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Pale Rider
08-30-2007, 07:15 PM

Third World immigration into the United States of America has boosted poverty levels, put millions of Americans out of work, contributed over 25 percent of the federal prison population, and has placed a tax burden of billions of dollars on the US taxpayer.

In addition, the cities that receive the largest numbers of immigrants also have twice the unemployment rate, three times the population density, 40 percent more people living in poverty, and 40 percent more serious crime per capita than cities with few or no immigrant arrivals. (1)

However, White Americans are continuously told that immigration – and Third World immigration in particular – is beneficial to their country.

Immigrants, Americans are told, “pay taxes, stabilize shrinking populations, facilitate economic growth, revitalize neighborhoods and replenish work forces”, according to one such typical liberal pro-immigration body, the American Immigration Law Foundation. (2)

A review of the veracity of the pro-immigration lobby’s claims is therefore in order, something easily done by studying the Third Worlders’ contribution to American society.


Some 11.2 million immigrants arrived in the USA between 1990 and 2000. This, added to the 6.4 million children born to immigrants living in the USA, accounts for almost 70 percent of the US population growth in the past decade. (3)

Immigrants now represent more than one in every ten US residents, the highest percentage in 70 years. (4) More than 1.2 million legal and illegal immigrants combined now settle in the US each year. (5)

The Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) has had to revise its initial estimate from six million illegal aliens living in the United States to anywhere from nine to eleven million. (6) These illegal immigrants represent the population equivalent of 17 congressional districts. (7)

The immigrant population is growing six and a half times faster than the native-born population. (8) Over the next 50 years, the US Census Bureau projects that immigration will cause the population of the United States to increase from its present 270 million to more than 400 million. (9)


The vast majority of immigrants – legal and illegal – entering the USA, are from the Third World. Mexico alone accounts for 27.7 percent of all immigrants. It is estimated that there are over 8 million Mexicans in the USA. (10)

Of those entering the US illegally, the INS estimates 60 percent come in across the Mexican border which runs from Texas to California. Another 40 percent enter legally, but then overstay their visas. Of the estimated eleven million illegal immigrants in the US in 1999, the INS managed to deport only 1.8 percent. (11)


Nationwide, 33 percent of Third World immigrants who settled in the USA since 1990, live in poverty, nearly three times the rate for US-born natives. Some 36 percent of immigrants failed to finish high school, more than double the percentage for US-born nationals. (12)

About 15 percent of US citizens fall below the poverty line, compared to 29 percent of non-citizens. About 11 percent of non-citizens have incomes less than 50 percent of the poverty line, compared to six percent of citizens. (13)

The number of impoverished people in the USA’s immigrant-headed households nearly tripled from 2.7 million in 1979 to 7.7 million in 1997. (14) During that same period, the number of poor households headed by immigrants increased by 123 percent while the number of immigrant households increased by 68 percent. (15)

According to Forbes Magazine, a greater proportion of the US population is currently living in poverty than what was the case three decades ago. (16) According to Forbes Magazine, Blacks accounted for 5.8 percent of the nation’s poor in 1959, compared to 3 percent in 1996. Whites accounted for 16.6 percent of the nation’s poor in 1959, compared to 7.6 percent in 1996. Significantly, Hispanics accounted for a statistical 0 percent of the nation’s poor in 1959. (17)

Hispanics first entered the tables in 1972, making up 1.1 percent of the USA’s poor in that year. By 1996, Hispanics made up 2.7% of the nation’s poor – almost equivalent to the Black figure. (18) Forbes Magazine identified the leap in Hispanic poverty rates as being due to their numbers being “fed by immigration.” (19)

Third World population elements continue to experience higher poverty rates than Whites in the USA. According to the US Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, March 2001, some 22.1 percent of Blacks were below the official poverty line. This compares with 21.2 percent of Hispanics; 10.8 percent of Asians and Pacific Islanders; and 7.5 percent of White non-Hispanics. (20)

According to the Puerto Rican/Hispanic Institute for the Elderly in New York, about 23.8 percent of elderly Hispanics in the United States live in poverty, with no prospects of improvement in their situation. (21)


According to the 2000 US Census, California’s non-White population officially constituted 53.3 percent of that state’s population. (22) In more than 40 central cities, big and small, there are double-digit poverty rates, according to the US Department of Housing and Urban Development. (23)

It is therefore unsurprising to learn that as early as 1997, 25 percent of all children in California were living below the poverty line. (24) Given the demographics of the state, the racial implications are clear – the rise in the Third World immigrant population has significantly boosted poverty levels.

This is borne out by the fact that the number of children living in poverty in California had increased by more than 3 percent from 1990 to 1997. (25)

A report by the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco indicates that mass immigration to California has led to a widening gap between the affluent and the poor, sharply rising poverty, and a median income in the state that has slipped significantly below the national norm. (26)

The Federal Reserve Report went on to say that if California's demographic structure had not diverged from that of the rest of the US, the proportion of the population with incomes below two times the poverty line would have increased by just 6 percent, rather than the 25 percent increase that took place. (27)

In the Appalachia, Mississippi Delta, Black Hills, and Los Angeles areas, more than 30 percent of Hispanics are below the poverty line. (28)

According to a survey by the University of California at San Francisco and the Field Institute, Latinos are 13 times more likely to be part of the working poor -- defined in the survey as a family of four earning less than $20,000. (29)

Denver, Co

In December 2001, representatives of charity organizations reported that the number of poor Hispanic families in the Denver metropolitan area increased almost 40 percent since the previous year. (30)

Denver’s five poorest neighborhoods are populated mostly by Hispanics that only speak Spanish, particularly in the northern part of the city. (31) In these neighborhoods, 80 percent of the children receive food coupons, and are responsible for 37 percent of the city’s crime rate. (32)

Alexandria, Va

Poverty also stalks the Hispanic community in Alexandria, Virginia. According to a study undertaken there, the per-capita income of Alexandria's Hispanic community is $7,306, and nearly half of those residents go without health insurance for themselves and their families. (33)


About 37 percent of immigrants in Phoenix, Arizona, and 36 percent of immigrants statewide, fall below the poverty level. (34)

The number of people in poverty living in immigrant households in Arizona has nearly tripled to 330,000 from 113,000 during the 1990s. During that same time, immigrant households rose to 41 percent, from 20 percent of the total of poverty-level households. (35)


Critical to the liberal argument that Third World immigration benefits the USA, is the supposition that these immigrants are bringing much needed skills to the country. In reality, nothing could be further from the truth.

In 1996, according to the Immigration and Naturalization Service, 1.2 million newcomers joined the US population - yet fewer than 5 percent were admitted because of their job skills. (36) Most of the rest were allowed in because they were relatives of US citizens or other immigrants or were refugees, and a quarter of the total were illegal immigrants. (37)

During the 1990s, more than 1.3 million people with less than a high school education entered the USA. (38) Of those who arrived in this decade, 34.4 percent were school dropouts. (39)

In 1998, nearly 40 percent of immigrants had less than a high school education - double the share for natives, according to the 1990 census figures. The gap widens when grade school education is considered. Some 23 percent of immigrants have less than nine years of education, compared with just 4 percent of Americans. (40)

Forbes Magazine posed the question: "Why has immigration increased the poverty rate?" and then answered it by saying: “They (the immigrants) are unlikely to do well in the knowledge economy” (due to their lack of skills). (41)

A case in point: Only 8 percent of California Latinos have a bachelor's degree or higher, compared with 43 percent of Asians, 33 percent of whites and 24 percent of African Americans, according to the California Research Bureau. (42)

Contrary to the liberal belief, this low skill set is not solely the product of recent immigration. The typical native-born Latino still earns considerably less than members of other groups, on average, up to $7000 per year less. (43)

Education levels are directly linked to income. The median income in 2001 for California workers, according to the California Research Bureau, California State Library, was as follows: Whites: $27,000; Latino: $14,560; Asian: $24,000; African American: $23,000; Other: $23,000; Median: $21,000. (44)

Latinos in California have the highest high school dropout rate (45 percent), lowest college graduation rate (8 percent) and, not surprisingly, the lowest median income ($14,560). (45) The Latino education gap in California is not new. Previous studies show the same was true as far back as the 1940s. (46)

The continuing academic disaster of the Californian Latino problem was revealed by the 1998 California Research Bureau, California State Library report titled the ‘Educational attainment of Latinos, California, 1998’. According to this report, 44.7 percent of that state’s Latinos had no high school education at all; only 41.1 percent had some high school education; 5.8 percent had an associate degree; 6.2 percent had a bachelor's degree; 1.2 percent had a master’s degree, and only one percent had a doctorate or professional qualification. (47)

It is thus clear that the problem of uneducated Third World immigrants is not a temporary issue that subsides with increased opportunity, but in fact gets worse with the passage of time.


The high school dropout rate is not something new to immigrants in the USA: it is common in the Third World origin countries of these immigrants. The high school dropout rate in most Latin American countries exceeds 50 percent. (48)

Mexico, for example, has an illiteracy rate in excess of ten percent, and Guatemala has an illiteracy rate of over 40 percent. (49)

Third World immigration into the USA has therefore delivered a mass of undereducated people, unable to work in a society that is highly dependent on technology – the extreme opposite of what the pro-immigration lobby alleges.


Another favorite pro-immigration argument is that immigration boosts the US economy. Once again, the facts show exactly the opposite.

New York – Median income drops due to immigration

Median household income in the New York areas of Queens, Brooklyn, Suffolk, Fairfield, favored by immigrants, dropped between 1989 and 1998. This was also the case in many other counties across the nation that experienced a large influx of immigrants, according to census data. (50)

The data show that in Brooklyn, Queens and the Bronx — counties with a major increase of immigrants — median income fell sharply. (51) In Queens, according to the data, the median household income fell from $44,938 in 1989, to $36,480 in 1998, a drop of nearly 19 percent, while in Brooklyn it fell by 18 percent, from $33,762 to $27,556. (52)

Los Angeles, Miami-Dade Country – Income falls due to immigration

Median income also fell in many counties in other states attractive to immigrants, including Los Angeles County and Miami-Dade County. (53) In Los Angeles County, where there has been a surge of immigrants from Mexico, median income fell in constant dollars from $45,962 in 1989 to $37,655 in 1998, a decline of 18 percent. (54)

According to the 1999 Orange County Annual Survey, conducted by the University of California, Irvine, “full participation in the county's economic and civic life continues to elude the county's fast-growing Latino population.” (55) According to the survey, Latinos are less likely to own homes. Only 36 percent of Latinos own their homes, compared with 72 percent of non-Hispanic Whites. (56)


Many of these Third World immigrants are so poor that they cannot even afford to pay the $250 required to process their residence and citizenship applications, and have used liberals to help them sue the US Immigration and Naturalization Service for “thwarting the ability of poor and disabled immigrants to become American citizens by refusing to waive naturalization fees.” (57)


According to a survey by the University of California at San Francisco and the Field Institute in 2000, Latino and Black workers are more likely to lose their jobs, with 10 percent of the Latino respondents and 12 percent of the Black respondents reporting job losses in that year. (58)


A study of 65 rural communities in California's San Joaquin Valley between 1980 and 1990, found that the addition of 100 farm jobs resulted in an additional 139 people - including immigrants, their families and area residents - living in poverty. (59) This statistic is driven by the low wages paid to the farm worker, who in turn is then unable to support dependents, creating the social welfare problem.


With a majority Third World population already in place in the state of California, it comes as no surprise to learn that even government backed loan programs have had trouble finding credit worthy borrowers. A University of Southern California report found 50 percent of capital in such programs in Los Angeles County was sitting idle. (60)

Even when money is disbursed, businesses often founder. The Los Angeles Community Development Bank has experienced a default rate of over 32 percent since it was launched in 1997. (61)


A study of the California economy found that the prospects of upward mobility for unskilled immigrants are bleak. A Rand study looked at the nine million net new jobs created in California from 1960 to 1990. It found that three-fourths of the new jobs were filled by workers with at least some college education, and almost all of the rest were filled by high school graduates. (62)

Furthermore, the share filled by workers with some college education has risen over the years, the Rand study found. By the 1980s, some 96% of net new jobs were filled by such workers. (63)

According to a survey by the University of California at San Francisco and the Field Institute, Latinos are much less likely to benefit from the state's explosion in job growth because they are less likely to finish high school or attend college. (64)

According to the survey, 56 percent of the state's Latinos had an education level of high school or lower, compared to 28 percent of blacks, 14 percent of whites, and 11 percent of Asians. (65)

The continuing academic record disaster of the children of Third World immigrants at American schools – a tradition that stretches back more than 50 years – shows up the lie of the pro-immigration lobby that increased Third World immigration will boost the economy.

In reality, Third World immigration is creating a massive underclass that will never be able to enter the economy in any significant manner.


Criminal immigrants account for more than 25 percent of all inmates in federal prisons and is the fastest growing segment of the prison population. (66)

The federal prison population of non-citizens has increased by about 15 percent per year from the mid–1980s to the present. Upkeep for each prisoner costs the taxpayers $21,300 per year. (67)

Some 80 percent of cocaine and 50 percent of heroin in the US is smuggled across the border by Mexican nationals. (68) Taxpayers pay half-a-billion dollars per year incarcerating illegal alien criminals. (69)

In 1994, the state of Florida sued the federal government, seeking reimbursement for the $884 million a year the state spends on services to illegal aliens. Florida spent $27.6 million in 1993 to arrest, try and jail illegal immigrants charged with crimes in that state alone. (70)

In addition, state and local authorities were spending more than $500 million a year to arrest and imprison illegal immigrants who committed serious crimes. (71) New York State estimated these added costs at $270 million, while Illinois estimated that it spends $40 million per year for incarceration alone. (72)

The demand for falsified documents in southern and coastal states has created a thriving underworld industry in counterfeiting, thievery, and forgery. For as little as $40 per person, illegal aliens can purchase documents that provide them with entitlement to health care, welfare, and work privileges. (73)

According to an April 1997 report from the Associated Press, more than 180,000 aliens were granted US citizenship in 1996 without the mandatory criminal background checks. (74)

An Associated Press report in February 1997, said the Citizenship USA project, pushed by the White House in 1996 to expedite admission of 1.3 million aliens, allowed as many as 130,000 criminals into the USA from Mexico, South America, and the Caribbean. (75)

In Denver, the poorest neighborhoods, dominated by Hispanics, account for 37 percent of the city's violent crime. (76)


Linked closely to the massive unskilled labor force that characterizes Third World immigration to the USA, and their non-contribution to the US economy, is the immigrant unemployment rate. This factor is of significance as it contributes greatly to the use of social welfare services, which in turn place an additional burden on the native-born American taxpayer.

According to the Urban Institute, the highest rates of welfare dependency are in the agricultural counties of California, where unemployment rates are also high. In the heart of California's San Joaquin Valley, for example, 29 percent of the residents of Fresno (761,000 population), 30 percent of Merced (199,000) and 25 percent of Tulare (362,000) county residents were on public assistance in 1996. At the same time, unemployment rates were in double digits, even in the peak spring and summer months. (77)

If it were a state -- and with 3 million residents, its population rivals Oregon's -- the Valley would have the nation's worst economy. Unemployment averages out at 12.4 percent for the entire region, nearly twice as high as West Virginia's. (78)

Parlier, a city of 10,400 about 20 miles southeast of Fresno, is a typical such town referred to by the Urban Institute’s report. Its population is over 98 percent Latino. (79) Parlier is one of the poorest cities in California. Unemployment usually hovers between 25 and 30 percent. (80)

Parlier has tried to attract high-tech manufacturing, the work that generally requires semi-skilled labor. High-tech companies however, have declined to invest in the area due to the low skills base of the local population. The result is an inability to attract anything but the most menial jobs. (81)

In South Central Los Angeles – another high-density immigrant center - the unemployment rate hovers around 20 percent (four times the state average) and the poverty rate is 40 percent. This figure has risen consistently over the last ten years. (82)


Third World immigration into the USA has not produced a highly skilled labor force, as the above statistics show. Instead, the US labor pool has become flooded with low level, menial laborers, whose desperation for work of any sort has undercut the wages paid at the lower end of the labor market, which in turn made it more difficult for native born Americans citizens to escape poverty.

An estimated 1,880,000 American workers are displaced from their jobs every year by immigration; the cost for providing welfare and assistance to these Americans is over $15 billion a year. (83)

It is estimated that between 40 and 50 percent of wage-loss among low-skilled Americans is due to the immigration of low-skilled workers. (84)


The proportion of immigrant households using welfare programs is estimated by the Center for Immigration Studies to be between 30 percent to 50 percent higher than that of US-born citizens. (85)

According to the ‘Immigrants and Welfare, Research Perspectives on Migration’ report released by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace -- International Migration Policy Project, immigrant use of welfare has been rising, regardless of how "immigrant" and "welfare" are defined. (86)

Immigrants in California are three times more likely to receive welfare than native-born residents, a dramatic difference that is not seen in other states with burgeoning immigrant populations, according to a report by the US General Accounting Office. (87)

Forty-six percent of California's children live in families with incomes low enough to qualify for subsidized school meals ($29,000 or less annually for a family of four). Child-care costs, averaging $407 monthly for a preschooler, amount to one-half the earnings of a full-time, minimum-wage worker. (88)

Over 60 percent of Hispanic households in the Alexandria, Virginia area, receive assistance from federal or state programs for low-income residents. Forty-four percent of Hispanic families get subsidized school lunches for their children. (89)

Bearing in mind that about 37 percent of immigrants in Phoenix, Arizona, and 36 percent statewide fall below the poverty level, (90) the news that the number of people living below the federal poverty level in that state, soared nearly 90 percent since 1989, should come as no surprise. The state population grew about 30 percent in that time. (91)

Continued on page 2 (http://www.natallnews.com/page.php?id=14)


08-30-2007, 07:36 PM
That is the most racist website I have ever seen. You should be ashamed posting one of its articles. Its specifically stated purpose is the separation of the races in America. It literally seeks aparthid in America. Are you unaware that 660,000 Americans died in the 1860s to prevent America from following that path?

Pale Rider
08-30-2007, 07:46 PM
That is the most racist website I have ever seen. You should be ashamed posting one of its articles. Its specifically stated purpose is the separation of the races in America. It literally seeks aparthid in America. Are you unaware that 660,000 Americans died in the 1860s to prevent America from following that path?

YOU should be ASHAMED for acting like these facts shouldn't be DEVULGED!

Funny how only 'WHITE' people can be racist. YOU need a reality check, and before you go throwing any more premature names around, READ IT!


08-30-2007, 08:40 PM
YOU should be ASHAMED for acting like these facts shouldn't be DEVULGED!

Funny how only 'WHITE' people can be racist. YOU need a reality check, and before you go throwing any more premature names around, READ IT!

YOU may be ready to THROW AMERICA AWAY and IGNORE THE INVASION, I'm NOT!I read that unchristian crap. How do you think I knew that the website avocated the separation of the races? And who said only white people can be racist? But if you agree with that disgusting website, you certainly are.

Pale Rider
08-30-2007, 08:51 PM
I read that unchristian crap. How do you think I knew that the website avocated the separation of the races? And who said only white people can be racist? But if you agree with that disgusting website, you certainly are.

I agree with the information I posted here, period. If you have a problem with that, then you are openly admitting you want America to faulter.

YOU sir, are then part of the problem. Simple, liberal, anti-American, trash.

08-30-2007, 09:23 PM
I agree with the information I posted here, period. If you have a problem with that, then you are openly admitting you want America to faulter.

YOU sir, are then part of the problem. Simple, liberal, anti-American, trash.Anyone who does not agree with the racist garbage you posted from that neo-nazi website is anti American trash? You have a depraved view of what it means to be an American. Tens of thousands of Americans have given their lives to defeat the evil ideas exposed by that website. That website literally says that Australia and America were meant for whites only. That is diseased thinking and you are a twisted mess for posting its material.

08-30-2007, 09:24 PM
I agree with the information I posted here, period. If you have a problem with that, then you are openly admitting you want America to faulter.

YOU sir, are then part of the problem. Simple, liberal, anti-American, trash.

:clap::clap::clap: As soon as I spread the reputation around I will rep you for that one! :clap::clap::clap:

Pale Rider
08-30-2007, 10:18 PM
Anyone who does not agree with the racist garbage you posted from that neo-nazi website is anti American trash? You have a depraved view of what it means to be an American. Tens of thousands of Americans have given their lives to defeat the evil ideas exposed by that website. That website literally says that Australia and America were meant for whites only. That is diseased thinking and you are a twisted mess for posting its material.


08-31-2007, 01:45 AM


Pale Rider
08-31-2007, 02:07 PM

Damn.... what is it with these dense sons a bitches?

Unlike the filthy liberals who attended the KOS convention, who also spews TONS of HATE, who would NOT denounce KOS, I am posting an article FULL of FACTS from a website. If there is more to a website, I am neither condoning what they say or agree with it. I AM however, posting a page from their website that is in NO WAY RACIST. It IS however, CRAMED WITH FACTS!

If these FACTS somehow UPSET YOU, YOU need a fucking REALITY CHECK!

08-31-2007, 02:15 PM
YOU should be ASHAMED for acting like these facts shouldn't be DEVULGED!

Funny how only 'WHITE' people can be racist. YOU need a reality check, and before you go throwing any more premature names around, READ IT!


Are you aware that site is ANTI Iraq war?

BTW I looked at some ohter articles on the site and it is definately racist.It has articles about how African "Americans"( that is how they write it) are not as good as white people.

Pale Rider
08-31-2007, 02:17 PM
Are you aware that site is ANTI Iraq war?

BTW I looked at some ohter articles on the site and it is definately racist.It has articles about how African "Americans"( that is how they write it) are not as good as white people.

Did you even fucking READ what I just posted above?!


08-31-2007, 03:27 PM
Ha, I when I say this thread I was thinking: what actor plays the lead role....


And, my wife is NO longer an alien (kinda sucks cuz i have had to cut back on my alien jokes) because she spent 7 freakin years doing it the legal freakin way!

If I hadn't been in my professional school, I guarantee you this would have cost me about 10,000 more dollars, but it pays to have collegues. :cool:

So cry me a river all you aliens. Oh, and my wife and her mexican friend have absolutely no sympathies for you illegal land invaders.

08-31-2007, 03:42 PM
Did you even fucking READ what I just posted above?!


Im not going to trouble myself with reading anything from a site like that.

If those things can be verified eslewhere then do so.

Pale Rider
08-31-2007, 03:47 PM
Im not going to trouble myself with reading anything from a site like that.

If those things can be verified eslewhere then do so.

I'm talking about what I posted "above" HERE... ON THIS SITE... IN THIS THREAD!!!

My freakin' GOD... are you TRUELY this fucking STUPID?????????!!!!!!!!!

Here... JUST FOR YOU... since you can't seem to read anything further back than TWO POSTS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Damn.... what is it with these dense sons a bitches?

Unlike the filthy liberals who attended the KOS convention, who also spews TONS of HATE, who would NOT denounce KOS, I am posting an article FULL of FACTS from a website. If there is more to a website, I am neither condoning what they say or agree with it. I AM however, posting a page from their website that is in NO WAY RACIST. It IS however, CRAMED WITH FACTS!

If these FACTS somehow UPSET YOU, YOU need a fucking REALITY CHECK!

08-31-2007, 03:48 PM
Im not going to trouble myself with reading anything from a site like that.

If those things can be verified eslewhere then do so.

Wow your always asking for links but as soon as they're provided you say you wont read them.

08-31-2007, 03:52 PM
Im not going to trouble myself with reading anything from a site like that.

If those things can be verified eslewhere then do so.

and you have something better to do......

Pale Rider
08-31-2007, 03:55 PM
and you have something better to do......

Apparently lying and being ignorant is something better to do.

09-01-2007, 10:21 AM
That is the most racist website I have ever seen. You should be ashamed posting one of its articles. Its specifically stated purpose is the separation of the races in America. It literally seeks aparthid in America. Are you unaware that 660,000 Americans died in the 1860s to prevent America from following that path?

This has nothing to do with racism.. What I am against is Illegal immigrants. It has nothing to do with race creed yada yada all that politically correct horseshit. I have been labeled a "racist" because I am against illegals. I want to see every illegal deported and branded like cattle so that if caught again we can enact stiffer punishments. I want evey illegal out period full stop end of story. Now I don't really care if it is done by violent or non violent means. As long as it gets done!!

09-01-2007, 11:31 AM
This has nothing to do with racism.. What I am against is Illegal immigrants. It has nothing to do with race creed yada yada all that politically correct horseshit. I have been labeled a "racist" because I am against illegals. I want to see every illegal deported and branded like cattle so that if caught again we can enact stiffer punishments. I want evey illegal out period full stop end of story. Now I don't really care if it is done by violent or non violent means. As long as it gets done!!Now here's a person who wants people "branded like cattle." Truly sick and fits well with the ideas expressed on the website that was quoted to start the thread.

09-01-2007, 11:32 AM
Pale if ya think people are gona just ignore it as irrevelevent when you post articles from a neo-nazi site no matter what it says you're crazy. Sources matter. If Ipost something from moveon I will expect people to blast it as liberal trash even if they might agree with some points in what is written.

09-01-2007, 11:47 AM
Didja ever see "V", that gawdawful tv show where the aliens who looked like us but were really big lizards in disguise and only wanted humans as entrees at their dinner parties? Are those the kind of aliens yer talkin' about?

<center><img src=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/1/10/V_mini_series_poster.JPG></center>

09-01-2007, 01:27 PM
Now here's a person who wants people "branded like cattle." Truly sick and fits well with the ideas expressed on the website that was quoted to start the thread.

Tattoo them if they have been caught here illegaly. I dont care how its done just get rid of all illegals. One of my really good friends came here from ukraine and did everything the legal way. He is an upstanding citizen. They are illegal and have no rights. Its the kook libs that want to give them rights and make everyone feel sorry for them fuck that and fuck them for being illegal.

Pale Rider
09-01-2007, 03:19 PM
Pale if ya think people are gona just ignore it as irrevelevent when you post articles from a neo-nazi site no matter what it says you're crazy. Sources matter. If Ipost something from moveon I will expect people to blast it as liberal trash even if they might agree with some points in what is written.

But LN, what I posted has no racisism in it. It's ALL FACTS! It's hard to find those facts. Most sites on the internet would rather ignore them, or just stick their head in the dirt and pretend they didn't exist.

And there's not a person here, liberal or otherwise, that can dispute those facts, and those facts paint an awful bleak picture of America and where it's headed.

09-01-2007, 05:41 PM
Tattoo them if they have been caught here illegaly. I dont care how its done just get rid of all illegals. One of my really good friends came here from ukraine and did everything the legal way. He is an upstanding citizen. They are illegal and have no rights. Its the kook libs that want to give them rights and make everyone feel sorry for them fuck that and fuck them for being illegal.

Yessiree! Let's get those forced labor camps up and running. And while were at it, make sure to get'em to the showers, but only after sorting the able-bodied from the dregs who get their 'showers'. The final solution needs to implemented...IMMEDIATELY!

09-01-2007, 05:44 PM
Yessiree! Let's get those forced labor camps up and running. And while were at it, make sure to get'em to the showers, but only after sorting the able-bodied from the dregs who get their 'showers'. The final solution needs to implemented...IMMEDIATELY!

Umm ive known Jeremy for years and hes far from racist................

09-01-2007, 05:57 PM
Yessiree! Let's get those forced labor camps up and running. And while were at it, make sure to get'em to the showers, but only after sorting the able-bodied from the dregs who get their 'showers'. The final solution needs to implemented...IMMEDIATELY!

Labeling me a "racist" for saying lets get rid of all illegals. Typical liberal response. Well just cause you are a fucking shit for brains retard doesnt mean I am "racist"

In here I said nothing of any race. Being an illegal isnt a "race" so dont try and play the race card on me you dumb ass. Being Illegal is a criminal learn the differece you kkok liberal

09-01-2007, 06:00 PM
This has nothing to do with racism.. What I am against is Illegal immigrants. It has nothing to do with race creed yada yada all that politically correct horseshit. I have been labeled a "racist" because I am against illegals. I want to see every illegal deported and branded like cattle so that if caught again we can enact stiffer punishments. I want evey illegal out period full stop end of story. Now I don't really care if it is done by violent or non violent means. As long as it gets done!!

Branded is going to far..............Why not put a microchip in them which alers us if they come back.

09-01-2007, 06:03 PM
Umm ive known Jeremy for years and hes far from racist................

I've got news for you and underwaterbasketweaver, Bully is gonna hand you two racists your ass on this subject like I have.

09-01-2007, 06:06 PM
Labeling me a "racist" for saying lets get rid of all illegals. Typical liberal response. Well just cause you are a fucking shit for brains retard doesnt mean I am "racist"

In here I said nothing of any race. Being an illegal isnt a "race" so dont try and play the race card on me you dumb ass. Being Illegal is a criminal learn the differece you kkok liberal

You aren't a racist wanting to get rid of illegals, quit playing the retarded card. You are a racist for espousing, murder of illegals, branding of illegals and now tattooing of illegals.

When you go to the yearly rally in Hayden Lakes, ID do you like to dress up as Rudolph Hess or Joseph Goebbels?

09-01-2007, 06:08 PM
I've got news for you and underwaterbasketweaver, Bully is gonna hand you two racists your ass on this subject like I have.

Anyways, quit sticking up for your boyfriend.

09-01-2007, 06:10 PM
Anyways, quit sticking up for your boyfriend.

You don't know what you are getting yourself into. Bully is a lib and I disagree with 90% of his views but intelligence wise you can't even wipe his ass.

This should be great reading as he picks you two apart.........kinda like you let Psycho do to you, you should be banned just for letting that happen to you.

09-01-2007, 07:26 PM
So, the people here who actually have a problem with Pale's post, DID take the time to read it, right?

Well, I fail to see how ANYONE could fine what he POSTED as racist, please, stick to the subject of the post.

I for one, found it informative, and illuminating.

We SHOULD be worried..............:cool:

09-01-2007, 07:39 PM
So, the people here who actually have a problem with Pale's post, DID take the time to read it, right?

Well, I fail to see how ANYONE could fine what he POSTED as racist, please, stick to the subject of the post.

I for one, found it informative, and illuminating.

We SHOULD be worried..............:cool:

A lot of us are really worried. If you goto the Nevada Minute Men website they have pictures of illegals protesting attacking Americans buring the Flag telling us to get out etc. This needs to be dealt with immediatly.

09-01-2007, 09:05 PM
Umm ive known Jeremy for years and hes far from racist................

He may not be racist, but the mentality is the same one that led to the the rise of the Third Reich. Let me suggest Richard J. Evans excellent history on the subject <a href=http://www.amazon.com/Coming-Third-Reich-Richard-Evans/dp/0143034693/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1/102-9921158-2297729?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1188698570&sr=8-1><i>The Coming of The Third Reich</i></a>. It is well written and very readable, don't let the nearly 500 pages put you off.

09-01-2007, 09:08 PM
He may not be racist, but the mentality is the same one that led to the the rise of the Third Reich. Let me suggest Richard J. Evans excellent history on the subject <a href=http://www.amazon.com/Coming-Third-Reich-Richard-Evans/dp/0143034693/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1/102-9921158-2297729?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1188698570&sr=8-1><i>The Coming of The Third Reich</i></a>. It is well written and very readable, don't let the nearly 500 pages put you off.

Im not saying his mentality is right. Branding is way off balance so is the statement he made about Americans being issued hunting liscenses with no bad limit on illegals. Just because hes my friend doesn't mean I agree with everything he says, he just doesn't always think things through before he says them. There are better ways to deal with it.

09-01-2007, 09:11 PM
Labeling me a "racist" for saying lets get rid of all illegals. Typical liberal response. Well just cause you are a fucking shit for brains retard doesnt mean I am "racist"

In here I said nothing of any race. Being an illegal isnt a "race" so dont try and play the race card on me you dumb ass. Being Illegal is a criminal learn the differece you kkok liberal

I don't believe I ever used the word 'racist' in my post. But at least I've gotten your attention. Review your history and look at your statement in that context, particularly with regard to the "tattooing" of illegals. Once started down that path, where do you stop...If you can?

09-01-2007, 09:24 PM
A lot of us are really worried. If you goto the Nevada Minute Men website they have pictures of illegals protesting attacking Americans buring the Flag telling us to get out etc. This needs to be dealt with immediatly.

It's right to worry about the issue especially given that since 9/11 the Bush administration and a congress dominated by the GOP until 2006 has utterly failed to secure Americas borders, let alone its ports. And the Democrats are equally culpable for their failure to deal with illegal immigration when they've been in power. But 9/11 gave the matter a whole new level of urgency, which Bush et al have ignored.

And the fact is that the solutions to the problem being offered by both the Democrats and the Republicans are too simplistic. They don't even begin to address the economic forces in Mexico, Central and South America that drive people to risk life and limb to come to the US, let alone the issue of employers who knowingly hire illegals with a wink and a nod to INS regulations and federal law.

It is a complex problem which simplistic solutions, no matter how appealing, will never solve, no matter how many "Minute Men" or how long and high the fence you put along our southern border. Oh...And don't forget the northern border either.

09-01-2007, 09:30 PM
ET phooooneeee homeeeeeeeeeeeeee

So Pale, tell me, how do you know that what the article wrote is true? Did you even bother to check the end notes it gives?

09-01-2007, 09:35 PM
It's right to worry about the issue especially given that since 9/11 the Bush administration and a congress dominated by the GOP until 2006 has utterly failed to secure Americas borders, let alone its ports. And the Democrats are equally culpable for their failure to deal with illegal immigration when they've been in power. But 9/11 gave the matter a whole new level of urgency, which Bush et al have ignored.

And the fact is that the solutions to the problem being offered by both the Democrats and the Republicans are too simplistic. They don't even begin to address the economic forces in Mexico, Central and South America that drive people to risk life and limb to come to the US, let alone the issue of employers who knowingly hire illegals with a wink and a nod to INS regulations and federal law.

It is a complex problem which simplistic solutions, no matter how appealing, will never solve, no matter how many "Minute Men" or how long and high the fence you put along our southern border. Oh...And don't forget the northern border either.

I've been saying for years both Boarders need to be secure, not just from Mexico, a lot of people come over illegally from the Canadian side, not saying they're Canadian as they tend to do it the right way, but people travel there to jump across.

I love how you attack the Republican house when the Democratic house is doing jack shit about this problem as well. Even the Shamnesty Bill was shit. These people need to be deported, employers prosecuted and imprisoned, fences put up, equipment bought to look for underground tunnels(where a lot are coming from, I forgot how many tunnels are being found but there are a lot and they are complex with ventalation and lighting, tunnels are also the way a lot of drugs are coming into the country), I also think some microchip technology should be used and put under the skin of any illegal who is caught as well as any felon and sex offender which makes locating them extremly easy.

09-01-2007, 09:42 PM
First, before I tear this article apart, let me just say that the picture it uses of people burning the American flag should be your first hint that whoever is writing this article is going to lie. If you look closely at the people, it’s very clear that they’re muslims, not Mexicans.

In addition, the cities that receive the largest numbers of immigrants also have twice the unemployment rate, three times the population density, 40 percent more people living in poverty, and 40 percent more serious crime per capita than cities with few or no immigrant arrivals. (1)

That’s a pretty strong argument isn’t it Pale?
Perhaps if you did some of your own research and checked the endnote you would have seen that it sources an “article” (another bull shit website) from 1997. You cannot use a source from 1997 in 2007. It’s 10 years old, and dramatically out dated. I called you out on this problem before in another ridiculously dishonest article you posted.

09-01-2007, 09:44 PM
I've been saying for years both Boarders need to be secure, not just from Mexico, a lot of people come over illegally from the Canadian side, not saying they're Canadian as they tend to do it the right way, but people travel there to jump across.

I love how you attack the Republican house when the Democratic house is doing jack shit about this problem as well. Even the Shamnesty Bill was shit. These people need to be deported, employers prosecuted and imprisoned, fences put up, equipment bought to look for underground tunnels(where a lot are coming from, I forgot how many tunnels are being found but there are a lot and they are complex with ventalation and lighting, tunnels are also the way a lot of drugs are coming into the country), I also think some microchip technology should be used and put under the skin of any illegal who is caught as well as any felon and sex offender which makes locating them extremly easy.

Republicans and Democrats, as I said before, are equally culpable. But you're not seeing the forest for the trees. The solutions you are suggesting, save for the microchip tagging (How long before we would ALL be carrying a sub Q chip in our forearms?), should all be <i>part</i> of a comprehensive solution. by themselves they are little more than band-aids which fail to address the underlying structural issues which drive people to put their live on the line to come to this country. Don't settle for the simple answer which provides some instant gratification but does nothing at all to solve the problem. And those solutions are just what are coming from both sides of the aisle in Congress.

09-01-2007, 09:46 PM
First, before I tear this article apart, let me just say that the picture it uses of people burning the American flag should be your first hint that whoever is writing this article is going to lie. If you look closely at the people, it’s very clear that they’re muslims, not Mexicans.

That’s a pretty strong argument isn’t it Pale?
Perhaps if you did some of your own research and checked the endnote you would have seen that it sources an “article” (another bull shit website) from 1997. You cannot use a source from 1997 in 2007. It’s 10 years old, and dramatically out dated. I called you out on this problem before in another ridiculously dishonest article you posted.

That's PR's, and his fellow travelers, <i>modus operandi</i>, and quoted from the white supremacist "National Alliance" website. :rolleyes:

09-01-2007, 09:49 PM
ET phooooneeee homeeeeeeeeeeeeee

So Pale, tell me, how do you know that what the article wrote is true? Did you even bother to check the end notes it gives?

And don't forget the copyright issues involved in posting very nearly an entire article from another source. Etiquette is to post a short segment then link to the source site. PR...You've been a baaaaad boy!

09-01-2007, 09:56 PM
Republicans and Democrats, as I said before, are equally culpable. But you're not seeing the forest for the trees. The solutions you are suggesting, save for the microchip tagging (How long before we would ALL be carrying a sub Q chip in our forearms?), should all be <i>part</i> of a comprehensive solution. by themselves they are little more than band-aids which fail to address the underlying structural issues which drive people to put their live on the line to come to this country. Don't settle for the simple answer which provides some instant gratification but does nothing at all to solve the problem. And those solutions are just what are coming from both sides of the aisle in Congress.

I dunno, they are going to be put on our soldiers for medical and identification purposes. I think its a good idea to monitor criminals. This of how many people are raped, hurt or killed a day by sex offenders who are out of jail and that we cant find.

09-01-2007, 09:57 PM
That's PR's, and his fellow travelers, <i>modus operandi</i>, and quoted from the white supremacist "National Alliance" website. :rolleyes:

Pale is not a racist.

09-01-2007, 10:02 PM
Joleeeenneee...Joleeeeeennneee....Please dont take him just because you can!

Pale Rider
09-01-2007, 10:32 PM
So the neg rep twins think they're going to pick apart the article aye... well... fine. Get to it. At the end of that article on the page that it came from is a list of every source used to compile all those facts. It's considerable, so you two better get started real soon if you're going to go through every one and be able to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that this little tidbit or that little tidbit may not be accurate. Actually, it might take quite awhile. But if all you're going to do is talk shit and spew personal insults, I'll have your ass. That I guarantee. Got it?

09-01-2007, 10:49 PM
Do any of you that think that illegals are not a problem have a street in the city where you live where they congregate and wait for someone to pick them up for a job? It's kinda scary. So what happens when they do not get picked up? How do they get their money to send home? And what happens with their kids that they pop out like it's a bunny ranch? And what about all the crimes being committed by illegals because they need a car, food, SS#, etc? Why is it so hard to come into this country legally? The second you come into this country illegally you break a law. What happens to people that break the law? They get punished. Obviously the punishment for breaking this law is not deterring them from coming, so maybe the law should be harsher. Maybe we can all look aty the facts and go "hmmm, something needs to change".

09-01-2007, 11:43 PM
You see all, this is the tactic of the far-left nutjobs. When you discuss illegal immigration, they do the following. They talk about how europeans came here illegally, without realizing, their was no soveign native american state, there were tribes all over, many fighting with each other. Second, they call you a racist, because they cant win the argument, third they talk about mexico owning, california and texas, without realizing, that spain held it first, and before that, native americans, not spain, not mexico. And finally, while legal immigration is completely different from illegal immigration, and open border zealots like badger couldnt get that, no matter what because they are so narrow minded, if their mind was an artery (to their heart) they would die of a heart attack. A country, has the legal and moral right to its own borders, period, regardless of history, we cant go back the first day of mankind and make everything perfect. Do not worry about people like badger, or those open border people that do not understand that illegal commit a crime by entering, working, and drain our budget, by using our housing, schools, welfare, lowering wages in some jobs. They are also ignorant that before 1947, german and italian immigrants, did the jobs that illegals do, and further more, illegals are not all mexican, nor do they all come originally from mexico, and we have those coming from canada, and over staying their visa's, but for a narrow minded, intolerant, jerk like badger and people like him. You either agree with him,or your a racist, so much for so called tolerance from the so called modern day democratic party.

That is the most racist website I have ever seen. You should be ashamed posting one of its articles. Its specifically stated purpose is the separation of the races in America. It literally seeks aparthid in America. Are you unaware that 660,000 Americans died in the 1860s to prevent America from following that path?

09-01-2007, 11:45 PM
You see all, this is the tactic of the far-left nutjobs. When you discuss illegal immigration, they do the following. They talk about how europeans came here illegally, without realizing, their was no soveign native american state, there were tribes all over, many fighting with each other. Second, they call you a racist, because they cant win the argument, third they talk about mexico owning, california and texas, without realizing, that spain held it first, and before that, native americans, not spain, not mexico. And finally, while legal immigration is completely different from illegal immigration, and open border zealots like badger couldnt get that, no matter what because they are so narrow minded, if their mind was an artery (to their heart) they would die of a heart attack. A country, has the legal and moral right to its own borders, period, regardless of history, we cant go back the first day of mankind and make everything perfect. Do not worry about people like badger, or those open border people that do not understand that illegal commit a crime by entering, working, and drain our budget, by using our housing, schools, welfare, lowering wages in some jobs. They are also ignorant that before 1947, german and italian immigrants, did the jobs that illegals do, and further more, illegals are not all mexican, nor do they all come originally from mexico, and we have those coming from canada, and over staying their visa's, but for a narrow minded, intolerant, jerk like badger and people like him. You either agree with him,or your a racist, so much for so called tolerance from the so called modern day democratic party.


09-02-2007, 12:29 AM
That's PR's, and his fellow travelers, <i>modus operandi</i>, and quoted from the white supremacist "National Alliance" website. :rolleyes:
PR still goes on clan hunts.

09-02-2007, 12:30 AM
Pale is not a racist.

09-02-2007, 12:42 AM
Idiotic statement.

If you disagree with the far left, you will be called a racist.

This mis-use of the word racist, hurts real racism, by devaluing the relevance of the word racism, to describe real racism.

PR still goes on clan hunts.

09-02-2007, 12:44 AM
Are you on drugs, or alcohol, because your last two posts, are far beneath intelligence. Ive seen better out of a beavis and butthead episode.

your last two posts

pr goes on clan hunts and now lmao

if you cant atleast disagree with some semblence of thought, please stop the diarhea of the mouth


09-02-2007, 01:05 AM


09-02-2007, 01:35 AM
for obama its lmgao laugh my gay ass off


09-02-2007, 01:38 AM
for obama its lmgao laugh my gay ass off


09-02-2007, 06:47 AM
Do any of you that think that illegals are not a problem have a street in the city where you live where they congregate and wait for someone to pick them up for a job? It's kinda scary. So what happens when they do not get picked up? How do they get their money to send home? And what happens with their kids that they pop out like it's a bunny ranch? And what about all the crimes being committed by illegals because they need a car, food, SS#, etc? Why is it so hard to come into this country legally? The second you come into this country illegally you break a law. What happens to people that break the law? They get punished. Obviously the punishment for breaking this law is not deterring them from coming, so maybe the law should be harsher. Maybe we can all look aty the facts and go "hmmm, something needs to change".

No, but we have our own areas where American homeless and disenfranchised people congregate in order to find jobs or panhandle. But, of course, nothing is done by city council but make attempts to sweep the problem under the rug rather than deal with the underlying issues leading to that homelessness.

09-02-2007, 06:50 AM
Forgive me bp, but isnt homelessness a different issue then illegal immigration?.

I dont know what the answer is to homelessness, when some of their by choice, some by hard luck, and some by mental illness.

No, but we have our own areas where American homeless and disenfranchised people congregate in order to find jobs or panhandle. But, of course, nothing is done by city council but make attempts to sweep the problem under the rug rather than deal with the underlying issues leading to that homelessness.

09-02-2007, 09:41 AM
Forgive me bp, but isnt homelessness a different issue then illegal immigration?.

I dont know what the answer is to homelessness, when some of their by choice, some by hard luck, and some by mental illness.

The only ones homeless by choice are amongst the mentally ill, but most mentally ill are on the streets because metal health issues aren't given parity with other medical issues.

As for illegals, it would seem that most of them are here...now...looking for jobs as a result of "hard luck" and crappy economies back home.

Pale Rider
09-02-2007, 09:45 AM
As for illegals, it would seem that most of them are here...now...looking for jobs as a result of "hard luck" and crappy economies back home.

So I don't think you're implying that "hard luck" makes it OK to break the law? You're smarter than that bully.

That would leave your reasoning open to a very reasonable comparison. Someone breaks into your house and makes them self at home. Eats your food, sleeps in your bed, uses your social security number, and it's all OK, because they were just having some "hard luck."

09-02-2007, 01:53 PM
I don't believe I ever used the word 'racist' in my post. But at least I've gotten your attention. Review your history and look at your statement in that context, particularly with regard to the "tattooing" of illegals. Once started down that path, where do you stop...If you can?

After Illegals figure out that they are not welcome here unless they do their imigration the LEGAL way then you can stop. Yes Gaydolph Shitler tattooed the Jewish. But that was because he didn't like Jewish people. OK well this is for another reason to help us identify who has already been in our country illegally so that we can enact a stiffer punishment. Or fine let them stay here ILLEGALLY and tax them 90 percent its high time they pay for us and repay the money that we have had to spend on their welfare and education. If the Hispanics could keep their dicks in their pants maybe they wouldn't need welfare because they had so many kids that they cant take care of them all. And as far as getting rid of them it needs to happen and it will but at what cost?? You saw that after we deported Elvira they were threatening riots. Do you know what happens in riots???? They tend to get violent and I will defend my family and my property from them rioting on it. In my state I have every right to do so.
I will not stand idly by and watch illegals get violent in the nation I defended and will continue to defend even after I am out of the military. I don't care if we get rid of them the violent or non-violent means. Every Illegal Alien is a threat to national security. Could be they are just CRIMINALS. OR USING OUR TAXES TO BANKRUPT US. OR THEY COULD BE A TERRORIST!! WOW WHAT A CONCEPT IN THESE POST 9-11 DAYS. Show me a non violent way to get rid of illegals and I will agree. But I bet if we start mass deportations then they are gonna get violent anyways. So what do we do oh wait lets cry for them and give them all citizenship and reward them for breaking our laws. FUCK THAT!!! I want mass deportations to commence post haste

09-02-2007, 01:57 PM
It's right to worry about the issue especially given that since 9/11 the Bush administration and a congress dominated by the GOP until 2006 has utterly failed to secure Americas borders, let alone its ports. And the Democrats are equally culpable for their failure to deal with illegal immigration when they've been in power. But 9/11 gave the matter a whole new level of urgency, which Bush et al have ignored.

And the fact is that the solutions to the problem being offered by both the Democrats and the Republicans are too simplistic. They don't even begin to address the economic forces in Mexico, Central and South America that drive people to risk life and limb to come to the US, let alone the issue of employers who knowingly hire illegals with a wink and a nod to INS regulations and federal law.

It is a complex problem which simplistic solutions, no matter how appealing, will never solve, no matter how many "Minute Men" or how long and high the fence you put along our southern border. Oh...And don't forget the northern border either.

I am sure that they are perfectly capable of fighting it in their own country but they don't why??

09-02-2007, 02:02 PM
Republicans and Democrats, as I said before, are equally culpable. But you're not seeing the forest for the trees. The solutions you are suggesting, save for the microchip tagging (How long before we would ALL be carrying a sub Q chip in our forearms?), should all be <i>part</i> of a comprehensive solution. by themselves they are little more than band-aids which fail to address the underlying structural issues which drive people to put their live on the line to come to this country. Don't settle for the simple answer which provides some instant gratification but does nothing at all to solve the problem. And those solutions are just what are coming from both sides of the aisle in Congress.

If they broke the law and raped a child then they need to be closely monitored so that we can maybe avoid them repeating their crimes again. I am totally for the death penalty of these sex offenders. Also Castration would be good for them but not chemically. With a Sword that would GET THEIR FUCKING ATTENTION!!!

09-02-2007, 02:05 PM
No, but we have our own areas where American homeless and disenfranchised people congregate in order to find jobs or panhandle. But, of course, nothing is done by city council but make attempts to sweep the problem under the rug rather than deal with the underlying issues leading to that homelessness.

We went to discussing illegals to homeless.... WTF????

09-02-2007, 02:06 PM
The only ones homeless by choice are amongst the mentally ill, but most mentally ill are on the streets because metal health issues aren't given parity with other medical issues.

As for illegals, it would seem that most of them are here...now...looking for jobs as a result of "hard luck" and crappy economies back home.


09-02-2007, 02:59 PM
After Illegals figure out that they are not welcome here unless they do their imigration the LEGAL way then you can stop. Yes Gaydolph Shitler tattooed the Jewish. But that was because he didn't like Jewish people. OK well this is for another reason to help us identify who has already been in our country illegally so that we can enact a stiffer punishment. Or fine let them stay here ILLEGALLY and tax them 90 percent its high time they pay for us and repay the money that we have had to spend on their welfare and education. If the Hispanics could keep their dicks in their pants maybe they wouldn't need welfare because they had so many kids that they cant take care of them all. And as far as getting rid of them it needs to happen and it will but at what cost?? You saw that after we deported Elvira they were threatening riots. Do you know what happens in riots???? They tend to get violent and I will defend my family and my property from them rioting on it. In my state I have every right to do so.
I will not stand idly by and watch illegals get violent in the nation I defended and will continue to defend even after I am out of the military. I don't care if we get rid of them the violent or non-violent means. Every Illegal Alien is a threat to national security. Could be they are just CRIMINALS. OR USING OUR TAXES TO BANKRUPT US. OR THEY COULD BE A TERRORIST!! WOW WHAT A CONCEPT IN THESE POST 9-11 DAYS. Show me a non violent way to get rid of illegals and I will agree. But I bet if we start mass deportations then they are gonna get violent anyways. So what do we do oh wait lets cry for them and give them all citizenship and reward them for breaking our laws. FUCK THAT!!! I want mass deportations to commence post hasteThis nazi weasel has neg repped me 3 times in this thread alone. Just because I object to "branding people like cattle." He is the zenith of what it means to be anti American. Imagine wanting to brand people like cattle or tattooing them. Just like the nazis used to tattoo the Jews. You are one hateful person, Water punk.

Pale Rider
09-02-2007, 04:53 PM
PR still goes on clan hunts.

Hey you scummy little, cock sucking, dick licker, you wanna me to tell my boys to hunt your maggot infested ass down and see what we can do to you? Keep pushing boy. You're getting in deeper than you got any kind of fucking sense to know how bad.

Pale Rider
09-02-2007, 04:57 PM
ET phooooneeee homeeeeeeeeeeeeee

So Pale, tell me, how do you know that what the article wrote is true? Did you even bother to check the end notes it gives?

So.... whoooooooooo weeeeeeeeee.... little faggot boy, tell me, did your little 13 year old boy friend's ass bleed when you fucked him last night? So what if it did, you can lick it off right? You like licking little boy brown eye don't ya faggot?

09-02-2007, 04:57 PM
Hey you scummy little, cock sucking, dick licker, you wanna me to tell my boys to hunt your maggot infested ass down and see what we can do to you? Keep pushing boy. You're getting in deeper than you got any kind of fucking sense to know how bad.
Pale rider still goes on clan hunts.

Pale Rider
09-02-2007, 04:58 PM
Pale rider still goes on clan hunts.

And we're goning to hunt your ass down boy, and string you up by your tiny little faggot balls, and then beat your fucking skull to mush with baseball bats. Sounds like fun don't it?

Sock Puppet
09-02-2007, 04:59 PM
So.... whoooooooooo weeeeeeeeee.... little faggot boy, tell me, did your little 13 year old boy friend's ass bleed when you fucked him last night? So what if it did, you can lick it off right? You like licking little boy brown eye don't ya faggot?
Wow... that wasn't very nice. :(

09-02-2007, 04:59 PM
So.... whoooooooooo weeeeeeeeee.... little faggot boy, tell me, did your little 13 year old boy friend's ass bleed when you fucked him last night? So what if it did, you can lick it off right? You like licking little boy brown eye don't ya faggot?
Thats funny. You sure seem to know a lot about what gay men do when they have sex in more than enough detail.

Had a few encounters in public bathrooms have we Pale?

09-02-2007, 05:00 PM
And we're goning to hunt your ass down boy, and string you up by your tiny little faggot balls, and then beat your fucking skull to mush with baseball bats. Sounds like fun don't it?
LOL ahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha lmao

I don't think I've ever laughed that hard after reading something someone wrote on a forum.

Pale Rider
09-02-2007, 05:01 PM
Wow... that wasn't very nice. :(

Shut the fuck piss bag. Nobody asked you shit.

Pale Rider
09-02-2007, 05:02 PM
Thats funny. You sure seem to know a lot about what gay men do when they have sex in more than enough detail.

Had a few encounters in public bathrooms have we Pale?

I've been readin the news papers about what you do faggot.

And maybe you better explain to the board what you did seven years in prison for.

Pale Rider
09-02-2007, 05:03 PM
LOL ahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha lmao

I don't think I've ever laughed that hard after reading something someone wrote on a forum.

I'm sure you did. You're too stupid to know how close you are to getting your ass kicked. You have no idea who you're really fucking with do ya boy?

09-02-2007, 08:27 PM
Pale and Obama08 have been given 48 hours off respectively. These types of attacks on one another need to stop.