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View Full Version : How much $$$ are you willing to give an online "friend" you haven't met yet?

03-19-2019, 04:57 PM
There has got to come a point where common sense or alarm bells override any sympathy, love, desires and even blindness you may have over the entire thing.

Sight unseen in real life and you hand over this kind of money to someone? This wasn't a very bright woman. How can you have such love for someone you haven't truly met and set eyes on in person yet? And now she's likely screwed.

And if she TOLD him she fell in love with him quickly, that's the moment the scammer likely knew he had her. :(


Woman scammed out of $273K by fake internet boyfriend: 'I fell in love with him quickly'

A single woman was scammed out of $273K by a man posing as a U.S. Marine Corps Major on Match.com.

Yin, a 56-year-old hairstylist from Oakland, Calif., told ABC 7 that she purchased a $107 six-month membership to Match.com and started talking to “David Perez” of San Fransisco, a divorced Marine Corps Major with a 10-year-old daughter.

They hadn’t met in person but Yin told ABC 7, “I fell in love with him quickly, you know. Like really deeply fall in love with him, trust in everything he said.”

Perez messaged her compliments such as, “Today was just an ordinary day until I thought of you and suddenly everything, everywhere became extraordinary.” However, he was worried their relationship could make friends “jealous,” so he asked Yin to keep it a secret.

Five weeks into the online relationship, Perez told Yin he was being deployed on a clandestine mission to Afghanistan and he needed money deposited into a Chinese bank account. “I know you’re doing everything to help me, but I just want you to try your best,” Perez wrote to Yin, according to ABC 7.

“I was so nervous shaking, I did not know what to do,” Yin told the station. “I told him, he said don’t worry, don’t worry, you know don’t cry.”

After sending Perez a total sum of $273K, the couple planned to meet at a seafood restaurant in Oakland to celebrate Yin’s birthday. But Perez stood her up.

“He said he was in the restaurant waiting for me,” Yin told ABC 7. “I went there, I couldn’t see him, that’s why I said, you know, it’s probably a scam.”

Chase Bank told ABC 7 that since Yin made the transactions willingly, their response is limited. Match.com deleted Perez’s profile and refunded her the cost of membership. Yin also filed a complaint with the FBI.

Rest - https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/woman-scammed-273k-fake-internet-boyfriend-fell-love-quickly-194204255.html

03-19-2019, 05:11 PM
She was / is a fool, plain and simple.

I have on-line friends that I would bend over backward to help, but
I have known them for years. One needs help now but would refuse
an offer.

This gal should have smelled SCAM from the outset!

03-19-2019, 05:12 PM
She was / is a fool, plain and simple.

I have on-line friends that I would bend over backward to help, but
I have known them for years. One needs help now but would refuse
an offer.

This gal should have smelled SCAM from the outset!

Same here, and that goes for some I've known here for quite a few years, and even spoken with.

But from a dating site? And on a James Bond mission? And needs $273 thousand beanies? Dang!

03-19-2019, 05:18 PM
Same here, and that goes for some I've known here for quite a few years, and even spoken with.

But from a dating site? And on a James Bond mission? And needs $273 thousand beanies? Dang!

Stunk from the term 'Secret Mission'. A major is well paid and that should have set off alarms, bells, whistles.

She is a fool.

03-19-2019, 06:43 PM


03-20-2019, 08:18 AM
I have zero sympathy for this idiot and hope the FBI told her to take a hike, I suspect they did. I've sent exactly one online friend anything in my life and that was a board donation to Jim. I don't think I'd even give $275K to a real life friend. I mean seriously. I loaned my sister in law $50K to start a business , but that was years after her sister and I had gotten married.

Some people are too dumb for words, other people take advantage of those stupid people. Not exactly news.