi would say that she didn’t mean it, she just needs flying lessons.



03-09-2019, 10:50 AM
Here's one of those "the left change the meaning of the word" moments. Arabs are semites. Jews -- the true Israeli from way back when ones -- are semites. so how is hating one "antisemitic" but not the other?

03-09-2019, 11:04 PM
....It’s estimated 80K Somali’s have come to Minnesota in the 80’s, 90’s & 2000’s. That’s how Ilhan Omar won

MN’s 5th district election 78% to 22%......***Now, we have CAIR...a front group for Hamas pushing & shoving their way around the Capital like they own it.