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03-11-2019, 10:57 AM
At least that appears to be their aim. That, or they think they want to move Venezuela here now. :rolleyes:

Their freshman and those supporting them are only doing good for the right. :)


The Dems Will Lose the House in 2020

If you find it difficult to grasp how a handful of leftwing extremists managed to win last week’s battle with the nominal leadership of the Democratic Party over a House resolution originally written to condemn anti-Semitism, Margaret Thatcher explained the phenomenon four decades ago: “The one thing about leftwing politicians is that they are always fanatical. They never let go. It’s their religion.” She was describing how the Labour Party had been destroyed from within by a small minority of radicals. Thatcher eventually exploited this process, led the Conservative Party to victory over Labour, and became Prime Minister for eleven years.

The Republicans will deliver a similarly humiliating defeat to House Democrats in 2020 if its alleged leaders fail to rein in their own cadre of fanatical leftists, the core of which consists of recently elected social justice warriors Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Ayanna Pressley, Rohit Khanna, Raul Grijalva, and Pramila Jayapal. But the internecine fight that preceded the cowardly revision of the anti-Semitism resolution into a denunciation of generic bigotry suggests that Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Majority Leader Steny Hoyer may not hold enough sway over their own caucus to prevent it from self-destructing.

Before their epic defeat in 1994, the Democrats held the House majority for no fewer than four decades. Yet, after 12 years in the wilderness, they clearly had learned nothing. After finally winning it back again in 2006, their irresponsible antics condemned them to the minority after only four years. If they pursue their current agenda for the next 18 months, they will be in the minority again after only two years. Not only can they not muster a majority to condemn anti-Semitism, their most visible members are unabashedly embracing socialism, and the first piece of major legislation, H.R.1, literally gives illegal immigrants the vote.

Rest - https://spectator.org/the-dems-will-lose-the-house-in-2020/

03-11-2019, 12:29 PM
They are self-destructing from within and the leaders have no control.

03-11-2019, 05:50 PM
They are self-destructing from within and the leaders have no control.

You are sooooooo right

Of course, watching AOC the dumb bell, Omar the towel head, and Tlaib the potty mouth makes me wonder. If the Republicans want to win in 2020, they just have to play the speeches those three give over and over again.

Maybe sprinkle in a couple with Nancy Pelosi making excuses for Ms Bedsheet’s anti semitism.

But then, the way things are going for AOC, it might just be possible that losing an election will be the least of her worries. If what they are saying about her money dealings is true, she might not be able to ever hold office again.

03-11-2019, 07:54 PM
They are self-destructing from within and the leaders have no control.
Yep... all the republicans have to do is keep the likes of this little IMBECILE out front and center, and the repubs will not only take the house back, but retain the senate and President Trump is reelected...

... this little TWIT is just... beyond description, and people APPLAUD what she's SAYING... it's like... what in the FUCK kinda DRUGS are these people on? The WORLD WILL END IN 12 YEARS, AND PEOPLE APPLAUD? Good God... it leaves me to believe you could say virtually anything, ANYTHING, to a group of leftists and they'd APPLAUD... they are THAT... STUPID...


03-11-2019, 08:07 PM
Just let her KEEP TALKING... did you know that she said "AMERICA WAS GARBAGE?" Probably not, if all you listen to is the democrat propaganda wing, or even fox news.

What These Texans Did For A Local Donut Shop Should Embarrass Ocasio-Cortez’s America Is 'Garbage' Remarks


03-11-2019, 08:36 PM

And to think...Democrats (running for president 2020)..."Proudly"... will stand next to this Foolish...ignorant lost soul while the cameras are rolling for all to see....Can they be that stupid?

AMERICA is watching.... :)

Dont forget about Cortez`s America hating Jihadist friends.......


03-11-2019, 08:39 PM

03-11-2019, 08:49 PM


03-11-2019, 10:27 PM
See if you can listen to this little IDIOT, without THROWING UP... GOOD GOD... I mean c'MOOOOON... the only thing I can think is she is CAMPAIGN GOLD. You have to be RETARDED to listen to her and AGREE.

Just for the record... I COULDN'T LISTEN TO IT ALL. I feel DUMBER just listening to a LITTLE of this... IGNORANT little DUMBASS...


03-11-2019, 11:19 PM
See if you can listen to this little IDIOT, without THROWING UP... GOOD GOD... I mean c'MOOOOON... the only thing I can think is she is CAMPAIGN GOLD. You have to be RETARDED to listen to her and AGREE.

Just for the record... I COULDN'T LISTEN TO IT ALL. I feel DUMBER just listening to a LITTLE of this... IGNORANT little DUMBASS...


`She's ^^^ ... leading the way to a Trump victory. The depth of her stupidity is amazing. So many levels........!!!!

The faces of Liberalism / Socialism......
Muslim Jihadist...