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View Full Version : What media won't tell you about the New Zealand massacre

03-19-2019, 12:39 PM
Surprising? Nope. And it made no difference to the 50 dead.


What media won't tell you about the New Zealand massacre

News of the New Zealand shooting brought the usual calls for gun control in the United States. And while the mainstream media is helping fuel the prejudice against gun rights, their greatest bias is in what they refuse to print.

True to form, here are at least three things the media will not tell you about New Zealand’s shooting.

First, New Zealand has far greater gun control than we have in the United States.

New Zealand requires gun owner registration, licensing, universal background checks and more.

Authorities will even investigate gun buyers by interviewing family members before issuing licenses. So-called “assault weapons” are legal, but heavily restricted.

Taken together, the country’s gun control far exceeds what we have in the United States. And yet their extreme restrictions did not stop a bad guy from using firearms to commit a heinous massacre last week.

The failure of gun control is not unique to New Zealand. Consider Venezuela, where gun confiscation of all private firearms was followed by a horrendous spike in crime, making the country one of the most dangerous places on the planet.

Rest - https://dailycaller.com/2019/03/19/pratt-new-zealand/