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03-19-2019, 01:32 PM
or at least that's what Meathead thinks, as if I give a flying fuck what he thinks. 'Ol meathead turned into a radical foaming liberal many many moons ago, so I'm used to his antics.

Oh, and I'm also insidious. :)

He is wrong about the president and his lame names. He is wrong about us supporters, what we want, what we support.... he can just ask me if he likes, I'll give him polite responses. :dunno: Better to just do it his way I suppose.

Rob Reiner: ‘Insidious’ Trump Supporters Condone His ‘White Supremacy’

Hollywood director and left-wing activist Rob Reiner targeted President Donald Trump’s supporters in a new social media post, calling them an “insidious cult” who condone white supremacy.

“The President of the United States is a racist. He supports and promotes white supremacy & white nationalism,” Rob Reiner declared.

“If you are part of this insidious cult, you condone that. Period.”

Reiner, like other Hollywood stars, piled on Trump in the wake of a mass shooting targeting Muslims in Christchurch, New Zealand.

“What happened in New Zealand is horrifying. The rise of white supremacy & white nationalism is frightening. World leaders play a role in stoking this hatred. If you are not condemning white supremacy you are condoning it. If POTUS doesn’t condemn, he condones,” Reiner said.

Actor Jeffrey Wright even compared Trump to Osama Bin Laden in reaction to the president offering a message of condolences.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2019/03/19/rob-reiner-insidious-trump-supporters-condone-his-white-supremacy/

Abbey Marie
03-19-2019, 02:58 PM
Obama was a black supremacist. Just ask ‘ol Rev Wright if you’re unsure.

03-19-2019, 03:19 PM
Obama was a black supremacist. Just ask ‘ol Rev Wright if you’re unsure.

He also hates Jews, ask Louis Farrakhan.