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View Full Version : Liberals trying SO HARD to tie Trump to NZ shooting

03-18-2019, 12:34 PM
But they can't, they fail and look foolish, and then just up the ante each time. Trump spoke out about this quite a few times, but must have been when CNN was doing their usual :lalala: , which is all the time. :rolleyes:

But they will continue to do so, right up until the election. Fake news has been more than earned by them.

But they can only pull this crap when unopposed. Same with Wallace. The facts always get in the way though. I mean, c'mon, this one literally tried to edit things and leave things out to change it up for the viewers. That isn't fake news, that's lying.


Boom! Watch WH Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney DESTROYS Shameless Hack Chris Wallace for Editing Shooter’s Words to Falsely Indict Trump

On Friday a crazed shooter attacked two mosques in Christchurch and murdered over 45 Muslims.

The shooter left a 74-page manifesto where “Trump” turns up one and only time.

Here is the one Trump reference from the killer’s manifesto:

Were/are you a supporter of Donald Trump?

As a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose? Sure. As a policy maker and leader? Dear god no.

Despite this the liberal mainstream media has wasted no time blaming President Trump for the horrific attack.

On Sunday FOX News Sunday anti-Trump hack Chris Wallace questioned White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney about the mass shooting and tried to pin it on President Trump.

Of course, Chris Wallace edited the killer’s comments on the US president.
Mulvaney destroyed him.


Chris Wallace: “As a symbol of renewed identity and common purpose? sure.” What does the president think of that?

Mick Mulvaney: in fact I’m a little disappointed you didn’t put up the next sentence. The next sentence because I looked at it last night and it said, “What about his policies and as a leader?” And he said, “Dear God, no.” I don’t think it’s fair to cast this person as a supporter of Donald Trump anymore than it is to look at his sort of eco-terrorist passages in that manifesto to align him with Nancy Pelosi or Miss Ocasio-Cortez.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/03/boom-watch-wh-chief-of-staff-mick-mulvaney-destroys-shameless-hack-chris-wallace-for-editing-shooters-words-to-falsely-indict-trump-video/