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View Full Version : Sen. Warren pitches more than $100 trillion in new spending

03-19-2019, 11:59 AM
But the wall, or any compromise of it, anything in the realm of $5.7 to $10 billion dollars is way too much.

We could build 17,543 walls at the tune of the 5.7 with their money. :rolleyes:

And damn, look at all those freebies she is offering! Talk about "bribing" for your votes!


Sen. Warren pitches more than $100 trillion in new spending during brief CNN townhall

Sen. Warren believes she knows the way into Americans’ hearts: Lots of government spending.

In her CNN townhall Monday night, Sen. Warren responded to almost every question with a proposed new government program.

Over the course of the 80 minute forum, Sen. Warren endorsed Medicare-for-All, slavery reparations, universal childcare, universal pre-K, “universal pre-pre-K,” the creation of 3 million new federal housing units, increasing infrastructure spending several times, forgiveness of student loan debt, and the Green New Deal.

Add it all up, and it’s more than $100 trillion.

Estimates range on Warren’s proposed spending plans, but the Green New Deal has alone been projected to cost at least $93 trillion; slavery reparations have previously been pegged at upward of $14 trillion; and Warren says her universal child care, universal pre-K, and universal pre-pre-K programs can be done for $3 trillion.

Despite the avalanche of proposed new spending, Warren was cautious about calling for new taxes. After describing her plans for greatly increasing the percentage of GDP spent on infrastructure, she was asked whether a gas tax might be necessary to finance it. Warren responded that she opposes a gas tax because it’s regressive against the poor.

Rest - https://news.grabien.com/story-sen-warren-pitches-more-100-trillion-new-spending-during-bri