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View Full Version : Democrats want to expand the supreme court

03-18-2019, 01:01 PM
In other words, they are unhappy with Trump naming a few, so now they know that expansion may be a way to help them get a majority back.

They want to limit free speech, kill babies the day before they are born, take our gun rights away, give illegals licenses and welfare and all kinds of help, while we have veterans suffering here still. And why? Is it ALL about votes? I really don't know, but what I DO know, is they want to help ILLEGALS while in the same breath taking away a lot of rights from Americans. :rolleyes:


Multiple Democrat Presidential Candidates Say They’re Open To Expanding The Supreme Court

For the Left, our nation’s institutions and procedures work – until Republicans win. We saw this after the 2016 election, when Democrats began suggesting the Electoral College be destroyed because President Donald Trump lost the popular vote. We saw it again when Trump nominated two conservative judges to the Supreme Court.

After Justice Anthony Kennedy announced his retirement last summer, left-wing media outlets like the Washington Post, Vox, and Jacobin began floating the idea of packing the Supreme Court to remove the conservative majority.

After the first day of hearings on then-Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh concluded, celebrity attorney Michael Avenatti demanded the eventual 2020 Democrat presidential nominee “commit” to packing the Court.

Rest - https://www.dailywire.com/news/44794/multiple-democrat-presidential-candidates-say-ashe-schow

03-18-2019, 01:12 PM
Trump should come out and say "I agree with my Democratic friends" and add 4 conservatives to SCOTUS and then watch those same idiots sue claiming that the Supreme Court can't be packed like that.

03-18-2019, 07:32 PM
​Its always a game called Leap-fog with Democrats...Of course...they want `their` rules...

03-18-2019, 08:42 PM
Borrowing a trick from FDR

I think it’s time to have term limits for Congressmen, Senators, and Article III judges i.e. justices with lifetime tenure.

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