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View Full Version : Half of Americans see a Trump victim of witch hunt

03-18-2019, 04:59 PM
I think this has likely been slowly rising, as things have went off course, and stayed off course. And seems Mueller and his team want to hit anyone and everyone looking for basically anything - with Russia being an afterthought. Glad to see others and the polls recognizing what I and many others believe. And yups, everyone knows about the indictments and wrongdoings he did find, God bless hit little heart, but they had nothing to do with the scope of the investigation.


Half of Americans see a Trump victim of witch hunt

Washington (AFP) - Half of Americans believe President Donald Trump is the victim of a political "witch hunt," nearly two years after the launch of the Russia meddling investigation, a new poll showed Monday.

Voters are also broadly opposed, 62 percent to 28 percent, to an impeachment effort against the president in the House of Representatives, the USA Today/Suffolk University poll showed.

But they overwhelmingly want Special Counsel Robert Mueller's final report on whether Trump obstructed justice and whether his campaign colluded with Russians made public.

Mueller has already issued some three dozen indictments, including charging six former aides and associates of the president and is believed to be winding up his investigation. He has given no indication so far what he will conclude.

Trump, who has stepped up his campaign to convince the public that Mueller's team is biased and the investigation politicized, tweeted "Wow!" in reaction to the poll.

"50% of Americans AGREE that Robert Mueller's investigation is a Witch Hunt," he wrote. "Very few think it is legit! We will soon find out?"

Rest - https://www.yahoo.com/news/poll-half-americans-see-trump-victim-witch-hunt-163443259.html